JFL LDARmaxxing Streamer


Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2022
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"WithaWonder" is the username of a obese streamer that loves to streamming himself just laying down and surfing in the internet. This fucker even streaming himself watching others streammers.

Dude is so fat that he can't even play videogames.

Also, I remember he was involved in a scandal, its appear that he tried to search for underage girls for sexual acts, by I dont remember very well the details, what I remember is that he was being doxxed non-stopped in his discord.
"WithaWonder" is the username of a obese streamer that loves to streamming himself just laying down and surfing in the internet. This fucker even streaming himself watching others streammers.

Dude is so fat that he can't even play videogames.

Also, I remember he was involved in a scandal, its appear that he tried to search for underage girls for sexual acts, by I dont remember very well the details, what I remember is that he was being doxxed non-stopped in his discord.
What a pathetic fat fucker, I would blow my brains out with a 9mm if i got that fat holy shit. how do you even clean your ass when you shit?
Nah hes too wide
i watched more of his jewtube videos. hes tall white with full hair and is an obese ldaring waste of life. he could have easily ascended and just threw his life away. i wish we knew if he was circumcucked or not. imagine having foreskin to and ending up like that. what a waste.
Saw this guy back in 2020, I think someone posted about him on .is. He had a discord server called “simp sanctuary.”

I’m surprised this fat fuck is even still alive.
Not sure if he still does this or not but I noticed he’s so fucking disabled from being fat (and lazy) that he was literally using the on-screen keypad and using his mouse to click it instead of fucking typing like a sane human.
This guy is epic as fuck. Go to 1:38 in this vid and is ten to what he said.

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