The only girls you'll fuck easily in Bangkok these days are mediocre looking girls. The vast majority of foreigners there bang these girls
For hi-so girls that speak english you must hustle and compete with Western Chads and these beautiful (and single) women are rare to begin with in Bangkok or SEA. My advice remains the same: go to China or EE keeping in mind you'll run into a big language barrier problem in China but at least you won't have to compete with so many Aussie/European/American backpackers, youtubers/influencers and DNs.
Believe it or not, Thailand isn't a place where the only foreigners you meet are fat, creepy and retired old men. The foreign tourism demographics have changed drastically in the last decade. The quickest you figure this out, the more prepared you'll be
That being said Thailand isn't only to's a decent place to live, especially when it's winter in Europe/US. It's sunny, cheap, great food, great condos, people are nice and smiling, good gyms/fitness centers, cheap connections to everywhere in Asia, great nature in the North and South, great islands, good nightlife with lots of bars, good cafes where to work or lots of co-working spaces, massive expat community, very vibrant city ecc. So I'm not saying don't go there. But if you value only girls and don't give a fuck about the rest and you want a place that maximize the effort:quality of lays ratio then Thailand isn't the best place to be