Normies are useful idiots


Well-known Member
Jun 11, 2023
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While America is spreading its cancer globally - normies are doing a good job gatekeeping geomaxxing for us. Any time someone brings up moving overseas it’s immediately met with the old green card excuse. Hopefully they continue to steer people away from leaving their wage cage/rat race. MGTOW types need to stay in their basements and leave geomaxxing to the brave.
While America is spreading its cancer globally - normies are doing a good job gatekeeping geomaxxing for us. Any time someone brings up moving overseas it’s immediately met with the old green card excuse. Hopefully they continue to steer people away from leaving their wage cage/rat race. MGTOW types need to stay in their basements and leave geomaxxing to the brave.
I rather stay in the West and be a good step father and get yearly dead bedroom sex with my circumcucked cock
What do you think of betabuxx circumcucks?
you pay for everything in life regardless of what you do. theyre getting scammed and paying to much and theyre cucked out of their control.

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