Is skin colour preference genetic or cultural?


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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It's a well known and obvious fact that...

In white countries like Europe and North America, tanned skin is preferred on men and women

But in every other country they prefer white skin on men and women

But I have noticed that the brown girls (south asians or mulattos) born in UK with uk culture, prefer white skin on men too. But not 100% sure

So my point is

Would for example... a white girl, born in east asia prefer white skin like how all the people from Asia do? Or would she genetically still be attracted to darker guys?

The answer to this question would determine whether skin colour preference is more genetic, or whether its culturally ingrained from brainwashing
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Sea girls bodies are so fucking hot. The petiteness and slimness smallness tanness wowScreenshot_20240905_082941_Tandem.jpg
It's a well known and obvious fact that...

In white countries like Europe and North America, tanned skin is preferred on men and women

But in every other country they prefer white skin on men and women

But I have noticed that the brown girls (south asians or mulattos) born in UK with uk culture, prefer white skin on men too. But not 100% sure

So my point is

Would for example... a white girl, born in east asia prefer white skin like how all the people from Asia do? Or would she genetically still be attracted to darker guys?

The answer to this question would determine whether skin colour preference is more genetic, or whether its culturally ingrained from brainwashing
I feel it's more cultural

when you see 1000s of western girls going to korea to find a korean chad, what's the main reason?
kdramas, kpop, korean fashion, skincare....

asian girls that like white men?
a lot of it is due to consuming western media, movies, following influencers...

white guys looking for a japanese waifu?
a lot of them are nerds that like how the girls there are more introverted, kind...
would so many white guys like japanese if the stereotypes were the opposite of that?

most of my friends like white tanned girls because we have associated it with fun times at the beach, being rich enough to have a second house or being able to pay it, exotic locations during the winter
and for example the few that are more into anime, travelling, exotic places and all that, they like asians

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