Most young women don't care about money, it's all about looks


Well-known Member
Mar 10, 2024
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I'm tired of reading NEET basement dwellers saying it's all about looks or, it's all about looks...period.
I'm a multi-millionaire so I can talk from first hand experience....young women only care about looks in a guy, only when they're washed up from their late 20s and older they start to care about money but they see you only as a beta provider. At that point you already don't want them anymore because they're past their prime.

They've already been pumped and dumped by many Chad and left with many emotional scars and so by the time they're ready to settle down with a rich beta provider they've already turned feminazi and hating all men because of their past. You're getting the leftovers that still stink of Chad's cum, someone that will be on antidepressant and anxiolytics very soon, that has lost the carefree and joyful vibe of her prime years, she'll push every day to get married and have kids to lock you down and then gain weight because she doesn't respect you. But when she was truly young with Chad she was none of that....she was full of energy, traveling the world and experiencing new things with him, she wanted to have lots of sex with him and never talked about getting married and having kids.

If I'm put in a competition with an early 20s Chad, an 18yo hot girl would ALWAYS choose the Chad

As a rich guy at most you can get sex with escorts or gold diggers but it's not the same....the experience Chad gets is completely different. He's wanted, girls crave his attention and fight for him, they approach him, they give him endless validation and emotional support, they take his side in every confrontation he has, a rich guy they do none of that, you don't see a sincere worry for you on their part...they only see you as a walking ATM. You don't feel wanted or taken care of. You only see girls faking interest for you or you get robotic sex from them....they're not emotionally into you at all.

It sucks, it's a completely different experience. Only Chad wins at life.....with money you can get robotic sex with escorts but you won't be sexually or emotionally satisfied with women...look at how many rich men are depressed and downright suicidal because they don't enjoy their many are in rehab or take psychiatric drugs/antidepressants to cope and numb their many Chads, on the other end, are depressed and hate their life? Barely anyone
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blackpill fearmongering oldcel
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It does not matter in first world countries as much. It matters in Philippines like bread and butter. Not to all.
I'm tired of reading NEET basement dwellers saying it's all about looks or, it's all about looks...period.
I'm a multi-millionaire so I can talk from first hand experience....young women only care about looks in a guy, only when they're washed up from their late 20s and older they start to care about money but they see you only as a beta provider. At that point you already don't want them anymore because they're past their prime.

They've already been pumped and dumped by many Chad and left with many emotional scars and so by the time they're ready to settle down with a rich beta provider they've already turned feminazi and hating all men because of their past. You're getting the leftovers that still stink of Chad's cum, someone that will be on antidepressant and anxiolytics very soon, that has lost the carefree and joyful vibe of her prime years, she'll push every day to get married and have kids to lock you down and then gain weight because she doesn't respect you. But when she was truly young with Chad she was none of that....she was full of energy, traveling the world and experiencing new things with him, she wanted to have lots of sex with him and never talked about getting married and having kids.

If I'm put in a competition with an early 20s Chad, an 18yo hot girl would ALWAYS choose the Chad

As a rich guy at most you can get sex with escorts or gold diggers but it's not the same....the experience Chad gets is completely different. He's wanted, girls crave his attention and fight for him, they approach him, they give him endless validation and emotional support, they take his side in every confrontation he has, a rich guy they do none of that, you don't see a sincere worry for you on their part...they only see you as a walking ATM. You don't feel wanted or taken care of. You only see girls faking interest for you or you get robotic sex from them....they're not emotionally into you at all.

It sucks, it's a completely different experience. Only Chad wins at life.....with money you can get robotic sex with escorts but you won't be sexually or emotionally satisfied with women...look at how many rich men are depressed and downright suicidal because they don't enjoy their many are in rehab or take psychiatric drugs/antidepressants to cope and numb their many Chads, on the other end, are depressed and hate their life? Barely anyone
I feel like a Chad In specific city I won't reveal.

Btw many chads are depressed after sleeping with 200 girls. Even girls.
why not .How many people will even read this thread then out of those people how many will actually go to the Philippians. Basicaly zero
I am one. The conversion rate is low but some do it here.
why not .How many people will even read this thread then out of those people how many will actually go to the Philippians. Basicaly zero
Cause the city will be saved in the history. I spent thousands of dollars and this is the best mogger city quality to life ratio. No foreigners and tons of dating. It's Geomaxxer heaven but I date one at a time
I'm tired of reading NEET basement dwellers saying it's all about looks or, it's all about looks...period.
I'm a multi-millionaire so I can talk from first hand experience....young women only care about looks in a guy, only when they're washed up from their late 20s and older they start to care about money but they see you only as a beta provider. At that point you already don't want them anymore because they're past their prime.

They've already been pumped and dumped by many Chad and left with many emotional scars and so by the time they're ready to settle down with a rich beta provider they've already turned feminazi and hating all men because of their past. You're getting the leftovers that still stink of Chad's cum, someone that will be on antidepressant and anxiolytics very soon, that has lost the carefree and joyful vibe of her prime years, she'll push every day to get married and have kids to lock you down and then gain weight because she doesn't respect you. But when she was truly young with Chad she was none of that....she was full of energy, traveling the world and experiencing new things with him, she wanted to have lots of sex with him and never talked about getting married and having kids.

If I'm put in a competition with an early 20s Chad, an 18yo hot girl would ALWAYS choose the Chad

As a rich guy at most you can get sex with escorts or gold diggers but it's not the same....the experience Chad gets is completely different. He's wanted, girls crave his attention and fight for him, they approach him, they give him endless validation and emotional support, they take his side in every confrontation he has, a rich guy they do none of that, you don't see a sincere worry for you on their part...they only see you as a walking ATM. You don't feel wanted or taken care of. You only see girls faking interest for you or you get robotic sex from them....they're not emotionally into you at all.

It sucks, it's a completely different experience. Only Chad wins at life.....with money you can get robotic sex with escorts but you won't be sexually or emotionally satisfied with women...look at how many rich men are depressed and downright suicidal because they don't enjoy their many are in rehab or take psychiatric drugs/antidepressants to cope and numb their many Chads, on the other end, are depressed and hate their life? Barely anyone
It's not a binary outcome, there's lots of shades of grey
a hot girl that can pull chads
can also pull hot guys that are rich
hot girls have no need to go to an ugly rich guy, there's plenty of hot rich guys they can date

being rich will give you a +1/10 in the west
it doesn't make you a model

and you may not be as rich as you think
in SEA there's an infinite amount of girls making 300-400-500$/month
if you make 5k$/month, you are at 10 times their salary

are you making the equivalent of 10 times their salary in the US? plenty of girls there make 30-40-50k/year
are you at 500k/year?

it's obvious that if your only quality is having money, you will attract gold diggers
I would say it depends from what country. EE women like Belarusian and Ukrainian women value financial stability as much as looks even when they are young...especially the village girls. You just have to pick the lane that will have the highest probability of the result you are trying to get.

Young girls from rich Anglo/West countries, yes, absolutely looks is number one.
Cause the city will be saved in the history. I spent thousands of dollars and this is the best mogger city quality to life ratio. No foreigners and tons of dating. It's Geomaxxer heaven but I date one at a time
how can it be heaven when it’s in the philippines lol

and since you said it’s a city with no foreigners, it means :

shit food

too hot/humid weather

shit infrastructure (gonna have to get a car just like in burgerland)

apartments aren’t high quality
how can it be heaven when it’s in the philippines lol

and since you said it’s a city with no foreigners, it means :

shit food

too hot/humid weather

shit infrastructure (gonna have to get a car just like in burgerland)

apartments aren’t high quality
Only one that applies are too humid, apartment s are high quality for right price, and most of jeepneys are accessible.
Only one that applies are too humid, apartment s are high quality for right price, and most of jeepneys are accessible.
living in bangkok apartments around siam have raised my standards too much

could never live in filthypeens. it would be embarrassing to tell people i live there
the experience Chad gets is completely different. He's wanted, girls crave his attention and fight for him, they approach him, they give him endless validation and emotional support, they take his side in every confrontation he has, a rich guy they do none of that, you don't see a sincere worry for you on their part...they only see you as a walking ATM. You don't feel wanted or taken care of. You only see girls faking interest for you or you get robotic sex from them....they're not emotionally into you at all.
the chad treatment with endless validation and emotional support already begins in early teen years.

i remember when i was on a school trip when i was 13 or something. there was an early chadlike guy in my class who got home sick or something and then he drank a bottle of cough juice for whatever reason and then didn't feel good. none of the guys was sorry because he was a total bully asshole. for once we were making fun of him because of the stupid action. but there was a girl who took the chance to mother him and cuddle him and feel sorry about him for hours. when she noticed us making fun of him she screamed at us like a maniac. it neither mattered that he was actually the bully asshole who usually took every chance to mock others and pick random fights, that what he did was stupid or that he was dumb in general. one of my early awakenings that it rather matters who you are than what you do.
Everyone is a millionaire now, its not that crazy.
they couldnt give a shit about a millionaire if he is living like the average loser, they want someone who spends.
Everyone is a millionaire now, its not that crazy.
they couldnt give a shit about a millionaire if he is living like the average loser, they want someone who spends.
Not everyone is a millionaire. Going to a sea country and spending like 2k a month makes you seem like a millionaire tho
it's always been this way and it has never been different. there are plenty of old accounts from variously, chateu heartiste, or older guys on the rooshvforums, firsthand or from children, of average men that married ugly women, and the women was still unsatisfied, and cheated, or, in the best case scenario, was deeply unsatisfied their entire life and waited until the death of the husband to finally vent that she hated her husband her entire life. that's precisely why the illusion of middle class stability fell apart for the boomers in the west roughly 20 years ago or so after seemingly starting off as a continuation of the 1970s. it wasn't different, it never could have been different. they just had the option to voice their true feelings, which didnt exist back then.

in the end, you have to hit the gym and relocate. it sucks dude. but isnt it better than being married to someone that hates you? it's a shame rooshvforum and the old game guys all got doxxed ad deleted. you guys could really benefit from their wisdom.
Not everyone is a millionaire. Going to a sea country and spending like 2k a month makes you seem like a millionaire tho
i dont care about third worlders
In the developed world if you own a home you already have almost a million
it's always been this way and it has never been different. there are plenty of old accounts from variously, chateu heartiste, or older guys on the rooshvforums, firsthand or from children, of average men that married ugly women, and the women was still unsatisfied, and cheated, or, in the best case scenario, was deeply unsatisfied their entire life and waited until the death of the husband to finally vent that she hated her husband her entire life. that's precisely why the illusion of middle class stability fell apart for the boomers in the west roughly 20 years ago or so after seemingly starting off as a continuation of the 1970s. it wasn't different, it never could have been different. they just had the option to voice their true feelings, which didnt exist back then.

in the end, you have to hit the gym and relocate. it sucks dude. but isnt it better than being married to someone that hates you? it's a shame rooshvforum and the old game guys all got doxxed ad deleted. you guys could really benefit from their wisdom.
this place will grow to rooshv levels
it's always been this way and it has never been different. there are plenty of old accounts from variously, chateu heartiste, or older guys on the rooshvforums, firsthand or from children, of average men that married ugly women, and the women was still unsatisfied, and cheated, or, in the best case scenario, was deeply unsatisfied their entire life and waited until the death of the husband to finally vent that she hated her husband her entire life. that's precisely why the illusion of middle class stability fell apart for the boomers in the west roughly 20 years ago or so after seemingly starting off as a continuation of the 1970s. it wasn't different, it never could have been different. they just had the option to voice their true feelings, which didnt exist back then.

in the end, you have to hit the gym and relocate. it sucks dude. but isnt it better than being married to someone that hates you? it's a shame rooshvforum and the old game guys all got doxxed ad deleted. you guys could really benefit from their wisdom.

I had an account on the old RooshV Forum. There were some forum members who were really ahead of the lookmaxxing trend and knew what was up in terms of what actually works. Back then it was "game" and mental masturbation focused. Lot of forum members were delusional about their own SMV level and hella lied about their results. There were some golden nuggets to be had there once you shift through the pile of "game" BS advice and stupid mental masturbation.
in the end, you have to hit the gym and relocate. it sucks dude. but isnt it better than being married to someone that hates you?
true. you could avoid that by marrying down your own SMV, she will not hate you then but you will be bored by your own wife.

I had an account on the old RooshV Forum. There were some forum members who were really ahead of the lookmaxxing trend and knew what was up in terms of what actually works. Back then it was "game" and mental masturbation focused. Lot of forum members were delusional about their own SMV level and hella lied about their results. There were some golden nuggets to be had there once you shift through the pile of "game" BS advice and stupid mental masturbation.
yea ugly guys were coping too hard with red pill over there and always thought they could compensate for their low SMV by just approaching more often.

meanwhile on here with all the incel influx guys are deluding themselves too hard with the blackpill stuff, always concluding too quickly that "it's over".
true. you could avoid that by marrying down your own SMV, she will not hate you then but you will be bored by your own wife.

yea ugly guys were coping too hard with red pill over there and always thought they could compensate for their low SMV by just approaching more often.

meanwhile on here with all the incel influx guys are deluding themselves too hard with the blackpill stuff, always concluding too quickly that "it's over".
based analysis, the latter is a better mindset but leads to you getting played but at least you develop life experiences
looks & books > money

scheduling my next surgery rn
Having the means to live at leisure in a foreign country is what makes you rich in their eyes. Nobody's gonna know how much you spend per month unless you tell them.
just by the neighbourhood and condo you have, they know you have more money than 95% of them
BGC/Makati for example
You are a fool who doesn't know shit.
a woman won't talk to you in real life if she thinks she can do better on tinder. take a look at the grandma catfish videos. legitimate chads begging for pussy from 69 year old obese women. they even send superlikes.

I am not discounting that your attitude and game matters, but younger people are facing a problem on a scale that older people cant even begin to imagine
a woman won't talk to you in real life if she thinks she can do better on tinder.
A woman will talk with a wide array of men, that doesn't mean she is attracted to them. Women often get into relationships with men they have zero attraction to.

take a look at the grandma catfish videos. legitimate chads begging for pussy from 69 year old obese women. they even send superlikes.
None of those guys were Chads. They were normies. I would know considering I was the one who popularised the granny tinder experiments back in 2019.

I am not discounting that your attitude and game matters, but younger people are facing a problem on a scale that older people cant even begin to imagine
Well that's on them. Life is unforgiving for the weak and they'll quickly left behind to the dust.

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