Pale skin failos you hard if you're European

Reminder op is a larping seething ricedick who's jealous of our skin colour.

Swear on my mothers life this happened:

I have an ig just for asian girls.

I posted pics where I'm tanned cos that's the beauty standard in Europe so most my pics are tanned

Got like 5 likes per pic

Posted 1 pic where I'm pale af and it was just an autistic selfie

Got like 25 likes on that pic. Literally every asian girl on my ig liked it. Just cos it was white skin

It's literally DAY AND NIGHT difference between having a tan vs. Being pale.

Pale skin is so so importsnt to asian girls.

And some girl messaged me and said I look really good and like a painting. Idk what that means

I'm actually going to pay on fiverr for someone to edit my photos to be even whiter

Just go look on any dating app in asia, or the top tier guys in asia, you'll see all of the guys edit their pics to be white despite they're little brown boys
Reminder op is a larping seething ricedick who's jealous of our skin colour.

Swear on my mothers life this happened:

I have an ig just for asian girls.

I posted pics where I'm tanned cos that's the beauty standard in Europe so most my pics are tanned

Got like 5 likes per pic

Posted 1 pic where I'm pale af and it was just an autistic selfie

Got like 25 likes on that pic. Literally every asian girl on my ig liked it. Just cos it was white skin

It's literally DAY AND NIGHT difference between having a tan vs. Being pale.

Pale skin is so so importsnt to asian girls.

And some girl messaged me and said I look really good and like a painting. Idk what that means

I'm actually going to pay on fiverr for someone to edit my photos to be even whiter

Just go look on any dating app in asia, or the top tier guys in asia, you'll see all of the guys edit their pics to be white despite they're little brown boys
Goy, walk back to the tunnel
There’s something to be said for “tall dark and handsome” - doesn’t mean black lmao but chicks do want white dudes with a bit of a tan.
There’s something to be said for “tall dark and handsome” - doesn’t mean black lmao but chicks do want white dudes with a bit of a tan.
In the west, not in asia or latam 🤦‍♂️

Watch any video where they ask Asian girls their type. They all say tall, white(skin) , handsome

You guys are all so clueless and oblivious to Asian beauty standards. And then letting this seething ricedick make fake stories to propagandize against u and u actually believe him
There’s something to be said for “tall dark and handsome” - doesn’t mean black lmao but chicks do want white dudes with a bit of a tan.
The "tall dark and handsome" saying refers to the Med phenotype. White chicks love those kind of guys.

For some reason in Mexico, the mestizo men are nearly always darker than their women...but the babies usually come out light-skinned.

In Asia, pale girls (i.e. East Asians) going for brownoids is very rare. Southeast Asia it sometimes happens. I saw one Muslim couple a couple days ago where a very dark guy had a light-skinned wife, and the baby was notably darker than its mother. It surprised me to see it. Even tanned whiteoid boomers are usually seen with brown-skinned Isaan wives.
The "tall dark and handsome" saying refers to the Med phenotype. White chicks love those kind of guys.

For some reason in Mexico, the mestizo men are nearly always darker than their women...but the babies usually come out light-skinned.

In Asia, pale girls (i.e. East Asians) going for brownoids is very rare. Southeast Asia it sometimes happens. I saw one Muslim couple a couple days ago where a very dark guy had a light-skinned wife, and the baby was notably darker than its mother. It surprised me to see it. Even tanned whiteoid boomers are usually seen with brown-skinned Isaan wives.
Yea that’s what I was he getting at - Italian dudes mog in a lot of places
In the west, not in asia or latam 🤦‍♂️

Watch any video where they ask Asian girls their type. They all say tall, white(skin) , handsome

You guys are all so clueless and oblivious to Asian beauty standards. And then letting this seething ricedick make fake stories to propagandize against u and u actually believe him
why is that ricecel not banned yet?

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