Story Madness in Hanoi: Shitty date with golddigger Stacy, Koreans destroy overpriced restaurant and almost hit me with a flying chair

Marco Pumpo

40+ countries travelled
Apr 18, 2024
Reaction score
i had a date with a young stacy. she wanted to meet me near "beer street", a famous party spot in hanoi. i lived in old quarter and that's in walking distance so i agreed.

when she arrived i already had a bad feeling because of her bitch style. long nails and eyelashes, lots of make-up. she said she moved to hanoi for working in whatever make-up industry that doesn't exist in her shithole hometown.

we had agreed on going for a drink so she suggested a place and i said ok let's give it a try. we walked in and it was a club. vietnamese employees gesturing around guiding us to some table. extremely loud music, impossible to talk. not at all what i imagine for a first date so i immediately decided that we leave. i could see that she was already a bit stumped but that's her problem if she chooses such a shitty place. i'm not your silent drink buyer.

then she wanted to get food instead. we went to some outdoor restaurant that offered some barbecue stuff. the prices were unusually high, i thought maybe it's something special but it turned out to be just regular food for exaggerated prices. in total i paid what i would pay for that in europe as well so nothing that would ruin me in any way but this can certainly be considered rip-off in vietnam.

the conversation with my date was dull and her level of english was just enough to hold a conversation. she was just a dumb golddigger bitch that has nothing going on for her except looks.

next to us was another couple: a young white HTN with a chubby subhuman vietnamese date, JFL.

on the other side a bunch of koreans who ordered quite a lot of plates and drinks. apparently they hadn't looked at the prices before and just assumed regular prices. it seemed to be way too much for their purses because when the bill came the started freaking out. first they shoved some cutlery box off the table but the waiter said they still have to pay.

then the fight completely escalated. they started throwing chairs and then the waiter did the same. my date and me almost got hit by a chair on our heads. we and everyone else in the restaurant stood up and walked away. people in the street started gathering around in a circle. our food and our drinks got wiped off the table by the fight.

then one of the koreans grabbed the electric barbecue device with the cable. he held the cable and swung the grill like a morning star, threatening to hit the waiters with it. that moment the fight kind of ceased and the koreans fled.

At least our ruined food and drinks got replaced by the restaurant and we could finish it. Stacy had to "suddenly" leave after the dinner because her sister "said so". i wouldn't be surprised if she was actually some sort of scammer who gets a commission from that club that she led me to in the beginning.
i wouldn't be surprised if she was actually some sort of scammer who gets a commission from that club that she led me to in the beginning.
Yes, this is 100% a thing in vietnam on dating apps and such. For example I remember being asked to go to this one called LOCO Complex - check out the negative reviews on google maps
I even had this happen to me in Malaysia by a Grab driver taking me to a durian stall and took me to another one on the pretense it was overpriced (in reality the one he took me to was overpriced) jfl.
Moral of the story is always pick the place if anything seems sketchy
the first location 99% sure it was a scam, that area and the spot she picked, her description and everything, but it seems like you got lucky and left early
i guess she was hungry after that and decided to get at least a free dinner?

were there any good dates and slays in hanoi?
the first location 99% sure it was a scam, that area and the spot she picked, her description and everything, but it seems like you got lucky and left early
i guess she was hungry after that and decided to get at least a free dinner?
yea i think so.

were there any good dates and slays in hanoi?
as mentioned in the other thread:

i got to know a stacylite who even stayed at my place over night. but she refused to fuck and says she's a virgin who never even kissed anyone. she's a flight attendend who literally has her head in the clouds. no golddigger but expects the guy to pick her up and pay for common activities and shit like that.

and i met an 18yo unicorn, more educated than other vietnamese and no shitty attitude. but lives with her parents and pretty busy with all her learning shit. she studies german very seriously and promised she will come to germany this year and meet me. we'll see how it goes.

besides that some bumble and hellotalk "dates" that were too boring for me to follow up and lots of likes that wanted to find the love of their lives and didn't match my standards.
she suggested a place and i said ok let's give it a try.
bro fell for the oldest trick in the book for big city viet whores

when i would get bored in saigon i would agree to meet them, tell them im outside the bar, and watch them walk around looking for me jfl

especially the fat ones. i bet they were self conscious about having to walk around with all that blubber in front of people
bumble is way better in Vietnam, because of so many scammers on tinder, but after a while you can almost tell which are the fake profiles on tinder due to all the pictures have the same sort of background 'affect' to them
bumble is way better in Vietnam, because of so many scammers on tinder, but after a while you can almost tell which are the fake profiles on tinder due to all the pictures have the same sort of background 'affect' to them
From what I read dating there just isn't good
i had a date with a young stacy. she wanted to meet me near "beer street", a famous party spot in hanoi. i lived in old quarter and that's in walking distance so i agreed.

when she arrived i already had a bad feeling because of her bitch style. long nails and eyelashes, lots of make-up. she said she moved to hanoi for working in whatever make-up industry that doesn't exist in her shithole hometown.

we had agreed on going for a drink so she suggested a place and i said ok let's give it a try. we walked in and it was a club. vietnamese employees gesturing around guiding us to some table. extremely loud music, impossible to talk. not at all what i imagine for a first date so i immediately decided that we leave. i could see that she was already a bit stumped but that's her problem if she chooses such a shitty place. i'm not your silent drink buyer.

then she wanted to get food instead. we went to some outdoor restaurant that offered some barbecue stuff. the prices were unusually high, i thought maybe it's something special but it turned out to be just regular food for exaggerated prices. in total i paid what i would pay for that in europe as well so nothing that would ruin me in any way but this can certainly be considered rip-off in vietnam.

the conversation with my date was dull and her level of english was just enough to hold a conversation. she was just a dumb golddigger bitch that has nothing going on for her except looks.

next to us was another couple: a young white HTN with a chubby subhuman vietnamese date, JFL.

on the other side a bunch of koreans who ordered quite a lot of plates and drinks. apparently they hadn't looked at the prices before and just assumed regular prices. it seemed to be way too much for their purses because when the bill came the started freaking out. first they shoved some cutlery box off the table but the waiter said they still have to pay.

then the fight completely escalated. they started throwing chairs and then the waiter did the same. my date and me almost got hit by a chair on our heads. we and everyone else in the restaurant stood up and walked away. people in the street started gathering around in a circle. our food and our drinks got wiped off the table by the fight.

then one of the koreans grabbed the electric barbecue device with the cable. he held the cable and swung the grill like a morning star, threatening to hit the waiters with it. that moment the fight kind of ceased and the koreans fled.

At least our ruined food and drinks got replaced by the restaurant and we could finish it. Stacy had to "suddenly" leave after the dinner because her sister "said so". i wouldn't be surprised if she was actually some sort of scammer who gets a commission from that club that she led me to in the beginning.
HAHAHAh funny description. Gotta watch out with dates like that.

Its' why never let them pick the venue. Always be the alpha. (until you know her better and can trust her)

You can TELL right away if they are going to be stacy gold diggers they will refuse your ideas. Give her the 3 strikes rule. Your resto pick one, "i no llike" pick number two "i no like" 3rd one "if you no like you can go home, cause i am hungry"
she will counter with "nooo. lets go here". Simply say "okay, goodbye" shes will say "okay i come" and going to come with you. but if shes a gold digger she will act like a shitty date and you will get the same outcome you would have gotten paying 3 times more. and it had nothing to do with your alpha pick the restaurant move. But at least you save 2/3rds money

if she likes you, she will eat fucking raman noodles with you on a sidewalk. (truths) with no complaints
bro fell for the oldest trick in the book for big city viet whores

when i would get bored in saigon i would agree to meet them, tell them im outside the bar, and watch them walk around looking for me jfl

especially the fat ones. i bet they were self conscious about having to walk around with all that blubber in front of people
HAHAHAHAH your evil, bro. awesome
a friend who called me from home said about the morning star bit: "it sounds like a movie scene. actually, if i had seen this in a movie i would have said this is too unrealistic to happen in reality." :D

the pollution was also subtly impacting my mood
It's proven that that's also why Vietnam residents are so unhappy. Cyberpunk like city without High tech.

Would you just skip Vietnam

I'm having a blast in Philippines!
Drop Pic of the stacy
should've known you cant touch northern Kinh stacies as a white guy
This is geomaxxing 101, I've known white guys fall for this shit in Shanghai where the dating app foid set them up at expensive wine places to scam the guy
It's proven that that's also why Vietnam residents are so unhappy. Cyberpunk like city without High tech.

I'm having a blast in Philippines!
Which city?

Drop Pic of the stacy
I reported her on bumble so i don't have the pics anymore. WhatsApp profile pic is not showing face.

should've known you cant touch northern Kinh stacies as a white guy
This is geomaxxing 101, I've known white guys fall for this shit in Shanghai where the dating app foid set them up at expensive wine places to scam the guy
Are you thai?

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