Well-known Member
- Mar 10, 2024
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I'm tired of reading NEET basement dwellers saying it's all about looks or, it's all about looks...period.
I'm a multi-millionaire so I can talk from first hand experience....young women only care about looks in a guy, only when they're washed up from their late 20s and older they start to care about money but they see you only as a beta provider. At that point you already don't want them anymore because they're past their prime.
They've already been pumped and dumped by many Chad and left with many emotional scars and so by the time they're ready to settle down with a rich beta provider they've already turned feminazi and hating all men because of their past. You're getting the leftovers that still stink of Chad's cum, someone that will be on antidepressant and anxiolytics very soon, that has lost the carefree and joyful vibe of her prime years, she'll push every day to get married and have kids to lock you down and then gain weight because she doesn't respect you. But when she was truly young with Chad she was none of that....she was full of energy, traveling the world and experiencing new things with him, she wanted to have lots of sex with him and never talked about getting married and having kids.
If I'm put in a competition with an early 20s Chad, an 18yo hot girl would ALWAYS choose the Chad
As a rich guy at most you can get sex with escorts or gold diggers but it's not the same....the experience Chad gets is completely different. He's wanted, girls crave his attention and fight for him, they approach him, they give him endless validation and emotional support, they take his side in every confrontation he has, a rich guy they do none of that, you don't see a sincere worry for you on their part...they only see you as a walking ATM. You don't feel wanted or taken care of. You only see girls faking interest for you or you get robotic sex from them....they're not emotionally into you at all.
It sucks, it's a completely different experience. Only Chad wins at life.....with money you can get robotic sex with escorts but you won't be sexually or emotionally satisfied with women...look at how many rich men are depressed and downright suicidal because they don't enjoy their many are in rehab or take psychiatric drugs/antidepressants to cope and numb their many Chads, on the other end, are depressed and hate their life? Barely anyone
I'm a multi-millionaire so I can talk from first hand experience....young women only care about looks in a guy, only when they're washed up from their late 20s and older they start to care about money but they see you only as a beta provider. At that point you already don't want them anymore because they're past their prime.
They've already been pumped and dumped by many Chad and left with many emotional scars and so by the time they're ready to settle down with a rich beta provider they've already turned feminazi and hating all men because of their past. You're getting the leftovers that still stink of Chad's cum, someone that will be on antidepressant and anxiolytics very soon, that has lost the carefree and joyful vibe of her prime years, she'll push every day to get married and have kids to lock you down and then gain weight because she doesn't respect you. But when she was truly young with Chad she was none of that....she was full of energy, traveling the world and experiencing new things with him, she wanted to have lots of sex with him and never talked about getting married and having kids.
If I'm put in a competition with an early 20s Chad, an 18yo hot girl would ALWAYS choose the Chad
As a rich guy at most you can get sex with escorts or gold diggers but it's not the same....the experience Chad gets is completely different. He's wanted, girls crave his attention and fight for him, they approach him, they give him endless validation and emotional support, they take his side in every confrontation he has, a rich guy they do none of that, you don't see a sincere worry for you on their part...they only see you as a walking ATM. You don't feel wanted or taken care of. You only see girls faking interest for you or you get robotic sex from them....they're not emotionally into you at all.
It sucks, it's a completely different experience. Only Chad wins at life.....with money you can get robotic sex with escorts but you won't be sexually or emotionally satisfied with women...look at how many rich men are depressed and downright suicidal because they don't enjoy their many are in rehab or take psychiatric drugs/antidepressants to cope and numb their many Chads, on the other end, are depressed and hate their life? Barely anyone
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