Vent Gangstalkers are trying to fuck with me again.


Nov 11, 2022
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Bel Air, MD
Gangstalkers are actively trying to fuck with me and wage psychological warfare on me. So tonight I've been watching a bunch of episodes back to back of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (The show/musical, not the movies). Anyways, I start talking with a brocel about this show and I'm going into some detail, not a ton of detail but some. Then the brocel I was chatting with sends me a link to this looksmax thread that was posted only 2 MINUTES prior to him sending it.
The thread is titled "Watching TV/Movies is a MAJOR INCEL TRAIT many don't seem to realize".
ghbfn gvngvbn.PNG

And before anybody says anything, No. The brocel I was talking to did not make this thread, if he did he would've had to make it super fast and he knows the ins and outs of TV shows and has a good memory for that sort of stuff as well. Plus he already has a different looksmax account made a while back and we all know how hard it can be to make an alt on that site. Anyways, this guy is clearly some kind of stalker, he made his account on January 5th of this year (not even 10 days ago). Then he posts that mere a couple MINUTES after I said what I said in a private chat app. This proves that gangstalking is demonic in nature. Also this stupid jackass literally has a profile pic (Homelander) from a TV series (The Boys) while saying all that. Ironic to say the least.

fgjhgnhgmgh.PNGThis is the ultimate gaslighting. This is the gangstalkers basically telling you; 'Don't connect the dots of what's going on or what we are trying to do to you! You're a stupid fucking nerd if you do!' 'Be a normie sheep, don't think critically at all or analyze your surroundings.'

The nature of man is to THINK, that is what sets us apart from every other living thing in this world. We can contemplate our existence and contextualize our world and events that happen to us.

And as an added note, It's not even just an 'incel trait.' There's plenty of normies that follow various TV shows or movies and discuss them with others. Completely ridiculous that he thinks no one enjoys or is involved in watching any media at all, is he trying to say incels prop up movie theaters and streaming services? If anything incels are more likely to pirate content online. Of course I'm not encouraging to be a mindless consumer but rather it's clear there demonic fuckers don't want you to think for yourself or have ANY fun at all, let alone connect the dots. I believe in a good, and righteous society art has an important place and good art should be celebrated and enjoyed, it's apart of what makes life worth living. Fuck these braindead attention whores on looksmax and fuck these demonic gangstalker fucks. You WILL get what is coming your way when Jesus Christ returns to the Earth.

I'm going to try not to engage with gangstalker shit anymore, as that's probably what they want from me but I just had to call them out at least this once so they know that I'm not afraid of Satan and I reject the antichrist and I am aware of what they are trying to do. Not gonna let it slide!

And I saved your drivel so that you can't gaslight anyone into thinking that thread didn't happen!
Gangstalkers are actively trying to fuck with me and wage psychological warfare on me. So tonight I've been watching a bunch of episodes back to back of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (The show/musical, not the movies). Anyways, I start talking with a brocel about this show and I'm going into some detail, not a ton of detail but some. Then the brocel I was chatting with sends me a link to this looksmax thread that was posted only 2 MINUTES prior to him sending it.
The thread is titled "Watching TV/Movies is a MAJOR INCEL TRAIT many don't seem to realize".
View attachment 9422

And before anybody says anything, No. The brocel I was talking to did not make this thread, if he did he would've had to make it super fast and he knows the ins and outs of TV shows and has a good memory for that sort of stuff as well. Plus he already has a different looksmax account made a while back and we all know how hard it can be to make an alt on that site. Anyways, this guy is clearly some kind of stalker, he made his account on January 5th of this year (not even 10 days ago). Then he posts that mere a couple MINUTES after I said what I said in a private chat app. This proves that gangstalking is demonic in nature. Also this stupid jackass literally has a profile pic (Homelander) from a TV series (The Boys) while saying all that. Ironic to say the least.

View attachment 9425
View attachment 9423This is the ultimate gaslighting. This is the gangstalkers basically telling you; 'Don't connect the dots of what's going on or what we are trying to do to you! You're a stupid fucking nerd if you do!' 'Be a normie sheep, don't think critically at all or analyze your surroundings.'

The nature of man is to THINK, that is what sets us apart from every other living thing in this world. We can contemplate our existence and contextualize our world and events that happen to us.

And as an added note, It's not even just an 'incel trait.' There's plenty of normies that follow various TV shows or movies and discuss them with others. Completely ridiculous that he thinks no one enjoys or is involved in watching any media at all, is he trying to say incels prop up movie theaters and streaming services? If anything incels are more likely to pirate content online. Of course I'm not encouraging to be a mindless consumer but rather it's clear there demonic fuckers don't want you to think for yourself or have ANY fun at all, let alone connect the dots. I believe in a good, and righteous society art has an important place and good art should be celebrated and enjoyed, it's apart of what makes life worth living. Fuck these braindead attention whores on looksmax and fuck these demonic gangstalker fucks. You WILL get what is coming your way when Jesus Christ returns to the Earth.

I'm going to try not to engage with gangstalker shit anymore, as that's probably what they want from me but I just had to call them out at least this once so they know that I'm not afraid of Satan and I reject the antichrist and I am aware of what they are trying to do. Not gonna let it slide!

And I saved your drivel so that you can't gaslight anyone into thinking that thread didn't happen!
I know what you did
DNR but saw the part where you said you watch My Little Pony.

It never began for you, dude.
You'd be surprised, there's a surprising amount of sexhavers within the MLP fanbase.
This is a geomaxx forum, and you are LDAR material.
Nah, I just have more obscure interests for being a mixed race young adult male. If I had chad looks and watched My Little Pony, girls would find that attractive and 'quirky.'
They are either homosexuals or molested a kid
Troll? That's about as trollish as saying all anime fans are virgin incels. Tbf, it's def more incel than anime but I've seen a lot of furries getting laid with decent looking girls so it can't be that bad. Maybe in your country girls would hate that because they are more npc but in USA a lot of girls don't care that much if you like anime and mlp.
They followed you here the only thing you can do is log off.
Yeah, they're everywhere. Best thing you can do if just live your life though. Not much you can do about gangstalkers I'm afraid. Other than try to to feed into it.
Ur a weird loser who likes mlp
I honestly pity you, you're a sad weak man who has to try to bring other people down to compensate, for something. For what? I'm not sure. But it's evident because a lot of your posts are dedicated to bashing others for no reason. Hope you find happiness in this life. No need to be so negative.

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