living in asia long enough makes it so you become primarily attracted to them

i remember before i had ever left america, i mostly liked latinas and white girls but after growing up in korea and living in thailand, i’m pretty much asian only
Do you adjust to their personalities too? Talking to Thai and Filipina foids is always weird bc they're almost all autistic they're nt. I assume actually going to sea would be needed for that since it's completely foreign to me
Do you adjust to their personalities too? Talking to Thai and Filipina foids is always weird bc they're almost all autistic they're nt. I assume actually going to sea would be needed for that since it's completely foreign to me
Well thai chicks are kinda just white girls to me but Filipinas are fucking annoying as shit and will talk for 20 minutes uninterrupted. Idk if I could ever tolerate that for any meaningful length of time
After puberty, what men are attracted to doesn't change. How old were you when you left the US?

explains it then

funnily enough the first girl i masturbated to when i was about 13 was a filipina girl in my class in america who was the only asian
i remember before i had ever left america, i mostly liked latinas and white girls but after growing up in korea and living in thailand, i’m pretty much asian only
Opposite for me! Spent most of my time in LatAm and doing a few months in Asia now - I want to go back to LatAm after another 1-2 months.
I'm the opposite. Living in Asia made my get a massive white fever. LOLZ

To each their own I guess.
did you get used to them talking in their language and not understand anything?
did you get used to them talking in their language and not understand anything?
This is a major drawback. Just 20 minutes ago walking to this coffee shop I chatted up this cutie on the street. Language barrier just led to frustration and ending the convo after 15 seconds. I speak Spanish so it's just much easier in LatAm.
How's the dating scene in EE for asian males from your experience?

I would say overall, the dating market here in EE is'll get who you are here. There is no ethnic tax as an Asian. CE/EE women don't think that they are better than you just because they are white. It is a level playing field so you get to really see who really got it and who does not.

Seen many white dudes who spent way too much time in Asia and LatAm get their ass handed to them due to no JBW.
I would say overall, the dating market here in EE is'll get who you are here. There is no ethnic tax as an Asian. CE/EE women don't think that they are better than you just because they are white. It is a level playing field so you get to really see who really got it and who does not.

Seen many white dudes who spent way too much time in Asia and LatAm get their ass handed to them due to no JBW.
so why is eemaxxing viable for white men if no jbw
so why is eemaxxing viable for white men if no jbw

Not all western white men are solely into asians, latinas, or blacks. There are plenty of western white dudes who likes white girls and they mog CE/EE guys in terms of status and money...sometimes looks too.
Not all western white men are solely into asians, latinas, or blacks. There are plenty of western white dudes who likes white girls and they mog CE/EE guys in terms of status and money...sometimes looks too.
What I was asking was Abt how western whites mog ee whites. I know you said money/ status. Do they just assume be I'm American I have money/ status? I'm becoming increasingly interested in eemaxxing so I'm trying to learn more about it
What I was asking was Abt how western whites mog ee whites. I know you said money/ status. Do they just assume be I'm American I have money/ status? I'm becoming increasingly interested in eemaxxing so I'm trying to learn more about it

Short answer...yes.
So being American/lowinhibmaxxing is probably the strategy for EE then?

Those certainly help but out here it is much more competitive than LatAm or Asia. So it is more like Effortmaxxing on all fronts is the strategy. I'll say this, CE/EE isn't for lazy and cheap geomaxxers.
Those certainly helps but out here it is much more competitive than LatAm or Asia. So it is more like Effortmaxxing on all fronts is the strategy. I'll say this, CE/EE isn't for lazy and cheap geomaxxers.
What other fronts are there? Can't really control how I look
What other fronts are there? Can't really control how I look

I mean you need to looksmax for sure to do decent. Being lean, stylemaxxed, groomingmaxed. That's like the price of entry. Then take professional photos and have a solid dating/social media (Instagram) profile. After that, supplement this with nightgame (buying tables), daygame, and social circle maxxing and you can do decent assuming you are at least a MTN. Also, the capital cities tend to be much more competitive so if you do second-tier-city-maxxing, it is gonna help.

I'm not slaying it or anything but I have gotten results from doing all this being an Asian MTN.
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I mean you need to looksmax for sure to do decent. Being lean, stylemaxxed, groomingmaxed. That's like the price of entry. Then take professional photos and have a solid dating/social media (Instagram) profile. After that, supplement this with nightgame, daygame, and social circle maxxing and you can do decent assuming you are at least a MTN. Also, the capital cities tend to be much more competitive so if you do second-tier-maxxing, it is gonna help.

I'm not slaying it or anything but I have gotten results from doing all this being an Asian MTN.
Ah lol over for me then but thanks for the info
I would say overall, the dating market here in EE is'll get who you are here. There is no ethnic tax as an Asian. CE/EE women don't think that they are better than you just because they are white. It is a level playing field so you get to really see who really got it and who does not.

Seen many white dudes who spent way too much time in Asia and LatAm get their ass handed to them due to no JBW.
EE girls are very racist towards foreign men. Even more than western women.

If ur asian they won't like ur height, won't like ur face, won't like ur dick size. Will like ur tan skin, will like your money if u have it

Just run tan skin and betabuxx game there
EE girls are very racist towards foreign men. Even more than western women.

If ur asian they won't like ur height, won't like ur face, won't like ur dick size. Will like ur tan skin, will like your money if u have it

Just run tan skin and betabuxx game there

It depends on your background. If you are black or middle eastern then yeah, they tend to be racist towards these groups. But even then, if you are a good looking black dude with your shit together, or a good looking (or even better white in passing) middle eastern guy who isn't a brokie you will do fine.

EE girls are not racist towards Asians or even Indians. They don't have the negative prejudices that western white girls have of them. Most of the Asian and Indian dudes who don't get anything in CE/EE is mainly due to looking like shit, being a brokie, or in the case of Indians...having bad hygiene. EE girls are the white girls most receptive to Asian features and they are generally neutral towards them. Frankly, that is all I need to succeed.

Source: I spent time in CE/EE for ~3 years now.

"Just run tan skin and betabuxx game there" LOLZ...the bar is set much higher than this bro.
It depends on your background. If you are black or middle eastern then yeah, they tend to be racist towards these groups. But even then, if you are a good looking black dude with your shit together, or a good looking (or even better white in passing) middle eastern guy who isn't a brokie you will do fine.

EE girls are not racist towards Asians or even Indians. They don't have the negative prejudices that western white girls have of them. Most of the Asian and Indian dudes who don't get anything in CE/EE is mainly due to looking like shit, being a brokie, or in the case of Indians...having bad hygiene. EE girls are the white girls most receptive to Asian features and they are generally neutral towards them. Frankly, that is all I need to succeed.

Source: I spent time in CE/EE for ~3 years now.

"Just run tan skin and betabuxx game there" LOLZ...the bar is set much higher than this bro.
you are truely delusional. EE girls are way more racist than western girls. theyre JBW only. whereas western girls might date a western born ethnic if theyre tall
especially racist towards asians cos u look so different

if u do manage to date an EE girl if ur not 6ft and white its purely because of money. your nothing more than a walking wallet for her

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