Opinions on Cambodia?


Living in Vietnam
Dec 14, 2023
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As much as I love my life here in Quezon City, I’m thinking about going to Cambodia to check it out. Is there anyone here that currently resides in Phnom Penh?
As much as I love my life here in Quezon City, I’m thinking about going to Cambodia to check it out. Is there anyone here that currently resides in Phnom Penh?
i stayed in phnom penh for 3 weeks. So i got an okay vibe of the place. I have never been to thailand. But i think if you have. You would call it a mini thailand. same basic model and structure. I did not leave phnom, so i have no country side exp. I found the girls to be hot. But maybe because they dress very western style. and they look vietnamese or thai-ish.

what i found though is you BURN through fucking money there. And it can be "scambodia". I got ripped off, by a massage place. Girls calling me in for a 4 dollars massage, why the fuck not. Been walking all day. Girl asks me to take off my clothes, and im like, nawww i wanna keep my pants on, i just want a back massage. SHe INSISTS. and says its okay, its safe, here is your own personal locker. So i reluctantly take my pants off, put all clothes in locker. she turns on music and after 5 minutes asks me if i want sex. I am like NO...(learned a long time ago, you want good sex, you go to a sex place, you want a good massage you go to a massage place, RARELY will you ever get good sex at a massage place or a good massage at a sex place and you end up paying more). so she says she's done after 2 more minutes of rubbing. I am kinda pissed for 4 dollars, but hey it's only 4 dollars.

well next day i count my money all seems to be there.
next day i take my money OUT of my wallet and i see a 50 dollar USD note that says "not real currency" on the bottom. I am like WTF. the bank ATM at airport screwed me

i get back to indo, go online, and voila.......a guy got ripped off at the EXACT same massage place. Wanna know how they did it?
the wall safe. you see it has a back door, and when you put your shit in there, a girl on the other side, opens the back door, rifles through your wallet and replaces REAL USD with fake USD.

if i got back to cambodia im going back to that massage place, and im going to REFUSE to put my clothes in their locker. And make the bitch give me a proper massage for 4 dollars. infact, make her give me an 8 dollar massage. they owe me

sorry for the long rant, i will wrap it up. Along the riverfront there are p4p. 50 dollars is the going rate. seems the river front is a bit more crazy, cause one girl asked me if my hotel had security. I did not ask her age, i don't want to know her age, and no it wasnt' some 11 yo kid, but she was probably around 16 or 17. you could tell she had a kid. Is my guess. But i will never know. don't wanna know, plausible deniability and all that...
Now finding a gf, i have no experience with that. And the clubs all seemed geared to p4p. even the dance clubs. ALOT of foreigners in phnom penh. Like AAAAAALOT.
in the go go bars (or whatever you call them in thailand) girls do the same thing. except instead of standing, they sit and call you in. same drink scams, they pretend to like you and if you buy them drinks they make money off it. And you barfine the girls. I did it once.

food costs are the same as western world. restaurants are mostly same quality and cleanliness. The food carts are twice the price of indo. but still cheaper than the touristy restaurants
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as you would expect pnom penh is about the only place in asia you can expect to get physically assaulted if you go outside at night. if you dont want to kill yourself in QC I imagine you can make pnom penh work.
i stayed in phnom penh for 3 weeks. So i got an okay vibe of the place. I have never been to thailand. But i think if you have. You would call it a mini thailand. same basic model and structure. I did not leave phnom, so i have no country side exp. I found the girls to be hot. But maybe because they dress very western style. and they look vietnamese or thai-ish.

what i found though is you BURN through fucking money there. And it can be "scambodia". I got ripped off, by a massage place. Girls calling me in for a 4 dollars massage, why the fuck not. Been walking all day. Girl asks me to take off my clothes, and im like, nawww i wanna keep my pants on, i just want a back massage. SHe INSISTS. and says its okay, its safe, here is your own personal locker. So i reluctantly take my pants off, put all clothes in locker. she turns on music and after 5 minutes asks me if i want sex. I am like NO...(learned a long time ago, you want good sex, you go to a sex place, you want a good massage you go to a massage place, RARELY will you ever get good sex at a massage place or a good massage at a sex place and you end up paying more). so she says she's done after 2 more minutes of rubbing. I am kinda pissed for 4 dollars, but hey it's only 4 dollars.

well next day i count my money all seems to be there.
next day i take my money OUT of my wallet and i see a 50 dollar USD note that says "not real currency" on the bottom. I am like WTF. the bank ATM at airport screwed me

i get back to indo, go online, and voila.......a guy got ripped off at the EXACT same massage place. Wanna know how they did it?
the wall safe. you see it has a back door, and when you put your shit in there, a girl on the other side, opens the back door, rifles through your wallet and replaces REAL USD with fake USD.

if i got back to cambodia im going back to that massage place, and im going to REFUSE to put my clothes in their locker. And make the bitch give me a proper massage for 4 dollars. infact, make her give me an 8 dollar massage. they owe me

sorry for the long rant, i will wrap it up. Along the riverfront there are p4p. 50 dollars is the going rate. seems the river front is a bit more crazy, cause one girl asked me if my hotel had security. I did not ask her age, i don't want to know her age, and no it wasnt' some 11 yo kid, but she was probably around 16 or 17. you could tell she had a kid. Is my guess. But i will never know. don't wanna know, plausible deniability and all that...
Now finding a gf, i have no experience with that. And the clubs all seemed geared to p4p. even the dance clubs. ALOT of foreigners in phnom penh. Like AAAAAALOT.
in the go go bars (or whatever you call them in thailand) girls do the same thing. except instead of standing, they sit and call you in. same drink scams, they pretend to like you and if you buy them drinks they make money off it.

food costs are the same as western world. restaurants are mostly same quality and cleanliness. The food carts are twice the price of indo. but still cheaper than the touristy restaurants
Mannnnnnn how did you fall for that scam lmao. That’s the most common scam Phnom Penh is known for🤣🤣
as you would expect pnom penh is about the only place in asia you can expect to get physically assaulted if you go outside at night. if you dont want to kill yourself in QC I imagine you can make pnom penh work.
Have you been to either QC or Phnom Penh? And QC isn’t dangerous at all. Now closer to the ocean by Tondo? Fuck that place.
Mannnnnnn how did you fall for that scam lmao. That’s the most common scam Phnom Penh is known for🤣🤣
cause i had never been to cambodia. I had to do a indo visa run and it was a last minute decision. I thought "no one goes to cambodia, i will be in a sea of brown cuties that all want me cause im rare" I was wrong. And i did not research about the place. I live in indo, i can hit any SEA place within 3 hours.
as you would expect pnom penh is about the only place in asia you can expect to get physically assaulted if you go outside at night. if you dont want to kill yourself in QC I imagine you can make pnom penh work.
dude, maybe cause im 6'2 and 190 pounds but not ONE person even looked at me the wrong way. and i was drunk and getting lost going down some sketchy alleys to find my way back home, several times. Infact the first night there, i got so wasted. the next day i couldnt' remember what i did for half the night.
dude, maybe cause im 6'2 and 190 pounds but not ONE person even looked at me the wrong way. and i was drunk and getting lost going down some sketchy alleys to find my way back home, several times. Infact the first night there, i got so wasted. the next day i couldnt' remember what i did for half the night.
not saying you'll get beheaded like in colombia. but it's more or less the only place in asia I would consider somewhat sketchy.
Oh ya, i just remembered I did score a number when there. Bartender girl. But contacted her but she seemed busy. And im not about to simp and bug her to go on a date you either want to, or not. Too much pussy out there to obsess over anyone
@ImFree007 i went to phnom penh and siem reap. i shared some of my experiences here while biggunsar was there:
@ImFree007 i went to phnom penh and siem reap. i shared some of my experiences here while biggunsar was there:
so what are you trying to say? I am not a pro blogger or a pro world traveler. I say things how i see them. right/wrong. I don't know. I just tell it how it happened. shit i even alude to sleeping with girls HYPOTHETICALLY underage.

im just telling you what i have experienced in these places
In Tinder Cambodia I swiped to left on 6275 of middle-aged (18-22yo) females, and to right on 13 (0,21%), what is 9th highest percentage in world, where average is 0,11%.

So Cambodia is above average
In Tinder Cambodia I swiped to left on 6275 of middle-aged (18-22yo) females, and to right on 13 (0,21%), what is 9th highest percentage in world, where average is 0,11%.

So Cambodia is above average
this is what i have learned about dating apps....pay attention

in a low population environment. They are good. Even great.

but in a high population environment like jakarta or tokyo. COMPLETE waste of time.
you need to cold approach. PERIOD.

i realised i might need to explain why to those who doubt.
in a low population most women dont' have alot of messages coming at them at once. so YOUR message in tinder whatever the fuck, is valuable.

when you are in a place that has 20 million plus. Those girls get 1000's of messages (not kidding) a day. YOU MEAN NOTHING.

that is why if you are in a city with more than 10 mil. COLD approach is always better.

what is cold approach? that means you see a girl you like, you go say hi
so what are you trying to say? I am not a pro blogger or a pro world traveler. I say things how i see them. right/wrong. I don't know. I just tell it how it happened. shit i even alude to sleeping with girls HYPOTHETICALLY underage.

im just telling you what i have experienced in these places
all good man, i wasn't trying to say anything, not sure what you mean. in case you mean the preview text there that contains your introduction post: that shows up automatically if you link a thread in this forum.

i just linked my post so that he can read another experience.
this is what i have learned about dating apps....pay attention

in a low population environment. They are good. Even great.

but in a high population environment like jakarta or tokyo. COMPLETE waste of time.
you need to cold approach. PERIOD.

i realised i might need to explain why to those who doubt.
in a low population most women dont' have alot of messages coming at them at once. so YOUR message in tinder whatever the fuck, is valuable.

when you are in a place that has 20 million plus. Those girls get 1000's of messages (not kidding) a day. YOU MEAN NOTHING.

that is why if you are in a city with more than 10 mil. COLD approach is always better.

what is cold approach? that means you see a girl you like, you go say hi
i dont think that's necessarily true everywhere, a big city has more competition but also a lot more girls
and if you are top of the dating pool, it works in your favor
if you are in the middle to bottom, then a small city is probably best
top girls have a 1000 matches everywhere, but how many of those are white westerners? i assume not many
and in the case of an average girl, she probably has close to no messages from westerners

for us it's all about the ratio of white foreigners to girls that are willing to date them
which is why everyone says jakarta or manila are so easy, as compared to bangkok or tokyo that have a shit ton of foreigners

for many bangkok is the best city in Thailand
cause the small cities have an even worse ratio of foreigners to local girls, like the thai islands, phuket or pattaya
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i dont think that's necessarily true everywhere, a big city has more competition but also a lot more girls
and if you are top of the dating pool, it works in your favor
if you are in the middle to bottom, then a small city is probably best
Bro for example. Look at insta in indo. Even a plain fucking homely girl has 30k to 200K followers. And as you would expect the messages are all the same "you are beautiful, give me your number be my gf" bullshit. You think ontop of her regular physical orbiters, she has this pool of 30k to 200K stalkers. That YOUR message, cause your white has any impact. Literally their inbox looks like this (see below for ref). DO YOU REALLY think she has the time to even look at your photo. When the population is above 10 million in the city. FUCKING FORGET ABOUT IT. Period! Now imagine that inbox like that EVERY ...FUCKING....DAY! LOL. Dating apps do not work in a high population city. If you get any hits, most of your hits will be mostly hookers. Period, end of story.

unless you are so captivatingly funny and creative. That she ignores all those other dudes, DAILY. Take a serious look at that inbox below. Now imagine that is yours EVERY DAY. none stop, ALL DAY. Eventually you would just get disinterested in answering.

In DR ya, they worked fucking well cause puerto plata 2 mil. Surrounding cities in the 10's of thousands. Facebook was a fucking gold mine. But here, i tried to apply all the tricks i learned in DR. NONE of them work. And it was only a few months ago i finally figured out. Its the density of the population that is the factor. Stop thinking you are a special guy. Youre not

here is a girls inbox (her foto below). Not even anything special about her. I could not find an indonesian example, but this indian one (great example cause its' a high density population in most of those cities) So...you telling me cause your WHITE.. In a high population area,.shes going to notice you in a sea of messages she gets all day, every day. 24 hours a day.......reality check, isle 5 please.


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Bro for example. Look at insta in indo. Even a plain fucking homely girl has 30k to 200K followers. And as you would expect the messages are all the same "you are beautiful, give me your number be my gf" bullshit. You think ontop of her regular physical orbiters, she has this pool of 30k to 200K stalkers. That YOUR message, cause your white has any impact. Literally their inbox looks like this (see below for ref). DO YOU REALLY think she has the time to even look at your photo. When the population is above 10 million in the city. FUCKING FORGET ABOUT IT. Period! Now imagine that inbox like that EVERY ...FUCKING....DAY! LOL. Dating apps do not work in a high population city. If you get any hits, most of your hits will be mostly hookers. Period, end of story.

unless you are so captivatingly funny and creative. That she ignores all those other dudes, DAILY. Take a serious look at that inbox below. Now imagine that is yours EVERY DAY. none stop, ALL DAY. Eventually you would just get disinterested in answering.

In DR ya, they worked fucking well cause puerto plata 2 mil. Surrounding cities in the 10's of thousands. Facebook was a fucking gold mine. But here, i tried to apply all the tricks i learned in DR. NONE of them work. And it was only a few months ago i finally figured out. Its the density of the population that is the factor. Stop thinking you are a special guy. Youre not

here is a girls inbox (her foto below). Not even anything special about her. I could not find an indonesian example, but this indian one (great example cause its' a high density population in most of those cities) So...you telling me cause your WHITE.. In a high population area,.shes going to notice you in a sea of messages she gets all day, every day. 24 hours a day.......reality check, isle 5 please.
it's not common for average girls to have 30 to 200k followers and you know it, you are picking an extreme outlier
the random girls you are fucking have most likely less than a 1000 followers
no offense but you arent fucking models nor hiso girls, the pics you showed are extremely average (nothing wrong with that)

if you can only attact hookers in one of the easiest countries in the world...
it says a lot about your profile, dont you look 40 and not in best shape?
stay in this area if you wanna be in the action!
also go shoot some guns. idk if you still can but i was gonna do that but forgot

also go to the killing fields. i saw some old jbw guy with his little sea monkey girl and their kid lol. the dad was disrespectful af didn’t take his shoes off to go inside the room where all the skulls were
stay in this area if you wanna be in the action!
View attachment 7479
also go shoot some guns. idk if you still can but i was gonna do that but forgot

also go to the killing fields. i saw some old jbw guy with his little sea monkey girl and their kid lol. the dad was disrespectful af didn’t take his shoes off to go inside the room where all the skulls were
shooting guns is as expensive as the US. i thought it would be cheaper. NOPE. but they have some of everything. You can even shoot russian MG's.

I did not go to the killing fields. I dont' want to honor or celebrate anything pot pol did. Guy was disgusting. Killing everyone he deemed "not worthy of life". And it wasn't 1000 or 5000 people. but 1.5 to 3 million. And no, no bullshit jewy gassing chambers. Straight up bullets to the head


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I did not go to the killing fields. I dont' want to honor or celebrate anything pot pol did.
i went there.

honestly, i think that guy was worse than hitler. especially the "killing tree" is so fucked up. they smashed the babies of "the traitors" against that tree and threw them into a pit next to it. but they got annoyed by all the baby crying so they hung a speaker on the tree that would play music to drown out the crying.
i went there.

honestly, i think that guy was worse than hitler. especially the "killing tree" is so fucked up. they smashed the babies of "the traitors" against that tree and threw them into a pit next to it. but they got annoyed by all the baby crying so they hung a speaker on the tree that would play music to drown out the crying.
Not that hard to be worse than Hitler when he wasn’t that bad of a guy.
i went there.

honestly, i think that guy was worse than hitler. especially the "killing tree" is so fucked up. they smashed the babies of "the traitors" against that tree and threw them into a pit next to it. but they got annoyed by all the baby crying so they hung a speaker on the tree that would play music to drown out the crying.
he was worse, hitler didn't say "gas the jews" he left it up to his subordinates to do "whatever they came up with in the wamsy protocol meeting". He did not tell them what to do. And when the war began, hitlers original plan was to move all jews to madagascar by rail. Doesn't sound like a bad guy to me. Problem was, the allies were bombing the fuck out of the railway lines, so it ended up being too costly to do so.
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i stayed in phnom penh for 3 weeks. So i got an okay vibe of the place. I have never been to thailand. But i think if you have. You would call it a mini thailand. same basic model and structure. I did not leave phnom, so i have no country side exp. I found the girls to be hot. But maybe because they dress very western style. and they look vietnamese or thai-ish.

what i found though is you BURN through fucking money there. And it can be "scambodia". I got ripped off, by a massage place. Girls calling me in for a 4 dollars massage, why the fuck not. Been walking all day. Girl asks me to take off my clothes, and im like, nawww i wanna keep my pants on, i just want a back massage. SHe INSISTS. and says its okay, its safe, here is your own personal locker. So i reluctantly take my pants off, put all clothes in locker. she turns on music and after 5 minutes asks me if i want sex. I am like NO...(learned a long time ago, you want good sex, you go to a sex place, you want a good massage you go to a massage place, RARELY will you ever get good sex at a massage place or a good massage at a sex place and you end up paying more). so she says she's done after 2 more minutes of rubbing. I am kinda pissed for 4 dollars, but hey it's only 4 dollars.

well next day i count my money all seems to be there.
next day i take my money OUT of my wallet and i see a 50 dollar USD note that says "not real currency" on the bottom. I am like WTF. the bank ATM at airport screwed me

i get back to indo, go online, and voila.......a guy got ripped off at the EXACT same massage place. Wanna know how they did it?
the wall safe. you see it has a back door, and when you put your shit in there, a girl on the other side, opens the back door, rifles through your wallet and replaces REAL USD with fake USD.

if i got back to cambodia im going back to that massage place, and im going to REFUSE to put my clothes in their locker. And make the bitch give me a proper massage for 4 dollars. infact, make her give me an 8 dollar massage. they owe me

sorry for the long rant, i will wrap it up. Along the riverfront there are p4p. 50 dollars is the going rate. seems the river front is a bit more crazy, cause one girl asked me if my hotel had security. I did not ask her age, i don't want to know her age, and no it wasnt' some 11 yo kid, but she was probably around 16 or 17. you could tell she had a kid. Is my guess. But i will never know. don't wanna know, plausible deniability and all that...
Now finding a gf, i have no experience with that. And the clubs all seemed geared to p4p. even the dance clubs. ALOT of foreigners in phnom penh. Like AAAAAALOT.
in the go go bars (or whatever you call them in thailand) girls do the same thing. except instead of standing, they sit and call you in. same drink scams, they pretend to like you and if you buy them drinks they make money off it. And you barfine the girls. I did it once.

food costs are the same as western world. restaurants are mostly same quality and cleanliness. The food carts are twice the price of indo. but still cheaper than the touristy restaurants
seems like ill skip it all together
i stayed in phnom penh for 3 weeks. So i got an okay vibe of the place. I have never been to thailand. But i think if you have. You would call it a mini thailand. same basic model and structure. I did not leave phnom, so i have no country side exp. I found the girls to be hot. But maybe because they dress very western style. and they look vietnamese or thai-ish.

what i found though is you BURN through fucking money there. And it can be "scambodia". I got ripped off, by a massage place. Girls calling me in for a 4 dollars massage, why the fuck not. Been walking all day. Girl asks me to take off my clothes, and im like, nawww i wanna keep my pants on, i just want a back massage. SHe INSISTS. and says its okay, its safe, here is your own personal locker. So i reluctantly take my pants off, put all clothes in locker. she turns on music and after 5 minutes asks me if i want sex. I am like NO...(learned a long time ago, you want good sex, you go to a sex place, you want a good massage you go to a massage place, RARELY will you ever get good sex at a massage place or a good massage at a sex place and you end up paying more). so she says she's done after 2 more minutes of rubbing. I am kinda pissed for 4 dollars, but hey it's only 4 dollars.

well next day i count my money all seems to be there.
next day i take my money OUT of my wallet and i see a 50 dollar USD note that says "not real currency" on the bottom. I am like WTF. the bank ATM at airport screwed me

i get back to indo, go online, and voila.......a guy got ripped off at the EXACT same massage place. Wanna know how they did it?
the wall safe. you see it has a back door, and when you put your shit in there, a girl on the other side, opens the back door, rifles through your wallet and replaces REAL USD with fake USD.

if i got back to cambodia im going back to that massage place, and im going to REFUSE to put my clothes in their locker. And make the bitch give me a proper massage for 4 dollars. infact, make her give me an 8 dollar massage. they owe me

sorry for the long rant, i will wrap it up. Along the riverfront there are p4p. 50 dollars is the going rate. seems the river front is a bit more crazy, cause one girl asked me if my hotel had security. I did not ask her age, i don't want to know her age, and no it wasnt' some 11 yo kid, but she was probably around 16 or 17. you could tell she had a kid. Is my guess. But i will never know. don't wanna know, plausible deniability and all that...
Now finding a gf, i have no experience with that. And the clubs all seemed geared to p4p. even the dance clubs. ALOT of foreigners in phnom penh. Like AAAAAALOT.
in the go go bars (or whatever you call them in thailand) girls do the same thing. except instead of standing, they sit and call you in. same drink scams, they pretend to like you and if you buy them drinks they make money off it. And you barfine the girls. I did it once.

food costs are the same as western world. restaurants are mostly same quality and cleanliness. The food carts are twice the price of indo. but still cheaper than the touristy restaurants
Thailand remains king for P4P

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