that's because philippino girls know the police don't fuck around in the phillipeans. Dude, they were executing common drug dealers on the street, no trials, just caught dealing drugs. BAM. that was when the last paresident was in. Regular cops, just gunning down drug dealers cause they were selling drugs.
so, ya, the girls KNOW the police don't fuck around. And they pass ridiculously stupid laws, to entrap you. Like did you know they just passed a law that you are not allowed to be in a room alone with a minor. So say your dating a phil girl, and she has a daughter, and she has to go to the corner store, she leaves. BAM, if she was vindictive or wanted to get you, or your neighbour. you can call the police say there is a foreign man with an underage girl AND EVEN IF YOU ARE HER BOYFRIEND.......your going to jail bro. NO shit, look it up, just passed this year.