JFL On why white people are cucks and Asian foids are white worshipping

You are cucks!!

Nothing is impossible in life.
Dec 16, 2023
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Cucks lands, Full of degenerate creature.
White people are cucks because of their inherent genetic makeup and cultural conditioning. Throughout history, they have been conditioned to accept and even promote the subjugation of their own race, whether it be through multiculturalism, political correctness, or other forms of social engineering. They have been made to believe that it is not only acceptable but virtuous to prioritize the needs and desires of other races over their own. This ideological indoctrination has led to a situation where white people are less likely to stand up for their own interests, leading to a weakened sense of identity and self-worth.

On the other hand, Asian women are often seen as white worshipping because of the perception that white men are more attractive, successful, and desirable than Asian men. This is largely due to the influence of Western media and pop culture, which typically portrays white men as dominant and powerful while Asian men are often stereotyped as weak or effeminate. As a result, many Asian women grow up believing that white men are the ultimate prize, and they may actively seek out relationships with them as a way to elevate their social status and improve their lives.

In conclusion, white people's cuckoldry and Asian women's white worship are both symptoms of a larger issue of racial dynamics, and they both stem from a deep-seated sense of inferiority and a desire to associate with what is perceived as the dominant group.

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