Public sex slay story


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Just had a mogger dream

I was at school for some reason and couldn't find my way home cos my phone died.

So I went back to school and went into a class to charge my phone.

And it was all Indian girls, my childhood guy best friend. But the girls looked so hot

Then I borrowed a charger off one and we talked. Then I went toilet but she came, we kissed in the toilets, grabbing her ass, feeling her wet pussy, then bent her over and fucked her.

Just reminded me something similar happened once in real life,

I was at nandos with my gf. We both went toilet, but somehow I convinced her to sneak into the men's toilet, cos I checked it before going in and no one was there.

Then we went into a cubical, kissing, feeling eachother. Then she sucksd my dick. Then bent her over and fucked her. But someone came in so we had to stop until they left.

Then I continued and cummed in her cos she was on birth control. Then I had to go out the cubical and check for.guys and no-one was coming and she came out and we went and sat back down and continued our meal

But we felt like everyone knew.

That would've been the best thing ever but she was white. So it ruined it. I wasn't fully attracted to her despite she was hot and skinny and petite. I want her to be a brown Indian or Asian girl.

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