Advice Rance's Guide to HelloTalk


Well-known Member
Oct 9, 2024
Reaction score
U.S. → Japan → China
I used HelloTalk on and off for the 2 years I lived in Japan, have used it for countless dates, and some of my best experiences have been with girls from HelloTalk. It is the only app I seriously used for meeting women.

This guide will be written from the perspective of a Westerner in Japan. You may apply most of the principles to geomaxxing in other countries, but since my experience is with Japan, some information will be location-specific.

Why HelloTalk?
HelloTalk, unlike a lot of dating apps, has some unique characteristics that make it great for meeting women. In particular, it’s not a dating app. That’s actually a good thing because:
  • It gives you access to girls who aren’t on dating apps. Hot girls don’t need to use dating apps, and if they do they’re absolutely inundated. On HelloTalk it’s not unusual to see kyaba class girls, and you can just message them -- no need to match or pay money.

  • It’s an SNS app. That means you can use social proof to get girls without relying purely on a few photos and an essentially meaningless bio. It’s more akin to Instagram than Tinder.

  • It’s a language learning app. A lot of girls are happy to talk a lot and even call with you. You can talk and call with girls all around the country to practice your Japanese, text game, vibing and cutting deep, and improve your cultural knowledge. Basically, even girls who live far away or who don’t get out can help you to improve these other aspects of your game.

There’s one caveat. If you overtly use the app for "dating purposes" you will get banned. I even saw a girl get banned because she made a status asking if anyone was interested in a date. If you get banned, they don’t just ban your account, they fingerprint your device and make it impossible to log in with your device ever again. So keep it light and don’t give girls reasons to block/report you.

Oh yeah, and don’t mention any politics or stuff to do with China.

A girl I know got her post shadow banned for sharing sexy pics. She sent me this info she received regarding HelloTalk’s rules for posts/comments:


When to Use HelloTalk
In hindsight, I would avoid creating a HelloTalk account too long before coming to Japan. There are several reasons for this.

Generally, it is difficult to keep up momentum. If you create an account, say, two months before you arrive, you will have to juggle many conversations for weeks on end without having the opportunity to meet with them in person. Predictably, I lost a lot of opportunities from this.

More specifically, when you create an account, you are put on some kind of “new user showcase” list. Within the first hour I got 10-15 messages. This would have been a lot more beneficial if it had been closer to my date of arrival.

If you are foreigner coming to Japan, I would advise creating your HelloTalk account around 1-3 weeks prior to arrival. Gives you some time to build up a presence without losing people to attrition.

Your Profile
Not that important except for your picture. Stand out in small ways if you can.
  1. Profile picture
    Choose your best picture, ideally looking cool and handsome. Generally speaking the best profile pics are looking away from the camera but still showing your face, looking thoughtful rather than smiling, and hinting at qualities like good fashion sense, fun lifestyle, that you have money, etc. Basically you should go with the coolest pic you have. Use filters on your pics. For selfies download an app like カメラ360, b612, BeautyPlus or SNOW. Or, at the least, LINE Camera. They’ll give you perfect skin, bring out the color of your eyes, even adjust the proportions/symmetry of your face. Find some filters that suit your style. Make yourself ikemen.

  2. Name
    Keep it simple. Use your real name or a cute nickname. It is probably best to use English characters since HT girls are learning English and think it looks cooler. You can’t use special characters like ✰ or ⭐ but you can use this tool to write in styles like: 𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

  3. Location
    This is the location you want girls to associate with you. Set it to the most convenient place where you intend to have the majority of your dates. Next time you’re in that location, update your location to there, then disable it from updating automatically. There is also a feature to search for people in "your area", which will use this location as well.

  4. Bio
    Doesn’t really matter. Short and simple is fine. Write it in your personal style if you have one. I like to write all in lowercase and use animal emojis, but that’s totally unnecessary. Just do what you like.

Your Posts
This is where the meat of girls’ curiosity in you is generated. A good profile picture in combination with an attractive timeline is what makes girls respond to your messages despite being hit up by countless other guys.

It may feel like there’s a lot of competition, but there’s actually very little quality competition. Most guys have really boring profiles that make them look the same as every other guy. They’re not in Japan, their pictures suck, every post has only 3 likes, etc.

These are just guidelines but the main goal is to get as many likes on your posts as possible, to look as socially proofed and attractive as possible. Lots of girls commenting is also a bonus. Aim for around 70 likes per quality post in the beginning, and scale up to hundreds.
  • Stick to posts around the “big 5” topics: food, travel, fashion, entertainment, relationships. I’ve written these roughly in order of priority. Food and travel are best because they appeal equally to both men and women and thus maximize that like count. Food edges out travel because travel requires more effort. Some fashion posts are good just to make you look more attractive to girls reading your timeline and get girls commenting how fashionable you are. Pics of you having fun with friends, with animals, etc., are also good. You can also "borrow" some good looking travel pics from insta of places you’ve been to. No reason to limit yourself to your own photos and it’s probably much easier.

  • Every post should have at least 1 photo. 3 photos, 6 or 9 are better because it’s more aesthetic. If you have only 1 photo, consider splitting it into 9 photos to effectively enlarge it. I used the app PhotoSplit for this purpose.

  • Write in perfect Japanese if you can so people aren’t correcting you all the time. Japanese is better than English because your audience can read it with zero effort. That said, I like to mix Japanese with simple English sentences like you see in song lyrics.

  • Your goal is both quality and quantity. Quality is what makes your profile attractive and you should have a timeline full of quality posts. But quantity is a low effort way to drive engagement and more views to your profile. A girl might tap on your profile from a low effort text-only post, but then drop likes on your quality posts and become curious about you. Delete low quality posts after an hour.

  • The time you post your quality posts matters. You want them to be viewed by as many people as possible, so post when a lot of people are online, ideally around 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Reply to all of your comments, and take any cute girls to your DMs.

  • Bonus: Make quality posts for seasonal events like Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc., as HelloTalk editors sift through these posts and if they think yours is quality, they can mark it as 特集 and you’ll get thousands of views and hundreds and hundreds of likes.
If you sign up for VIP (if you can, look out for a lifetime offer), you can set multiple target languages. Definitely set yourself to 3 target languages to increase the number of eyeballs on your statuses. If you do that, you will have access to a lot more people to view and like your content. But you’ll probably have to use more English so the non-Japanese audiences can understand. I personally added Chinese and Spanish, as I estimated them to have the largest number of users.

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Building a Following
Every now and then when you have time, scroll through your feed and like people’s posts (both men's and women's). Just hit the like button on whatever posts appeal to you. Visit their profiles, maybe like 1 or 2 of their other posts, or leave a comment.

Have a lot of small interactions with people and follow them. If you have a good timeline there’s a decent chance they’ll follow you back. You want to accumulate as many followers as possible cause that’s how you break through to getting hundreds of likes. A subset of your followers will see your posts even though they weren’t online when you posted it and give it a like or comment.

When I was first experimenting with this, I found I could just go through my feed, like posts and follow people, and get anywhere from 20 to 40 new followers in a day just from this during my commutes.

Do note that there is 50 follow per day limit, so you can’t go crazy on it. This is in reference to how many people you can follow, not how many people can follow you. I have gotten up to 100 followers in a single day before.

Once you build up a following, instead of following randos from your feed, follow people who liked your recent posts. I found the number of people who follow me back from this method is at least double that of following random people. You should be able to steadily accumulate followers every day from this method. I experimented today and found 1/3 followed me back (16 follow backs from 50 follows).

Every now and then go through your follow list and unfollow anyone who isn’t following you back. That way you can interact with them again in future without it being one-sided.

Finding Girls
I message girls pretty randomly but you can use the partner search feature to find girls who live nearby and have been active on the app recently. Use the 周辺 and 所在地 tabs.

Messaging Girls
With a strong profile and timeline, you’re basically on priority for every girl. I pretty much always get my first message responded to, and girls will sometimes say I must get so many messages, or I must be so popular, etc.

But know that even with your profile, girls will still get bored of you, especially the hot ones. You have to make the most of their initial interest. Message back and forth a bit, work out if they’re anywhere close to where you live, suggest getting a drink or going to a cafe.

I usually ask for LINE after getting a date in the calendar cause it feels pretty natural and helps me organize better, but you can ask for LINE earlier as well. It helps to put you in a separate category from the other HelloTalk guys. Make sure you get the LINE before the date because HT chat servers can be unreliable and I’ve been burned by them before. Do note that sharing non-HT social media profiles is iffy in terms of the HT terms of service. I would avoid sharing URLs or QR codes. Refer to LINE as "line" and just give your ID without any links.

Girls on HT can be chatty so I like to vibe a bit, cut deep about something, then ask out. It’s usually pretty easy if there’s a feeling of common values. It also makes the date easier cause you already have a connection.

If you can, call. Calling gives a much more powerful impression than messaging. Most of the times that HT girls got quite into me it was because we called. I’ll call with girls quite a lot and it’s good for your Japanese and overall vibing and cutting deep skills. Exercise that "talk forever" muscle and see how long you can keep it interesting.

If you have a personal style for texting, stick to that. Don’t go crazy -- the same rules apply: match her energy, use the big 5 topics, vibe & cut deep. Honestly your profile should do the heavy lifting, so you have a lot of leeway. But some kind of uniqueness in various small ways is good.

Personally I’ll usually start with a light boyfriend frame straight away, saying stuff like 「まだ寒いからあったかくしてねー🦔 」from the outset. Sometimes I’ll say really cheesy stuff in English like if she cried at a film I might say "the film spoke to your heart ❤️". I’ll use a ton of animal emojis or sometimes write things in Japanese in a weird, poetic, roundabout, or creative way.

That’s just the style I stumbled onto, but basically, if you’re seen as attractive and popular, she’ll frame most unique stuff you do as quirky and cute and it’ll only make her interested in you more. It’s the halo effect. So feel free to experiment and stick with whatever you enjoy and feel works for you.

Of course, you can also strip everything down to the bare essentials and streamline as much as possible if you want as well.

Preparing for the Date
Keep talking to her a bit in the days leading up if you have time. If not, the same as any other date, message her sometime before to reduce chance of flaking. I think voice calling is your greatest weapon in bridging the gap to the date. There is a very natural progression from Text → Voice → Meet.

Re-read your whole conversation with the girl so that you remember any important info she might’ve told you like what she does, where she grew up, what you vibed or cut deep about.

Emotional calibration and aftercare are particularly important because if she feels burned she’ll report you.

This advice is based on my personal experience. If you have other experiences please add it to this thread.

Any questions about HT also welcome here.
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2 quick questions :
1) Can using a VPN on your phone when the app is closed impact hide your profile, or diminish your visibility ?
2) Since you’re going to China, will you replace Line with Wechat ?
2 quick questions :
1) Can using a VPN on your phone when the app is closed impact hide your profile, or diminish your visibility ?
2) Since you’re going to China, will you replace Line with Wechat ?

1) I don't know, but I highly doubt it. Chinese users don't need VPNs to connect to HelloTalk, but many of them habitually have their VPNs on anyway. It would be a massacre of users if HelloTalk banned VPN users or otherwise indisposed them. AFAIK the only country in which HelloTalk is unavailable is Taiwan. If you want to connect with Taiwanese users you will have to use a different app like Tandem.

2) Yes, they are so similar that you can replace every mention of Line in this guide with WeChat and the guide will still be 100% accurate
I used HelloTalk on and off for the 2 years I lived in Japan, have used it for countless dates, and some of my best experiences have been with girls from HelloTalk. It is the only app I seriously used for meeting women.

This guide will be written from the perspective of a Westerner in Japan. You may apply most of the principles to geomaxxing in other countries, but since my experience is with Japan, some information will be location-specific.

Why HelloTalk?
HelloTalk, unlike a lot of dating apps, has some unique characteristics that make it great for meeting women. In particular, it’s not a dating app. That’s actually a good thing because:
  • It gives you access to girls who aren’t on dating apps. Hot girls don’t need to use dating apps, and if they do they’re absolutely inundated. On HelloTalk it’s not unusual to see kyaba class girls, and you can just message them -- no need to match or pay money.

  • It’s an SNS app. That means you can use social proof to get girls without relying purely on a few photos and an essentially meaningless bio. It’s more akin to Instagram than Tinder.

  • It’s a language learning app. A lot of girls are happy to talk a lot and even call with you. You can talk and call with girls all around the country to practice your Japanese, text game, vibing and cutting deep, and improve your cultural knowledge. Basically, even girls who live far away or who don’t get out can help you to improve these other aspects of your game.

There’s one caveat. If you overtly use the app for "dating purposes" you will get banned. I even saw a girl get banned because she made a status asking if anyone was interested in a date. If you get banned, they don’t just ban your account, they fingerprint your device and make it impossible to log in with your device ever again. So keep it light and don’t give girls reasons to block/report you.

Oh yeah, and don’t mention any politics or stuff to do with China.

A girl I know got her post shadow banned for sharing sexy pics. She sent me this info she received regarding HelloTalk’s rules for posts/comments:

View attachment 9655

When to Use HelloTalk
In hindsight, I would avoid creating a HelloTalk account too long before coming to Japan. There are several reasons for this.

Generally, it is difficult to keep up momentum. If you create an account, say, two months before you arrive, you will have to juggle many conversations for weeks on end without having the opportunity to meet with them in person. Predictably, I lost a lot of opportunities from this.

More specifically, when you create an account, you are put on some kind of “new user showcase” list. Within the first hour I got 10-15 messages. This would have been a lot more beneficial if it had been closer to my date of arrival.

If you are foreigner coming to Japan, I would advise creating your HelloTalk account around 1-3 weeks prior to arrival. Gives you some time to build up a presence without losing people to attrition.

Your Profile
Not that important except for your picture. Stand out in small ways if you can.
  1. Profile picture
    Choose your best picture, ideally looking cool and handsome. Generally speaking the best profile pics are looking away from the camera but still showing your face, looking thoughtful rather than smiling, and hinting at qualities like good fashion sense, fun lifestyle, that you have money, etc. Basically you should go with the coolest pic you have. Use filters on your pics. For selfies download an app like カメラ360, b612, BeautyPlus or SNOW. Or, at the least, LINE Camera. They’ll give you perfect skin, bring out the color of your eyes, even adjust the proportions/symmetry of your face. Find some filters that suit your style. Make yourself ikemen.

  2. Name
    Keep it simple. Use your real name or a cute nickname. It is probably best to use English characters since HT girls are learning English and think it looks cooler. You can’t use special characters like ✰ or ⭐ but you can use this tool to write in styles like: 𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

  3. Location
    This is the location you want girls to associate with you. Set it to the most convenient place where you intend to have the majority of your dates. Next time you’re in that location, update your location to there, then disable it from updating automatically. There is also a feature to search for people in "your area", which will use this location as well.

  4. Bio
    Doesn’t really matter. Short and simple is fine. Write it in your personal style if you have one. I like to write all in lowercase and use animal emojis, but that’s totally unnecessary. Just do what you like.
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Your Posts
This is where the meat of girls’ curiosity in you is generated. A good profile picture in combination with an attractive timeline is what makes girls respond to your messages despite being hit up by countless other guys.

It may feel like there’s a lot of competition, but there’s actually very little quality competition. Most guys have really boring profiles that make them look the same as every other guy. They’re not in Japan, their pictures suck, every post has only 3 likes, etc.

These are just guidelines but the main goal is to get as many likes on your posts as possible, to look as socially proofed and attractive as possible. Lots of girls commenting is also a bonus. Aim for around 70 likes per quality post in the beginning, and scale up to hundreds.
  • Stick to posts around the “big 5” topics: food, travel, fashion, entertainment, relationships. I’ve written these roughly in order of priority. Food and travel are best because they appeal equally to both men and women and thus maximize that like count. Food edges out travel because travel requires more effort. Some fashion posts are good just to make you look more attractive to girls reading your timeline and get girls commenting how fashionable you are. Pics of you having fun with friends, with animals, etc., are also good. You can also "borrow" some good looking travel pics from insta of places you’ve been to. No reason to limit yourself to your own photos and it’s probably much easier.

  • Every post should have at least 1 photo. 3 photos, 6 or 9 are better because it’s more aesthetic. If you have only 1 photo, consider splitting it into 9 photos to effectively enlarge it. I used the app PhotoSplit for this purpose.

  • Write in perfect Japanese if you can so people aren’t correcting you all the time. Japanese is better than English because your audience can read it with zero effort. That said, I like to mix Japanese with simple English sentences like you see in song lyrics.

  • Your goal is both quality and quantity. Quality is what makes your profile attractive and you should have a timeline full of quality posts. But quantity is a low effort way to drive engagement and more views to your profile. A girl might tap on your profile from a low effort text-only post, but then drop likes on your quality posts and become curious about you. Delete low quality posts after an hour.

  • The time you post your quality posts matters. You want them to be viewed by as many people as possible, so post when a lot of people are online, ideally around 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Reply to all of your comments, and take any cute girls to your DMs.

  • Bonus: Make quality posts for seasonal events like Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc., as HelloTalk editors sift through these posts and if they think yours is quality, they can mark it as 特集 and you’ll get thousands of views and hundreds and hundreds of likes.
If you sign up for VIP (if you can, look out for a lifetime offer), you can set multiple target languages. Definitely set yourself to 3 target languages to increase the number of eyeballs on your statuses. If you do that, you will have access to a lot more people to view and like your content. But you’ll probably have to use more English so the non-Japanese audiences can understand. I personally added Chinese and Spanish, as I estimated them to have the largest number of users.

[Continued in Next Post]
I can appreciate the effort post. If I was simply big and beautiful (from genetics or surgerymaxxing) I wouldn't need to cope with all that autism. Unfortunately, I am not so I might have to cope with this.
Jesus Christ I need to work on my nt maxxing. Talking to people is so fucking difficult.
Your new profile picture gave me an instant recommendation. You should watch Welcome to the N.H.K. It's an anime about a NEET who slowly drags himself up out of his situation. It's an introspective story about the struggles of social anxiety, non-NTness, paranoia, isolation, lack of intimacy, etc. It's quite blackpilled. I found it very moving.
Your new profile picture gave me an instant recommendation. You should watch Welcome to the N.H.K. It's an anime about a NEET who slowly drags himself up out of his situation. It's an introspective story about the struggles of social anxiety, non-NTness, paranoia, isolation, lack of intimacy, etc. It's quite blackpilled. I found it very moving.
Watching this (read the manga and light novel shortly after) when I was around 14 years old single-handedly began a very slow process of turning my life around from schizoidism and victimization into taking an active role in finding out what I wanted in life. I was already cooked going on /r9k/ and basically tuning out of everything and just rotted being the kid in the Porcupine Tree album Fear of a Blank Planet
I don't even know why; something just hit me. I guess I'd never seen anything so accepting of blackpilled shit before.
I am a 27 yo unemployed virgin. Are you saying it is over for me?
I mean 50 year olds can go to flipland to get laid. But as far as having normal social skills and not having a hole that you can never fill due to lack of affection/sex for years yeah it's over.
I used HelloTalk on and off for the 2 years I lived in Japan, have used it for countless dates, and some of my best experiences have been with girls from HelloTalk. It is the only app I seriously used for meeting women.

This guide will be written from the perspective of a Westerner in Japan. You may apply most of the principles to geomaxxing in other countries, but since my experience is with Japan, some information will be location-specific.

Why HelloTalk?
HelloTalk, unlike a lot of dating apps, has some unique characteristics that make it great for meeting women. In particular, it’s not a dating app. That’s actually a good thing because:
  • It gives you access to girls who aren’t on dating apps. Hot girls don’t need to use dating apps, and if they do they’re absolutely inundated. On HelloTalk it’s not unusual to see kyaba class girls, and you can just message them -- no need to match or pay money.

  • It’s an SNS app. That means you can use social proof to get girls without relying purely on a few photos and an essentially meaningless bio. It’s more akin to Instagram than Tinder.

  • It’s a language learning app. A lot of girls are happy to talk a lot and even call with you. You can talk and call with girls all around the country to practice your Japanese, text game, vibing and cutting deep, and improve your cultural knowledge. Basically, even girls who live far away or who don’t get out can help you to improve these other aspects of your game.

There’s one caveat. If you overtly use the app for "dating purposes" you will get banned. I even saw a girl get banned because she made a status asking if anyone was interested in a date. If you get banned, they don’t just ban your account, they fingerprint your device and make it impossible to log in with your device ever again. So keep it light and don’t give girls reasons to block/report you.

Oh yeah, and don’t mention any politics or stuff to do with China.

A girl I know got her post shadow banned for sharing sexy pics. She sent me this info she received regarding HelloTalk’s rules for posts/comments:

View attachment 9655

When to Use HelloTalk
In hindsight, I would avoid creating a HelloTalk account too long before coming to Japan. There are several reasons for this.

Generally, it is difficult to keep up momentum. If you create an account, say, two months before you arrive, you will have to juggle many conversations for weeks on end without having the opportunity to meet with them in person. Predictably, I lost a lot of opportunities from this.

More specifically, when you create an account, you are put on some kind of “new user showcase” list. Within the first hour I got 10-15 messages. This would have been a lot more beneficial if it had been closer to my date of arrival.

If you are foreigner coming to Japan, I would advise creating your HelloTalk account around 1-3 weeks prior to arrival. Gives you some time to build up a presence without losing people to attrition.

Your Profile
Not that important except for your picture. Stand out in small ways if you can.
  1. Profile picture
    Choose your best picture, ideally looking cool and handsome. Generally speaking the best profile pics are looking away from the camera but still showing your face, looking thoughtful rather than smiling, and hinting at qualities like good fashion sense, fun lifestyle, that you have money, etc. Basically you should go with the coolest pic you have. Use filters on your pics. For selfies download an app like カメラ360, b612, BeautyPlus or SNOW. Or, at the least, LINE Camera. They’ll give you perfect skin, bring out the color of your eyes, even adjust the proportions/symmetry of your face. Find some filters that suit your style. Make yourself ikemen.

  2. Name
    Keep it simple. Use your real name or a cute nickname. It is probably best to use English characters since HT girls are learning English and think it looks cooler. You can’t use special characters like ✰ or ⭐ but you can use this tool to write in styles like: 𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

  3. Location
    This is the location you want girls to associate with you. Set it to the most convenient place where you intend to have the majority of your dates. Next time you’re in that location, update your location to there, then disable it from updating automatically. There is also a feature to search for people in "your area", which will use this location as well.

  4. Bio
    Doesn’t really matter. Short and simple is fine. Write it in your personal style if you have one. I like to write all in lowercase and use animal emojis, but that’s totally unnecessary. Just do what you like.
View attachment 9656

Your Posts
This is where the meat of girls’ curiosity in you is generated. A good profile picture in combination with an attractive timeline is what makes girls respond to your messages despite being hit up by countless other guys.

It may feel like there’s a lot of competition, but there’s actually very little quality competition. Most guys have really boring profiles that make them look the same as every other guy. They’re not in Japan, their pictures suck, every post has only 3 likes, etc.

These are just guidelines but the main goal is to get as many likes on your posts as possible, to look as socially proofed and attractive as possible. Lots of girls commenting is also a bonus. Aim for around 70 likes per quality post in the beginning, and scale up to hundreds.
  • Stick to posts around the “big 5” topics: food, travel, fashion, entertainment, relationships. I’ve written these roughly in order of priority. Food and travel are best because they appeal equally to both men and women and thus maximize that like count. Food edges out travel because travel requires more effort. Some fashion posts are good just to make you look more attractive to girls reading your timeline and get girls commenting how fashionable you are. Pics of you having fun with friends, with animals, etc., are also good. You can also "borrow" some good looking travel pics from insta of places you’ve been to. No reason to limit yourself to your own photos and it’s probably much easier.

  • Every post should have at least 1 photo. 3 photos, 6 or 9 are better because it’s more aesthetic. If you have only 1 photo, consider splitting it into 9 photos to effectively enlarge it. I used the app PhotoSplit for this purpose.

  • Write in perfect Japanese if you can so people aren’t correcting you all the time. Japanese is better than English because your audience can read it with zero effort. That said, I like to mix Japanese with simple English sentences like you see in song lyrics.

  • Your goal is both quality and quantity. Quality is what makes your profile attractive and you should have a timeline full of quality posts. But quantity is a low effort way to drive engagement and more views to your profile. A girl might tap on your profile from a low effort text-only post, but then drop likes on your quality posts and become curious about you. Delete low quality posts after an hour.

  • The time you post your quality posts matters. You want them to be viewed by as many people as possible, so post when a lot of people are online, ideally around 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Reply to all of your comments, and take any cute girls to your DMs.

  • Bonus: Make quality posts for seasonal events like Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc., as HelloTalk editors sift through these posts and if they think yours is quality, they can mark it as 特集 and you’ll get thousands of views and hundreds and hundreds of likes.
If you sign up for VIP (if you can, look out for a lifetime offer), you can set multiple target languages. Definitely set yourself to 3 target languages to increase the number of eyeballs on your statuses. If you do that, you will have access to a lot more people to view and like your content. But you’ll probably have to use more English so the non-Japanese audiences can understand. I personally added Chinese and Spanish, as I estimated them to have the largest number of users.

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How many followers did you manage to get man ? Do you try and interact with as many people or do you solely focus on posts and hot girls ?
How many followers did you manage to get man ? Do you try and interact with as many people or do you solely focus on posts and hot girls ?
I have 820 followers at the moment. That number has probably not changed much since I last used the app but I'm unsure. This may not sound like a lot in terms of Instagram/etc. followers, but for HelloTalk it is quite a good number.

In terms of scrolling through posts on my feed I interact with whatever I find interesting. Doesn't matter who posts it. I comment on posts as if I were using, just way briefer and far more bluepilled. (as you say... think blackpill, act redpill, speak bluepill 😎). In Japan I did this pretty much every day for about 5-10 minutes, typically while riding the train.

I reply to everyone who comments on my posts. This drives engagement and also communicates to people that they will get my attention if they comment, which encourages them to do so.

As far as private/direct messages go I focus solely on hot girls. I do reply to guys every now and then because I'm paranoid that the algorithm will nail me for communicating only with women. No evidence to back that up though.

For the first few weeks about half of my interactions were from messaging girls, the other half were from girls reaching out to me. After I built up my profile metrics (chiefly followers, likes per post, and posts) I would get messages from 10+ girls per day and never DMed a girl again after that.
I have 820 followers at the moment. That number has probably not changed much since I last used the app but I'm unsure. This may not sound like a lot in terms of Instagram/etc. followers, but for HelloTalk it is quite a good number.

In terms of scrolling through posts on my feed I interact with whatever I find interesting. Doesn't matter who posts it. I comment on posts as if I were using, just way briefer and far more bluepilled. (as you say... think blackpill, act redpill, speak bluepill 😎). In Japan I did this pretty much every day for about 5-10 minutes, typically while riding the train.

I reply to everyone who comments on my posts. This drives engagement and also communicates to people that they will get my attention if they comment, which encourages them to do so.

As far as private/direct messages go I focus solely on hot girls. I do reply to guys every now and then because I'm paranoid that the algorithm will nail me for communicating only with women. No evidence to back that up though.

For the first few weeks about half of my interactions were from messaging girls, the other half were from girls reaching out to me. After I built up my profile metrics (chiefly followers, likes per post, and posts) I would get messages from 10+ girls per day and never DMed a girl again after that.
Based. I’m on my way to doing the same as you. I already posted a few things and got a date next week from hello talk :)
Thanks for the advice bro
Your new profile picture gave me an instant recommendation. You should watch Welcome to the N.H.K. It's an anime about a NEET who slowly drags himself up out of his situation. It's an introspective story about the struggles of social anxiety, non-NTness, paranoia, isolation, lack of intimacy, etc. It's quite blackpilled. I found it very moving.
I've seen it twice. Once at 15, I recognised my life going down that path, and swore to change. Then at 22, having been a hikikomori for years.
Keep it simple. Use your real name or a cute nickname. It is probably best to use English characters since HT girls are learning English and think it looks cooler.
Is ジョジョ a mogger nickname
I have 820 followers at the moment. That number has probably not changed much since I last used the app but I'm unsure. This may not sound like a lot in terms of Instagram/etc. followers, but for HelloTalk it is quite a good number.

In terms of scrolling through posts on my feed I interact with whatever I find interesting. Doesn't matter who posts it. I comment on posts as if I were using, just way briefer and far more bluepilled. (as you say... think blackpill, act redpill, speak bluepill 😎). In Japan I did this pretty much every day for about 5-10 minutes, typically while riding the train.

I reply to everyone who comments on my posts. This drives engagement and also communicates to people that they will get my attention if they comment, which encourages them to do so.

As far as private/direct messages go I focus solely on hot girls. I do reply to guys every now and then because I'm paranoid that the algorithm will nail me for communicating only with women. No evidence to back that up though.

For the first few weeks about half of my interactions were from messaging girls, the other half were from girls reaching out to me. After I built up my profile metrics (chiefly followers, likes per post, and posts) I would get messages from 10+ girls per day and never DMed a girl again after that.
820 followers is really mogger. I need to ramp that up.
Do you unfollow even those who follow you at some point ?
No, although I don't follow people back if they don't speak my target language. I'm sitting at 722 following and 818 followers.

Unlike Instagram or Twitter, there's not really a social status boost from having a following-follower disparity. On Instagram, if you were only following 10 people but had 10,000 followers, girls might think you are high status or otherwise important. On HelloTalk, they would probably just be confused.
No, although I don't follow people back if they don't speak my target language. I'm sitting at 722 following and 818 followers.

Unlike Instagram or Twitter, there's not really a social status boost from having a following-follower disparity. On Instagram, if you were only following 10 people but had 10,000 followers, girls might think you are high status or otherwise important. On HelloTalk, they would probably just be confused.
Btw how often do you post moments ?
Btw how often do you post moments ?
I would say roughly once per day. This includes both "quality" moments and "junk" moments. I made about one quality post per week if I remember correctly. Therefore my timeline looks as if I posted once per week because I deleted the other junk moments shortly (1-12 hours) after posting them.

Think of this as a maximum rather than a minimum, i.e., I wouldn't post more than once a day. If you can't post every day doing it less often is okay as well.

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