low key squatting toilets are better


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
but they’re unaesthetic af

western toilets look better

but squatting is healthier for you
conventional 'western' toilet: causes strain and eventual colon cancer through incomplete elimination and retention of faecal matter in colon leading to putrefaction & chronic obstruction(sepsis, etc.). Use: elevated toilet stool(~18" high;can be homemade out of wood); user should squat and compress the abdomen with the thighs to fully excrete waste matter and eliminate the obstruction. This increases longevity/energy as v(vitality)=p-o but reducing the 'o'(obstruction) it increases the 'p'(power) and thereby the 'v'

i recommend you all try it atleast once before casting judgment!

but again, ill be damned if i got a squatting toilet in my crib
but squatting is healthier for you
congrats, after making fun of them you have done your basic research and finally found this out.

and i have another mindblowing news flash for you: you can actually squat on western toilets. asians often do that, so in some places that asians travel to they have even put up signs telling them to not squat on the western toilets.
sometimes if i cant get the shit out, ill put my feet on something raised so its like more like squatting but ur still on toilet
im not surprised, i mean 5'4 is shorter than avg 3rd grader, its hard to shit when you dont touch the floor with your feet while sitting on the toilet
There's no such thing as a "squatting toilet". You are crouching and shitting on the ground like an animal, only there happens to be a sewer drain under your ass instead of the more usual soil.
conventional 'western' toilet: causes strain and eventual colon cancer through incomplete elimination and retention of faecal matter in colon leading to putrefaction & chronic obstruction(sepsis, etc.). Use: elevated toilet stool(~18" high;can be homemade out of wood); user should squat and compress the abdomen with the thighs to fully excrete waste matter and eliminate the obstruction. This increases longevity/energy as v(vitality)=p-o but reducing the 'o'(obstruction) it increases the 'p'(power) and thereby the 'v'
Incomplete evacuation is caused by colon inflammation as a result of chronic irritation. Overeating, too much booze, low-quality or rancid foods cooked in gutter grease (spiciness often masks rancidity and compounds irritation), too much laying around, high stress levels during your normal shitting time...all of these irritate and disrupt the functionality of the lower gut.
>compress the abdomen with the thighs
How fucking fat do you have to be that squatting compresses your abdomen?
i recommend you all try it atleast once before casting judgment!
Obviously you've never spent time in the woods, JFL. It's a royal PITA to shit on the ground when you have a sluggish bowel for whatever reason. In any case, brownoids seem to experience constipation at a lower rate than whites do.
There's no such thing as a "squatting toilet". You are crouching and shitting on the ground like an animal, only there happens to be a sewer drain under your ass instead of the more usual soil.

Incomplete evacuation is caused by colon inflammation as a result of chronic irritation. Overeating, too much booze, low-quality or rancid foods cooked in gutter grease (spiciness often masks rancidity and compounds irritation), too much laying around, high stress levels during your normal shitting time...all of these irritate and disrupt the functionality of the lower gut.
>compress the abdomen with the thighs
How fucking fat do you have to be that squatting compresses your abdomen?

Obviously you've never spent time in the woods, JFL. It's a royal PITA to shit on the ground when you have a sluggish bowel for whatever reason. In any case, brownoids seem to experience constipation at a lower rate than whites do.
Why are you scientifically analysing constipation by ethnicity on a geomax forum
Why are you scientifically analysing constipation by ethnicity on a geomax forum
he’s autistic

i’m pretty sure i can recognize his posting style on trv. i forgot what it was about but he got in an argument earlier with someone about something so autistically trivial it would make anyone cage

but this is the modern day coffee house! autistics of any degree are gladly welcomed here!
he’s autistic

i’m pretty sure i can recognize his posting style on trv. i forgot what it was about but he got in an argument earlier with someone about something so autistically trivial it would make anyone cage

but this is the modern day coffee house! autistics of any degree are gladly welcomed here!
Is trv any good

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