Passport noggers complaing about influx of Tyrone in his spot

It doesn't matter if the best looking blacks on the planet decided to geomax, because at the end of the day, they're still niggers. Most non black women don't find them desirable. A 6/10 white guy mogs a 10/10 nigger in SEA. We shouldn't get caught up in the petite struggles of the negroid.
most fud coming online are from deathnics who were sold a lie
its so fucking over
In 2024 you need either 9 digits networth or being a soccer player to compete for a single mom from the philippines
south america will probably get worse. south america was already pretty terrible all around though

I am having a hard time imagining this will have a large impact on eastern europe or asia. eastern europe already got kind of harder and then tapered off since the effects of these things are somewhat limited. asia is mostly getting fucked up by social media
south america will probably get worse. south america was already pretty terrible all around though

I am having a hard time imagining this will have a large impact on eastern europe or asia. eastern europe already got kind of harder and then tapered off since the effects of these things are somewhat limited. asia is mostly getting fucked up by social media
Nice pfp lmao

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