Looks Scientifically Proving White Men & Women Are The Most Attractive In Asia & Asian People Are Getting Surgery To Look White On a Mass Scale


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Asian Beauty Standard 1: small face


As you can see, white people have small faces, while asian people have wide big faces.

Proving that white people fit face size beauty standard and asian people dont.

Beauty Standard 2: V-shaped face, unprounced jawline & pointed chin


As you can see,
white people have a v-shaped jaw, while asians have a round jaw
white people have a pointed chin, while asians have a non-pointed chin

Proving that white people fit the jaw shape beauty standard, while asian people do not.

3. porcelain white skin/pale skin/paper white skin

(screenshots taken from "walking around seoul" youtube video (aka reality, not edited photos)

easy to get confused with this one, as asian people use an extreme amount of whitening chemicals, whitening makeup, photo editing, filters etc..

but asian people, even including the most northest ones like chinese japanese koreans are all brown people, they range from a slight tan, reddish, or yellow dull colour, to a medium brown.

even the asians you think are white, due to extreme editing etc are light brown in reality, as i showed with the korean celebrities above, which lots of people would bet their life that them people are white skinned. but in reality, they're not. they cant ever change the fact they're GENETICALLY brown people.

meanwhile whites genetically have paper white skin.

however whites can go to a red or tanned colour AFTER YEARS of intense tanning.

but white people are genetically white and stay paper white if they dont go out of their way to do extreme tanning, and even after tanning whites still go back to paper white.

meanwhile asians will always be brown/ tanned/pinkish red/yellow even if theyre light for an asian.

Proving that white people fit the skin colour beauty standard, while asian people do not.

Asian beauty standard no.4: a thin, high, pointed nose


As you can clearly see,

White people have a thin, high, pointed nose
Asian people have a wide, flat, bulbous nose

Proving that white people fit the nose beauty standard, while asian people do not.

Asian beauty standard no.5: big eyes with double eyelids. so NOT a monolid


As you can see, asians, especially Mongolians, Koreans, Chinese, have tiny eyes with a single eyelid aka monolid.

Whereas white people have big eyes with a double eyelid.

Proving that East asian people(not south east asians) do not fit the eye shape beauty standard. But white people do fit it.

Asian beauty standard no.6: plump, heart shaped lips


Both asian people and white people have heart shaped lips

However, asian people do have more plump lips. Whereas white people have just average lips.

This therefore proves that Asian people do fit the lips beauty standard, but white people do not.

Beauty standard no.7: 1:8 Golden ratio(your head should fit in your body 8 times.)


White people have average size heads, whereas asian people have rather large heads, which is also a proponent of East asian's IQ
White people are tall, while asians are small.

Asians big head with small body does NOT fit the 1:8 golden ratio. Their heads dont look the proportionate size for their bodies.

Whereas white peoples average head with tall body DOES fit the 1:8 golden ratio. Their heads look proportionate size for their bodies.

Therefore proving that white people fit the 1:8 golden ratio head to body size beauty standard, whereas asian people do not.

Asian beauty standard no.8: tall height (for men, not women)


White men average around 5ft11. 5ft10 in shorter souther countries like spain -6ft1 in northern countries like Netherlands
Asian men average around 5ft6. 5ft4 in shorter countries like philippines, -5ft8 in more northern countries like korea

Proving that white men do fit the height beauty standard, while asian men do not.

To conclude, this proves that White people are the most attractive, and asian people are getting surgery on a mass scale to obtain white facial features and skin colour. (despite how much they will deny it)


Yes it seems strange that Asian beauty standards are to be white in EVERY ASPECT. And a natural reaction , especially as an asian , would be to DENY it.

However, feel free to Google Asian/korean/chinese beauty standards, and you'll see everything I wrote above

"In the study by Wong et al3, judges of various ethnicities (including Caucasian, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Hispanic, and African) rated lips and faces based on their attractiveness.

Korean men and women were judged to have the most attractive lips, but the least attractive faces, while Caucasian men and women were judged to have the least attractive lips, but the most attractive faces." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5774906/

Also, a SCIENTIFIC study, showed white men and women's faces were judged to be the most attractive, while Korean men and women's faces were judged to be the least attractive.

The scientific study ALSO correlates to the beauty standards listed above, because white people do not fit the PLUMP LIPS beauty standard, whereas asians do. And it mentioned that in the study asians had more attractive lips. So the study is REALITY. the beauty standards i listed above are REALITY.

Also every dating app study across millions of people showed whites are the most attractive to asian women.


White men fit 7/8 of the Asian beauty standards (they fit all the beauty standards except plump lips)

White women fit 6/8 of the Asian beauty standards(due to their tall height and non-plump lips being unattractive)

East Asian women fit 1/8 of the Asian beauty standards(they only have plump lips, but missing everything else)

East Asian men fit 1/8 of the Asian beauty standards(they only have plump lips, but missing everything else)

South East Asian women fit 3/8 of the Asian beauty standards (they have plump lips, smaller face, bigger eyes with double lid, but missing everything else)

Proving that white men AND women are the most attractive people in Asia.

The only potential problem why white women wouldnt be desired in asia, is for their tall bodies, as asian men are short so they'd be the same height. But facially, white women are desired.

- All east asian beauty standards are white features. They are born with none of those features naturally
- scientific studies show white faces were rated better looking than east asians
- dating app studies show asian women prefer white men
- there's statistics of many Chinese and Korean women buying white sperm so their kid can look more white
- the most famous Korean TV presenter flew to Japan to get white sperm donor cos its illegal in her country
- the last 30 asian miss universe winners, 28 are wives of white men

What more proof does one need?
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South Koreans are super plasticey looking (Both the men & the women).
Comparing them to North Koreans you would not think at first they were the same ethnicity.
Also blacks fit more of the beauty standards in asia than asians, as shown above with the skull pics @AlexBrown84

Kinda brutal how their beauty standard puts every race above them
@QuantativeAnalyticalBS how many panic attacks has this thread caused you so far
Refuted your bullshit thread with the facts of evolutionary biology.

Refuted your bullshit thread with the facts of evolutionary biology.

cope study, females select for strongest genes (not that it even matters as they couldnt select in the past). Humans have a bias towards their own race and family, but this doesnt apply to mating patterns unless you are talking about cultural values. but even then that is a whole seperate topic from hooking up short term relationships, which every piece of substantial data points to white features being favored
cope study, females select for strongest genes (not that it even matters as they couldnt select in the past).
Fittest and 'strongest' genes = optimal genotype which is the same ethnicity.

they couldnt select in the past
Prove it.

Humans have a bias towards their own race and family, but this doesnt apply to mating patterns unless you are talking about cultural values
Yes, it does. White men = highest fitness men = healthiest offspring for white women.

but even then that is a whole seperate topic from hooking up short term relationships, which every piece of substantial data points to white features being favored
It's rare for a woman to follow a short term mating strategy. White features are maladaptive in asian and Africa. Only the rejects will select for them because they lack socio-economic status due to being rejects and must use foreign men as pay pigs to survive.
1. Asian people are the most unattractive people.
2. Asia is the only place where you can get a girlfriend.
Insulting Asian people is an insult to yourself. Compliment Asian people, it will make you look better.

There's many attractive Asian people. In addition to that, they are also welcoming and value a person's heart and mind over just their outwards appearance. That's why you are going to Asia, because that's the kind of people you want to surround yourself with.

It's okay to be Asian.
1. Asian people are the most unattractive people.
2. Asia is the only place where you can get a girlfriend.
Insulting Asian people is an insult to yourself. Compliment Asian people, it will make you look better.

There's many attractive Asian people. In addition to that, they are also welcoming and value a person's heart and mind over just their outwards appearance. That's why you are going to Asia, because that's the kind of people you want to surround yourself with.

It's okay to be Asian.
Where did I ever insult asian people? I just posted their beauty standards
Refuted your bullshit thread with the facts of evolutionary biology.

biology (cope) vs. dating app data over millions of people (reality)
biology (cope) vs. dating app data over millions of people (reality)
Hahahahhaha. Are you for real? Biology is rigorous and following the scientific model. Dating app data with no proof of who is on the other end is worthless.

You are super low IQ.
Hahahahhaha. Are you for real? Biology is rigorous and following the scientific model. Dating app data with no proof of who is on the other end is worthless.

You are super low IQ.
Keep being in denial, reality hurts you I know, but don't worry, make you can be white in the next life
- Beauty standard is purely white features
- Scientific study shows white is more attractive
- All dating app studies showing asian females actual actions shoes they prefer white men

What more proof does one need
The asian obsession with pale skin predates colonialism and has NOTHING to do with attraction to pale Europeans.

The double eyelid isn't a 'white trait.' It's common in certain populations in Asia. Asian females are conditioned to see white features as high status and superior. This has nothing to do with genetic attraction which stems from evolved psychology. Man made media convincing them to see certain groups as attractive based on man made social constructs is modern psychology which can drive women to select according to what's fashionable and trendy. This can override their evolved psychology in some cases.

Dating app data doesn't show who Asian women ended up with in the end. The dating app data has no proof of who is on the other end. So, its worthless. The majority of people never meet from dating apps. Women use it to inflate their egos and to laugh at the rejects on them.

I have refuted your BS post.
Fittest and 'strongest' genes = optimal genotype which is the same ethnicity.

Prove it.

Yes, it does. White men = highest fitness men = healthiest offspring for white women.

It's rare for a woman to follow a short term mating strategy. White features are maladaptive in asian and Africa. Only the rejects will select for them because they lack socio-economic status due to being rejects and must use foreign men as pay pigs to survive.
youre equating the effects of race mixing onto female selection. females aren't eugenicists and have never had agency in their mating partners, always under the thumb of their father, tribe, and likewise. You're assuming that a woman is taking these things into account when selecting for fun times on Tinder, which every substantial piece of evidence and study shows them selecting for white males disproportionately. When I said females go for strong features I mean ones that they find attractive and dominant, not for ones that are similar to themselves. Keep changing goal posts and throwing cope studies around like it changes anything. The fact of the matter is that in a globalized smv and in the west ethnics are at a disadvantage unless they are within the top 10-20% of looks within their respective race.
The asian obsession with pale skin predates colonialism and has NOTHING to do with attraction to pale Europeans.

The double eyelid isn't a 'white trait.' It's common in certain populations in Asia. Asian females are conditioned to see white features as high status and superior. This has nothing to do with genetic attraction which stems from evolved psychology. Man made media convincing them to see certain groups as attractive based on man made social constructs is modern psychology which can drive women to select according to what's fashionable and trendy. This can override their evolved psychology in some cases.

Dating app data doesn't show who Asian women ended up with in the end. The dating app data has no proof of who is on the other end. So, its worthless. The majority of people never meet from dating apps. Women use it to inflate their egos and to laugh at the rejects on them.

I have refuted your BS post.
>The asian obsession with pale skin predates colonialism and has NOTHING to do with attraction to pale Europeans.

How does this disprove anything, it just shows that the sense of beauty is innate and that white features like lighter skin are attractive universally regardless of muh media representation. you just disproved your own argument. Your studies are right in that women are much more racially selective than men are, but racially selective in terms of choosing the traits that can benefit them and their offspring. This goes for any race of chad men really, but the difference is that caucasian men are born with traits that are usually universally desired by females like colored eyes, usually taller height (I can admit this is changing but even then average heights in Zogrea are still 5'8 for zoomers and nowhere near as tall as people claim), nose types, etc.
>double eyelid isn't a white trait

But it literally is though, most asians are monolid and alot undergo double eye surgery. Kpop pill is essentially undergoing surgeries to get caucasian features

>This has nothing to do with genetic attraction which stems from evolved psychology. Man made media convincing them to see certain groups as attractive based on man made social constructs is modern psychology which can drive women to select according to what's fashionable and trendy. This can override their evolved psychology in some cases.

You're once again confusing the effects and results of JBW for the reasons behind it. You can't convince through media that a certain group of people are attractive, this would be like saying portraying obese and midgets would make women lust for them money or status not a factor. I know several woman irl who said they would fuck lil wayne but its entirely due to his fame and status, otherwise he would be posting in the same deathnic subs that you do. Yes, pretty boy light skinned Kpop idols are trendy now, same as how Tyrones with height and caucasian skulls are lusted over in sports and hiphop. This doesnt change the fact that these kpop idols go through extensive surgeries for features that majority of white men are just born with and the simple fact that the good majority of asian men do not look like kpop idols.

>Dating app data doesn't show who Asian women ended up with in the end. The dating app data has no proof of who is on the other end. So, its worthless.

The majority of people never meet from dating apps. Women use it to inflate their egos and to laugh at the rejects on them.
This is sublevel iq and now I know youre trolling but I'll bite anyway. Majority of women DO meet their partners online, and the simple reality is that in the West females both ethnic and white swipe on white men significantly more than they do men of even their own race. Using marriage stats is a moot point, unless you are trying to justify betabux oofy doofy as da real winners than sure whatever makes you sleep at night, this is the same argument ricecopers throw around at JBW anyway.

>F-females totally just match with white dudes and fuck them and marry their asian betabux at 35 for the shits and giggles bro

I am not even a wingnat or give a fuck about le white race. In fact I root for china to take over JewSA. its just tiresome seeing asians cope like this and lash out.
>The asian obsession with pale skin predates colonialism and has NOTHING to do with attraction to pale Europeans.

How does this disprove anything, it just shows that the sense of beauty is innate and that white features like lighter skin are attractive universally regardless of muh media representation. you just disproved your own argument. Your studies are right in that women are much more racially selective than men are, but racially selective in terms of choosing the traits that can benefit them and their offspring. This goes for any race of chad men really, but the difference is that caucasian men are born with traits that are usually universally desired by females like colored eyes, usually taller height (I can admit this is changing but even then average heights in Zogrea are still 5'8 for zoomers and nowhere near as tall as people claim), nose types, etc.
>double eyelid isn't a white trait

But it literally is though, most asians are monolid and alot undergo double eye surgery. Kpop pill is essentially undergoing surgeries to get caucasian features

>This has nothing to do with genetic attraction which stems from evolved psychology. Man made media convincing them to see certain groups as attractive based on man made social constructs is modern psychology which can drive women to select according to what's fashionable and trendy. This can override their evolved psychology in some cases.

You're once again confusing the effects and results of JBW for the reasons behind it. You can't convince through media that a certain group of people are attractive, this would be like saying portraying obese and midgets would make women lust for them money or status not a factor. I know several woman irl who said they would fuck lil wayne but its entirely due to his fame and status, otherwise he would be posting in the same deathnic subs that you do. Yes, pretty boy light skinned Kpop idols are trendy now, same as how Tyrones with height and caucasian skulls are lusted over in sports and hiphop. This doesnt change the fact that these kpop idols go through extensive surgeries for features that majority of white men are just born with and the simple fact that the good majority of asian men do not look like kpop idols.

>Dating app data doesn't show who Asian women ended up with in the end. The dating app data has no proof of who is on the other end. So, its worthless.

The majority of people never meet from dating apps. Women use it to inflate their egos and to laugh at the rejects on them.
This is sublevel iq and now I know youre trolling but I'll bite anyway. Majority of women DO meet their partners online, and the simple reality is that in the West females both ethnic and white swipe on white men significantly more than they do men of even their own race. Using marriage stats is a moot point, unless you are trying to justify betabux oofy doofy as da real winners than sure whatever makes you sleep at night, this is the same argument ricecopers throw around at JBW anyway.

>F-females totally just match with white dudes and fuck them and marry their asian betabux at 35 for the shits and giggles bro

I am not even a wingnat or give a fuck about le white race. In fact I root for china to take over JewSA. its just tiresome seeing asians cope like this and lash out.
Didnt read and King of Kyiv alt @BeardedUnicorn 🤣🤣
1. Asian people are the most unattractive people.
2. Asia is the only place where you can get a girlfriend.
Insulting Asian people is an insult to yourself. Compliment Asian people, it will make you look better.

There's many attractive Asian people. In addition to that, they are also welcoming and value a person's heart and mind over just their outwards appearance. That's why you are going to Asia, because that's the kind of people you want to surround yourself with.

It's okay to be Asian.
I fully agree
The asian obsession with pale skin predates colonialism and has NOTHING to do with attraction to pale Europeans.

The double eyelid isn't a 'white trait.' It's common in certain populations in Asia. Asian females are conditioned to see white features as high status and superior. This has nothing to do with genetic attraction which stems from evolved psychology. Man made media convincing them to see certain groups as attractive based on man made social constructs is modern psychology which can drive women to select according to what's fashionable and trendy. This can override their evolved psychology in some cases.

Dating app data doesn't show who Asian women ended up with in the end. The dating app data has no proof of who is on the other end. So, its worthless. The majority of people never meet from dating apps. Women use it to inflate their egos and to laugh at the rejects on them.

I have refuted your BS post.
Tales from mental ward in the slums of New Delhi @QuantativeAnalyticalBS
youre equating the effects of race mixing onto female selection. females aren't eugenicists and have never had agency in their mating partners, always under the thumb of their father, tribe, and likewise. You're assuming that a woman is taking these things into account when selecting for fun times on Tinder, which every substantial piece of evidence and study shows them selecting for white males disproportionately. When I said females go for strong features I mean ones that they find attractive and dominant, not for ones that are similar to themselves. Keep changing goal posts and throwing cope studies around like it changes anything. The fact of the matter is that in a globalized smv and in the west ethnics are at a disadvantage unless they are within the top 10-20% of looks within their respective racrace
Do you have Discord? I will debate you.

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