Never 'self improve' for others because you'll lose your individuality in the process


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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Who you are is unique, well only some of us who have the balls to stand out from the crowd are unique. Conforming to what society deems socially acceptable and desirable for men in the current year is tountamount to self torture to appease the interests of others. Real men follow the truth and adhere to it and whatever raddit hole it may take them down and they will die on that hill. Very few men fellow this mode of honour and courage to stand out from the crowd.

The normie is a creature that is constantly in a state of conformity to the status quo because they prioritise status differentiation above all else. These mindless atomitons are begging on their hands and knees for the crumbles that their masters decide to drop down to them. They lack passion, conviction, and above all else, empathy. If push comes to shove, they'll slip your throat for an extra slice of bread but only if society permits it. The difference between the white, asian and black normie, is that the black normie is direct with his intentions, whereas the white and Asian normie hides behind man made laws because said law and order benefits their survival. The moment it no longer benefits them and survival intensifies, their mask comes off and you get to see the real them which is a cold and calculating sociopath.

im working out i need beach body for tinder pics
from semi-rich cloud engineer virgin to homeless buffed genghis khan

im not sure if its self improvement but at least i cum
well spoken

pointless to change for others because then you lose your self

and for most people, they won’t have the self realization to understand that their entire lives are influenced by outside forces, from the things they like, to their religion (most people will just continue with the same religion of their parents and so on), to the music they listen to

most people don’t have the ability to decouple from their thought process and change the way they behave. true normies

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