Geomax Learn how to live out of a small backpack and travel with less


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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it helps you be less attached to material possessions

helps you realize that 99% of material things are easily replaceable

makes you more flexible when traveling

i could easily move to any places in the world with my 26L arcteryx backpack and be comfortable

it’s funny because i remember when i first moved to dubai (the first place i went after leaving usa) i had like 4 suitcases but realized it was overkill so ended up dumping so many expensive clothes in my hotel

now i’ve downsized to just a backpack and whenever i buy something on my travels just ship it back to my flat in korea

less is more
it helps you be less attached to material possessions

helps you realize that 99% of material things are easily replaceable

makes you more flexible when traveling

i could easily move to any places in the world with my 26L arcteryx backpack and be comfortable

it’s funny because i remember when i first moved to dubai (the first place i went after leaving usa) i had like 4 suitcases but realized it was overkill so ended up dumping so many expensive clothes in my hotel

now i’ve downsized to just a backpack and whenever i buy something on my travels just ship it back to my flat in korea

less is more
I have like 2 sets of clothes that I rotate. I just do laundry every couple days. All the money saved not buying useless shit is lifefuel tbh. Almost all my coworkers are women and they have shit like accessories for their fucking 45 dollar water bottles, and retarded keychains, and covers for their expensive ass MacBooks. And that's just the shit they bring in to work. 90 percent of financial problems are self inflicted in burger
it helps you be less attached to material possessions

helps you realize that 99% of material things are easily replaceable

makes you more flexible when traveling

i could easily move to any places in the world with my 26L arcteryx backpack and be comfortable

it’s funny because i remember when i first moved to dubai (the first place i went after leaving usa) i had like 4 suitcases but realized it was overkill so ended up dumping so many expensive clothes in my hotel

now i’ve downsized to just a backpack and whenever i buy something on my travels just ship it back to my flat in korea

less is more
Do you think people who call themselves backpackers have the slightest awareness of how fucking gay they look? I've noticed they're almost always emaciated and smile like retarded dogs in pics showing their all their slightly stained teeth. Plus I've noticed they seem to love raping their skin with excessive sunlight. Hope they all get killed with rocks on their gay ass retard hikes
yea its autism, my chink ex used to have like 4 suitcases filled with random shit had to get her stuff in my car when she was moving student dorms

when i geomaxx ill just backpackmaxx

all u need is clothes, phone, wallet, toothbrush

when i geomaxxed to work in spain at 18yo, i did it without even a backpack, just phone and wallet. and bought clothes and toothbrush while there
Me personally I prefer to travel with atleast one large suitcase. But that’s because I stay in one place for long times.

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