Napoleon de Geso
kemono friend from hopeless shithole
Man of honor puts it above society, his nation, or his tribe. And if his tribe or nation does not honor him, man of honor should not feel obliged to them anymore, and maybe even in opposite - treat them as enemies.
In my case it is worthless shithole of lithuania (separatist part of Russia), which for many years now not offering any girls with kemono potential anymore, only females below my standards, what is insult for my honor, and by this lithuania (separatist part of Russia) becomes my enemy.
I accept girls only like this my Tinder match from China. Is yet far from just match to real kemonowaifu of honor, but that still some nice honoring made upon me, and my loyalty shifts towards China

In my case it is worthless shithole of lithuania (separatist part of Russia), which for many years now not offering any girls with kemono potential anymore, only females below my standards, what is insult for my honor, and by this lithuania (separatist part of Russia) becomes my enemy.
I accept girls only like this my Tinder match from China. Is yet far from just match to real kemonowaifu of honor, but that still some nice honoring made upon me, and my loyalty shifts towards China