Is Indonesia much cheaper than the Philippines?

depends on how you want to live

food in indonesia tastes better when comparing the price
id look at only staying in one place for a few months until youre ready to settle down take your time picking a place to settle. much like a life partner nothing is forcing you to make a choice right now and making the wrong one could end messy. whats right for you might not work for someone else. the beautiful thing about working abroad is you can travel and work so you dont have to pick right away.
id look at only staying in one place for a few months until youre ready to settle down take your time picking a place to settle. much like a life partner nothing is forcing you to make a choice right now and making the wrong one could end messy. whats right for you might not work for someone else. the beautiful thing about working abroad is you can travel and work so you dont have to pick right away.
I agree. Testing all places
Yeah. I found a really nice apartment for just under £300 per month in West of Central park. The grocery prices ain't too bad either. I've watch more vids.
thats the area you want to stay in. center of the city. and yes they are cheap and nice. and the food, is also cheap. I can take out 200 dollars and if i don't drink. (drinking is expensive here when going out) But i can make 200 last 2 weeks easy

eating keto"ish"

you can eat out every day, (if you don't care about carbs and shit) 4 times a day and spend 300 a month
What a bunch of faggots. All they do is post all day about how they don't care what western women think. Seems like they do
passport bros fuck everything up. raise the cost of everything. especially BLACK passport bro's. it's fucking stupid. These idiots come from america. cause they are tired of paying for 200 dollar shitty pussy.

so the come to places like DR (seen this first hand) and then they "flex" their wealth to the locals. and in 5 years i saw sosua go from getting one girl 1500 pesos st, and all night 5000 pesos. And if you offered 5k, they would cut you off mid sentence "...OK".

to 3500 st, to 8000 to 10k pesos all night. (most wont go all night anymore, cause they make more money STing it) all that price hike in only 5 years! New york black passport bros are fucking stupid.

not to mention now, food is the same fucking price as back home, in a 3rd world country. Because again these mother fucking passport bro's. So paying for 8 chicken wings and one local beer is going to cost you damn near 18 dollars. IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!!! So even if you dont' pay for pussy, you have to pay for food when in another country. And you start paying the locals more, that means rent goes up, food goes up, cost of living goes up.

WHY would you bother coming to sosua then? Or columbia or any of those other places. you don't have to FLEX you stupid cock suckers. These girls are poor. Instead of being literal retards, ask a local what the going rate is, and then pay that. Or maybe 20% more if you really want that hot girl, now, sorta deal. but to flex hundreds of dollars and then eventually bitch when everything becomes too expensive.

should be called passport roaches. Fuck i hate passport bros
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passport bros fuck everything up. raise the cost of everything. especially BLACK passport bro's. it's fucking stupid. These idiots come from america. cause they are tired of paying for 200 dollar shitty pussy.

so the come to places like DR (seen this first hand) and then they "flex" their wealth to the locals. and in 5 years i saw sosua go from getting one girl 1500 pesos st, and all night 5000 pesos

to 3500 st, to 8000 to 10k pesos all night. (most wont go all night anymore, cause they make more money STing it) in 5 years! New york black passport bros are fucking stupid.

not to mention now, food is the same fucking price as back home, in a 3rd world country. Because again these mother fucking passport bro's. So paying for 8 chicken wings and one local beer is going to cost you damn near 18 dollars. IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!!!

WHY would you bother coming to sosua then? Or columbia or any of those other places. you don't have to FLEX you stupid cock suckers. These girls are poor. Instead of being literal retards, ask a local what the going rate is, and then pay that. Or maybe 500 more if you really want that girl, but to flex hundreds of dollars and then eventually bitch when everything becomes too expensive.

should be called passport roaches. Fuck i hate passport bros
Agreed I genuinely hope they die. And yeah it's def the black ones that are worse because flexing like fucking retards is part of their culture.
When I worked at FedEx those retards would be like 25 bragging about 800 dollar paychecks and posting it on social media, meanwhile I made way more because I'm not retarded and never bragged once. Fucking retards.
They think "at least it's cheaper" and that's it. Unironically blacks should act more jewish
Agreed I genuinely hope they die. And yeah it's def the black ones that are worse because flexing like fucking retards is part of their culture.
When I worked at FedEx those retards would be like 25 bragging about 800 dollar paychecks and posting it on social media, meanwhile I made way more because I'm not retarded and never bragged once. Fucking retards.
They think "at least it's cheaper" and that's it. Unironically blacks should act more jewish

monkey behavior. or primate behavior. I mean we all do it on some level. want nice car, new clothes. but we dont' make it our way of living.

blacks make it who they are.
lets be flat broke but look rich.
white guy with money, (like me) i buy second hand clothes and im cheap as fuck.

i have actually had dominican girls say "your cheap" and without skipping a beat, i say "that's right, its' my money, not yours. but watch when end of month comes around, who you will be asking to help you. I never ask anyone to help me" and i say it with a shit eating grin
I've found tiny apartments going for next to nothing per month but the grocery prices look pretty high...
supermarkets are a luxury
eat whatever slop the locals eat
buy some veggies at the market and fry them up in your kitchen if your gut starts feeling like a traffic jam of shit
passport bros fuck everything up. raise the cost of everything. especially BLACK passport bro's. it's fucking stupid. These idiots come from america. cause they are tired of paying for 200 dollar shitty pussy.

so the come to places like DR (seen this first hand) and then they "flex" their wealth to the locals. and in 5 years i saw sosua go from getting one girl 1500 pesos st, and all night 5000 pesos. And if you offered 5k, they would cut you off mid sentence "...OK".

to 3500 st, to 8000 to 10k pesos all night. (most wont go all night anymore, cause they make more money STing it) all that price hike in only 5 years! New york black passport bros are fucking stupid.

not to mention now, food is the same fucking price as back home, in a 3rd world country. Because again these mother fucking passport bro's. So paying for 8 chicken wings and one local beer is going to cost you damn near 18 dollars. IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!!! So even if you dont' pay for pussy, you have to pay for food when in another country. And you start paying the locals more, that means rent goes up, food goes up, cost of living goes up.

WHY would you bother coming to sosua then? Or columbia or any of those other places. you don't have to FLEX you stupid cock suckers. These girls are poor. Instead of being literal retards, ask a local what the going rate is, and then pay that. Or maybe 20% more if you really want that hot girl, now, sorta deal. but to flex hundreds of dollars and then eventually bitch when everything becomes too expensive.

should be called passport roaches. Fuck i hate passport bros
the D.R. is so small (11M people) and so heavily visited by mutt vacationers, saturation is a real thing there
claims of saturation are bullshit in most larger countries
supermarkets are a luxury
eat whatever slop the locals eat
buy some veggies at the market and fry them up in your kitchen if your gut starts feeling like a traffic jam of shit

the D.R. is so small (11M people) and so heavily visited by mutt vacationers, saturation is a real thing there
claims of saturation are bullshit in most larger countries
Also BKK is saturated as one area
Also BKK is saturated as one area
okay so i finally went to the grocery store to buy my weekly shit and took the effort to take photos

this is 75 dollars worth (and this is a smaller grocery store so you know the prices are probably 10 to 25% higher than a bigger grocery store

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so here is the break down and i gave you the reciept if you wanna check

but 3 heads of lettuce, a massive pack of sausages. 8 cans of beer. 3 different kinds of olive oil (i didnt' know they had other kinds, so i decided to buy 2 small bottles to try em) 2 mozza cheeze blocks, 1 sharp cheese block. pack of bacon, 6 tomatoes, 10 eggs (ya here they come in 10, not 12) 3 onions. and one ceasar salad bottle and one italian bottle. and 6 cans of tuna (for the salads)

normally my groceries are about 800,000 rupiah, but since i bought salad dressing instead of making my own, and two tester bottles of oil and these wierd sausages that i dont' like (has sugar in sad i was really hoping keto friendly. So now im going to use this as random animal food on my walks, in 2 weeks i will be the cat whisperer LOL) but this time 1,200,000 rupiah which comes to 74 dollars. And also factor in the beer. drove up the costs to 1,200,000

so did i pay too much? is this expensive?

oh ya and random DR girl sent me this. I miss DR for the pussy. DR pussy is haaaawt. Dont' get me wrong, indo pussy is nice, it's always tight. only fucked one loosey goosey. Did a 3 some last night. But.....DR MAN...............those girls loooove sex.


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okay so i finally went to the grocery store to buy my weekly shit and took the effort to take photos

this is 75 dollars worth (and this is a smaller grocery store so you know the prices are probably 10 to 25% higher than a bigger grocery store

View attachment 5798
so here is the break down and i gave you the reciept if you wanna check

but 3 heads of lettuce, a massive pack of sausages. 8 cans of beer. 3 different kinds of olive oil (i didnt' know they had other kinds, so i decided to buy 2 small bottles to try em) 2 mozza cheeze blocks, 1 sharp cheese block. pack of bacon, 6 tomatoes, 10 eggs (ya here they come in 10, not 12) 3 onions. and one ceasar salad bottle and one italian bottle. and 6 cans of tuna (for the salads)

normally my groceries are about 800,000 rupiah, but since i bought salad dressing instead of making my own, and two tester bottles of oil and these wierd sausages that i dont' like (has sugar in sad i was really hoping keto friendly. So now im going to use this as random animal food on my walks, in 2 weeks i will be the cat whisperer LOL) but this time 1,200,000 rupiah which comes to 74 dollars. And also factor in the beer. drove up the costs to 1,200,000

so did i pay too much? is this expensive?

oh ya and random DR girl sent me this. I miss DR for the pussy. DR pussy is haaaawt. Dont' get me wrong, indo pussy is nice, it's always tight. only fucked one loosey goosey. Did a 3 some last night. But.....DR MAN...............those girls loooove sex.
bro wtf that’s way too much lol. how much does the beer cost? must be that since it’s a muzzie country

i paid about $100 for this back when i lived in thailand
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bro wtf that’s way too much lol. how much does the beer cost? must be that since it’s a muzzie country

i paid about $100 for this back when i lived in thailand
View attachment 5801View attachment 5802
That is an insane haul. This is one of my biggest reasons to geomax long term, the slaying is cool but I can do that in the states. However being able to save up to 75 percent of a check will absolutely rocket ship you in life if you can invest well. It's insane how much food prices have jumped here. Very hard for younger guys to get ahead. What would you say a pound of steak costs in bkk
That is an insane haul. This is one of my biggest reasons to geomax long term, the slaying is cool but I can do that in the states. However being able to save up to 75 percent of a check will absolutely rocket ship you in life if you can invest well. It's insane how much food prices have jumped here. Very hard for younger guys to get ahead. What would you say a pound of steak costs in bkk
tbh idk since i never really looked at individual prices but it can be cheap or expensive depending on how fancy you want it
bro wtf that’s way too much lol. how much does the beer cost? must be that since it’s a muzzie country

i paid about $100 for this back when i lived in thailand
View attachment 5801View attachment 5802
i could probably do all of that (that's actually a fucking nice keto haul Alex), minus the non keto juices. For about 70 or 80 in a bigger grocery store. Next week thats' exactly what i will do.

I won't buy oils, or beers. or experimental sausages. lets see how much i can get for under a 100. I havent' spent a 100 on groceries here yet. But i will try next week.

In DR i will EASILY spending 120 a week for groceries. That place has inflation.
my big question is do you travel the country must or stay in your city? i don't need you to spill all your secrets of where just wondering if you have thoughts on natural beauty, sights, and life outside of international communities in the big city?
my big question is do you travel the country must or stay in your city? i don't need you to spill all your secrets of where just wondering if you have thoughts on natural beauty, sights, and life outside of international communities in the big city?
ya i have traveled to bandung, it's nice. I mean, if you are looking for scenery. Indonesia has it. Or adventure. Shit for 300 per person you get 3 nights aboard a liveaboard yacht, and visit komodo island and watch those things eat goats and whatever.

all depends on what you wanna do.

you can fly to bali, and visit that tourist meca.

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