Made a Chinese Oxford Uni student get a 2 hour train to my city to stand her up and ask her to pay me for sex


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Shes going uni at oxford in uk

2 hours from me

shes kinda cute, white af, fashionmaxxed, i can tell her eyes are surgerymaxxed


i talked with her for a bit, but her convo is dry so i stopped

but she pops up to all of my stories calling me handsome.

asks to meet this saturday

mixed signals, dead convo but calling me handsome and wanting to meet

I agreed to meet. she was gonna get the train 2 hours to me and ill pick her up at the train station

but i decided im not meeting someone who wont even make effort to ask how my day is and talk to me normally. i just want a girl i can have nice chats with, and i have that already, so im not settling for less

so i said to her yesterday, "btw in regards to meeting tomorrow, I charge £300 for meets, £500 for sex"

and she said "i charge more"

then i blanked her and deleted the chat and forgot about her

i thought she got the message that i dont wanna meet

then she messages today shes on her way to my local train station, 20 minutes away


u need to put asians in their place. especially rich ones who come to uk and think theyre the shit cos their daddy paid for them to go oxford. stupid bitch
pay for her facial surgery and 100k per year for ur daughter to go study in uk to to get stood up by, charged for sex by, and bulllied by white turbomanlets

The state of chinks in 2024
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pay 100k per year for ur daughter to go study in uk to to get stood up by, charged for sex by, and bulllied by white turbomanlets
what are you going to do in case you get a daughter?
Meanwhile you cuckolds let girls talk to u like shit, let them try charge you money, let them bully you
made a broke uni student pay for my lunch and made her walk me to the train station so i didnt get lost 🥰🥰
We own ethnics in uk

Every time I order uber eats from the comfort of my work from home job, an ethnic slave always delivers it

They're here to serve us
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My slays are better bro, i had 700k followers twitch thot noodle whores and models
You need to remember that the only reason why they seem attractive is because they are shorter, native european girls are tall like their males.
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Ahhhhh...the classic mid at best Asian girl who likes white guys. The level of girl anyone and their dog can get who is halfway decent looking. Congrats bro for "putting her in her place". You really showed her. LOLZ

My hate/love for this forum grows ever stronger. Shits hilarious.
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Ahhhhh...the classic mid at best Asian girl who likes white guys. The level of girl anyone and their dog can get who is halfway decent looking. Congrats bro for "putting her in her place". You really showed her. LOLZ

My hate/love for this forum grows ever stronger. Shits hilarious.
Seethe ricedick. You couldn't get her. She only follows white prettyboys on ig

Your stuck with the poverty asian girls who use you as a walking wallet meanwhile we get the rich high class ones who like us for who we are

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