Is it possible to get rich japanese gf as 6'2 blond blue eyed white guy?

its not the only way you are just a autismmaxed weeaboo and japan is all thats worth it to you. japan costs to much and theres more incels there than burgerland. you can definitely ascend there because you are 6'2 blue and blonde. i would try it out if i was you.
I'm gonna surgerymaxx in hopes of being gigachad, but until then I must get cute rich gf
It's the dream
How old are you? I almost have the same stats. And I also wanna surgerymaxx to Chad level but I have no money. I'm also afraid I might look worse after rhinoplasty if the surgeon botches it for whatever reason.
How old are you? I almost have the same stats. And I also wanna surgerymaxx to Chad level but I have no money. I'm also afraid I might look worse after rhinoplasty if the surgeon botches it for whatever reason.
26 khhv. You? and yes i'm gonnaa get double jaw surgery and find a surgeon who will let me get braces after
I'm 26 too. German, 6'3, never had a job. I had a girlfriend when I was 14/15 but that's it. I could have banged some chicks in school for sure if I put some effort in because some were stalking me and and sent their friends to me to ask me if I was single but I had high standards back then. I was anti-social back then, way more than now. I just kinda wanna get rhinoplasty to remove my dorsal hump and get my teeth bleached but it's probably not even necessary. Maybe should try gaining muscle again.
theres no point in getting surgery as a tall white guy just go to sea
Nah, I wouldn't even go there if it doesn't work out in Japan. Would probably go back to Germany. Maybe try to go to China, Romania or some other country.
imagine going to asia with 6'3
youre too tall they will be scared of you + its overkill, you can easily ascend in europe just not western
imagine going to asia with 6'3
youre too tall they will be scared of you + its overkill, you can easily ascend in europe just not western
I'd rather go to Japan though. I also doubt my height would be a negative. Maybe if I was 2m tall.
i watched a video where they were interviewing japanese foids on what they like and one said be tall the other foid next to her said be 5'7. their height requirement is easy. 5'7 is considered tall.
I'd rather go to Japan though. I also doubt my height would be a negative. Maybe if I was 2m tall.
in every street interview japanese women says the would be scared of boys with more than 183-185cm
im serious
youre an alien to them
You're too tall nigga. Get leg shortening surgery to 5'9 and you good fam.

I think if you're not too picky about looks you'll be fine in Japan but if you want a hot Japanese chick I don't see that happening. Seems like every gaijin on YouTube is dating an ugly, older leftover woman.
in every street interview japanese women says the would be scared of boys with more than 183-185cm
im serious
youre an alien to them
As if 5cm make that much of a difference. Lol
You're too tall nigga. Get leg shortening surgery to 5'9 and you good fam.

I think if you're not too picky about looks you'll be fine in Japan but if you want a hot Japanese chick I don't see that happening. Seems like every gaijin on YouTube is dating an ugly, older leftover woman.
Those YouTubers are probably ugly.
a few cm of bone means everything you need to learn more about the blackpill its not just a few cm of bone its a few cm of everything.

Yeah, but usually more bone means better. As if being taller is a negative. Lmao
my oneitises always have uglier boyfriends than me. every single time
You're too tall nigga. Get leg shortening surgery to 5'9 and you good fam.

I think if you're not too picky about looks you'll be fine in Japan but if you want a hot Japanese chick I don't see that happening. Seems like every gaijin on YouTube is dating an ugly, older leftover woman.
So who do the hot chicks date?
I must get rich jap gf so I don't have to work
Just go and find out fag. Or do you just like making posts to hear yourself. I made an account ,just to answer your fucking cringe and very stupid question.
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