Geomax Just Signed contract to teach french in Korea. Hapas mog africans. Will fly to Korea in 3 months


Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2024
Just Signed contract to teach french in Korea. Hapas mog africans. Will fly to Korea in 3 months. Sooooo: Today I Signed contract with school in Korea to teach french. My salary will be approx 3400 Euro after taxes. Jfl @ guys here who made fun of me being hapa. I will be celebrity in Korea. My dad is a belgian mid tier chadlite. Other canidate for the job was a guy from african speaking country they told. But they choose me. Haha! Hapas mog africans. @fatchadlitecel @Tai Bwo Wannai @AlexBrown84 @Kevin_Logan @JustGo @biggunsar @Horizon55 @KingOfAsia @BoomBoom @kamster @Blex @Bestimmung

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