News last question from me to you


May 4, 2023
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do spaniards and latinos really smell? i remember some fat whales touching me in a club in spain and they smelled like condensed sweat. i dont have experience with latinas, asian girls even from hot countries were always perfectly clean... this is my last question to you guys
no, i had enough latinas to safely say they don't smell in general. of course there will always be people who don't take care of themselves properly and the amount of these people is lower in asia than elsewhere.

those whales were probably smelly because they were fat so they sweat more. and they have a lot of fat people in latin america.
many asians don't smell because they dont sweat
spain and latinas will smell a lot more but nothing uncommon
dont worry it wont be like indians or heavy spice countries
Colombians and Brazilians shower more than anyone else on Earth. 3x a day is average. Colombians in particular are extremely sensitive to body odor, and will often squinch up their noses when passing a gringo backpacker in the street.
many asians don't smell because they dont sweat
spain and latinas will smell a lot more but nothing uncommon
dont worry it wont be like indians or heavy spice countries
Body odor is less noticeable when the air is full of exhaust fumes and sewage vapors.
>Asians don't sweat
A common myth spread by fat fucks who are dripping sweat when it's 89 fucking degrees outside because their pig-like bodies suck at heat dissipation. Their skin will be cool and clammy even as they are red-faced and experiencing obvious heat distress, whereas my skin will be dry, but my forearms will be so hot that I cannot even rest them in my lap comfortably.

Sweatless radiative cooling (hot blood flowing to the skin and releasing heat) works in temps as high as 95 F, particularly if you avoid sun exposure and physical activity like most tropical Asians do. Humidity has zero influence on the effectiveness of radiative cooling.

The only time a heat-adapted human body will sweat uncontrollably and show other signs of heat distress is when body temperature rises above 100 degrees. In Southeast Asia, I try to hit this limit every few days, usually by lugging my bags for a kilometer or more under the midday sun. After doing this enough times, my ability to radiate heat becomes so great that I stop sweating before I even get the A/C turned on in my room, because the indoor temp is only 91 F or so.

Additionally, a heat-adapted body at 98.6 F only releases as much sweat as is necessary to maintain this temperature. Even at 97 F and 77 F dewpoint, the relative humidity is only 50%. Bugger the heat index, it is only relevant to fat fucks. Sweat evaporates just fine in 50% RH when you have proper skin bloodflow.
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