My final thoughts on domestic geomaxing


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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SEA is my last chance at ascending. From what I can see in real life in my home country, outside of my hometown things get even more deterministic. Almost everything is predetermined here in Bristol. It's painfully obvious to me that i'm an outsider to the people who're integrated around these parts. Heck, in the place where I'm staying, it consists of people who aren't accepted. They're foreigners from all backgrounds living in this hostel. Pretty much everyone is closed off, except for this one man I vagely spoke to in the kitchen whose somewhat neutral.

The men who've had success with women in this society, it simply comes down to a wide variety of combining factors that made it possible for them to enjoy the good life, which is plenty of pussy and having others simp and jester for you. As an outsider myself, people rarely mock me because they fear retaliation (I'm 193cm, slim built and relatively strong.)

There's an inconspicuous social credit system that's at play in society. People judge you according to your social capital and the power you hold in the prevailing society. The moment a normie steps out of line, at that very moment they will no longer be beneficiaries to the prevailing ideology in British society. Thus, their social networks will exclude them and they're experience social ostracism. There's an established ecosystem and It's clear as day that I don't belong here. Even if I desired and tried to get admittance, they'd reject me for who and what I am. Personally, I can't stand normies. They're disingenuous people who lack substance. Even if I magically became a Chad right now. I'd still choose solitude than to associate with normscum. I'd use dating apps to have short term relationships. But I don't ever want to be in a long term relationship ever again. Normies are so judgemental and cut throat, that their presence makes me cringe. All I see are civilised barbarians following nonsensical narratives in society for material gains. They've sold their souls in the process in order to fit in.
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you write like you just escaped a russian prison
That's what 12 years no ass does to a man. I'd like to add. I have rejected the advances of obese women and other types of women during my quest for an LTR. Now all I want is short term fun and the birds ain't putting out no more. I'm living in a desert of sexlessness.
im sexless everywhere except asia
its like 180 degree difference, they love my look there for the same reason im hated by western women
there is no other destination for me
Yeah, I hope I'm like you once I arrive in SEA. I had a black chick ghost me on Tinder today. That's the last straw for me. I'm no longer interested in Western women. Heck, I won't even look in their direction anymore.
Yeah, I hope I'm like you once I arrive in SEA. I had a black chick ghost me on Tinder today. That's the last straw for me. I'm no longer interested in Western women. Heck, I won't even look in their direction anymore.
idk why it bothers u niggas so much. its more enjoyable to just drink or travel or something. everyone knew women werent shit back in the day but now everyone moans about it. hyper nt mexicans just pay for it
i might just start taking hard drugs i dont give a fuck about muh aging i will age like shit from being socially isolated anyway
idk why it bothers u niggas so much. its more enjoyable to just drink or travel or something. everyone knew women werent shit back in the day but now everyone moans about it. hyper nt mexicans just pay for it
i might just start taking hard drugs i dont give a fuck about muh aging i will age like shit from being socially isolated anyway
Dude, you're 19. I've lived without sex for two thirds of your entire life. You can't possibly understand.

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