Greetings, as the title implies I am considering visiting the Dominican Republic sometime in the future. Most whitecels here like flat gooks, but I could never get hard to them. So that's why I'm seeking big booty latina whores there. I don't mind if they're black, I just need big booty and thighs.
LATAMmaxxers do you think I could ascend there with these stats?
6ft unfrauded
Norwood 0
3-4/10 face
I also have been to Brazil a couple of times because of family connections. So I know that these places can be very dangerous.
okay 1. DR is not dangerous. The gov and police take good care of the tourists. Just don't do stupid things like go with juan you just met cause he knows where a party/drugs/girls are. (and avoid santo domingo)
Second, DR is not for picking girls up. Not the local girls. The island is full of mulattos. Which are much more attractive than you. Think, thick lips, no body fat with muscles. PLUS they speak spanish fluently and you don't.
so if you think your going to go into a bar in DR and "pick up" a dominican girl. Think again.
they will ALWAYS expect money. (there are exceptions, if you speak spanish fluently you get points, if you live there you get more points, if you live like you have money (always about the money) you get points)
but now that we have that out of the way. You will have a good time there, but DO NOT pay more than 3,000 pesos for a short time (i personally pay 1500 to 2500 but that is because i speak spanish and lived there, built friendships with the girls and i actually dated dom girls, cause of the exceptions above) , and most girls won't even go over night anymore. 5 years ago, a girl would JUMP at 5000 pesos for a whole night with you. But because of the black new york fags, "blinging" and paying wayyyyyy too much for the girls. (why they have to pretend to have money is beyond me, stupid fucks they are). so 5 years later, they have ruined the Pay for play scene.
But there is no doubt DR woman are fucking hot. FUCKING hot. i lived there for almost a year and visited for 7 years. I miss the women. can get all kinds there, black, mulatto and white.
if you need any info just message me. I know DR very well. And not just as a tourist.
the only girl that rejected me constantly, cause i fucked her much younger sister
would smash like hulk *insert crying emoji