incel tries cold approach in japan

This is unironically how I was trying to communicate in the philippines. I have no idea how normal people do this. Do normies even cold approach, or is that something only socially isolated incels have to do? I have never seen or heard of anyone I know ever do a cold approach or get approached. Wild.
This is unironically how I was trying to communicate in the philippines. I have no idea how normal people do this. Do normies even cold approach, or is that something only socially isolated incels have to do? I have never seen or heard of anyone I know ever do a cold approach or get approached. Wild.
Please don't tell me you were cold approaching in the Philippines..
Please don't tell me you were cold approaching in the Philippines..
I was running tinder game too, got a few matches, but only scored one very awkward date that ended with me remaining incel. I will go back in a few months though
I was running tinder game too, got a few matches, but only scored one very awkward date that ended with me remaining incel. I will go back in a few months though
how long were you there? how did u not manage to fuck sum😂what are your stats?
approaching in shopping malls like that is autism and I can't believe people actually do it. Just go to a bar or club.
I'm not a big fan of daytime cold approach either, but it works really well in Tokyo. I've done it a few times and only gotten positive reactions, like they are genuinely excited to talk to me. This doesn't mean they want to fuck me though.

"Just go to a bar or club" haha, yeah, I've tried to tell these guys the same thing. It's just not enough for them. You wouldn't believe the volume they're churning through These freaks will do daytime cold approach for 2+ hours every day, then go out to bars and clubs every night.
This is unironically how I was trying to communicate in the philippines. I have no idea how normal people do this. Do normies even cold approach, or is that something only socially isolated incels have to do? I have never seen or heard of anyone I know ever do a cold approach or get approached. Wild.
Selection bias. The guys who are good at cold approaching don't get clocked as cold approaching because they're so natural about it. You pass by guys all the time who are doing it but just think "oh they probably know each other".
I'm not a big fan of daytime cold approach either, but it works really well in Tokyo. I've done it a few times and only gotten positive reactions, like they are genuinely excited to talk to me. This doesn't mean they want to fuck me though.

"Just go to a bar or club" haha, yeah, I've tried to tell these guys the same thing. It's just not enough for them. You wouldn't believe the volume they're churning through These freaks will do daytime cold approach for 2+ hours every day, then go out to bars and clubs every night.
I'm going to Tokyo in the summer. Do you know what bars/ clubs are like there? Do women go there to fuck random guys like western sluts do?
I'm going to Tokyo in the summer. Do you know what bars/ clubs are like there? Do women go there to fuck random guys like western sluts do?
You might want to read through the Tokyo thread because I think we had a couple discussions about this.

Women in Tokyo go to bars and clubs for the express purpose of fucking. There isn't that much of a music or dance scene if you consider how large the city is. Your analogy is odd to me because women in the West often go out to hang out with their friends and enjoy music. In Japan, nightlife isn't really a same-sex vibing activity. Rather there is lust baked into it. People who are in relationships don't really go out clubbing.
You might want to read through the Tokyo thread because I think we had a couple discussions about this.

Women in Tokyo go to bars and clubs for the express purpose of fucking. There isn't that much of a music or dance scene if you consider how large the city is. Your analogy is odd to me because women in the West often go out to hang out with their friends and enjoy music. In Japan, nightlife isn't really a same-sex vibing activity. Rather there is lust baked into it. People who are in relationships don't really go out clubbing.
aight, thanks. I'll definitely read up on that. I'm not really going there for the purpose of geomaxxing, but I still want to hold the hope that I can slay. Idk shit about Japanese culture so idk if they're prudes waiting for marriage and whatnot.
What you're saying is massive lifefuel for me.
Why do you say 'tries'. He approached and seemed to succeed in exchanging social media.
They will not respond to him. They were intimidated and gave IG to get him off their tail. There was no laughing, giggling or smiling from those girls. The tone was stern and business-like. He should at least try to be a bit warmer and less direct.
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I was running tinder game too, got a few matches, but only scored one very awkward date that ended with me remaining incel. I will go back in a few months though
don’t even ask those pigs for dates lol

straight over to apartment or move on to the next
don’t even ask those pigs for dates lol

straight over to apartment or move on to the next
I tried that but got called a perv and blocked.
how long were you there? how did u not manage to fuck sum😂what are your stats?
I was there for 3 months. I'm 6'4 and somewhat skinny, I don't know my gonial angle and shit, but I'm quite ugly and wear glasses.
why cold approach? just spam like hoes and order hoes off tinder instead of wasting your time chatting them up one by one and embarrassing yourself
Cold approach is superior. At bars, malls, anywhere. Practice to make it natural and NT.
Cold approach will yield you hottest girls. Not online.
Every introverted weeb is using online to date, so it'll be oversaturated and get subpar girls.
Online can be used as supplement.
I was running tinder game too, got a few matches, but only scored one very awkward date that ended with me remaining incel. I will go back in a few months though
Just stick to apps. Don't cold approach in Philippines its embarrassing. Especially if autistic
One of the more underrated aspects of dating in Japan is that cold approach/nanpa is extremely normal

In the U.S. it is easy to feel weird about doing it because it's abnormal. Can often wonder if people are judging you or whatever, which makes your game even worse, which makes you even more self-conscious, into a terrible downward spiral.

In Japan it's so normal that pretty much everyone has done it.

Fun fact, in language school we had units for our textbook chapters. Going shopping, meeting with friends, trains and planes, etc. Well one of the chapters was literally just "nanpa" lol. It's so baked into the culture.
One of the more underrated aspects of dating in Japan is that cold approach/nanpa is extremely normal

In the U.S. it is easy to feel weird about doing it because it's abnormal. Can often wonder if people are judging you or whatever, which makes your game even worse, which makes you even more self-conscious, into a terrible downward spiral.

In Japan it's so normal that pretty much everyone has done it.

Fun fact, in language school we had units for our textbook chapters. Going shopping, meeting with friends, trains and planes, etc. Well one of the chapters was literally just "nanpa" lol. It's so baked into the culture.
Ngl that's pretty surprising considering East Asia is famous for inceldom, people being single and lonely, etc.
Average guys are out there cold approaching? "Daygame" is honestly not a typical thing to do here in the US if we're being honest, for better or worse (most likely worse).
wouldve had that shit locked after saying "its my first time in japan" dude missed out :confused:
I may have to go ahead and write a Japan pickup guide at some point. There are big differences between Western pickup and Japanese nanpa. If I had to think of a few big mistakes that foreigners make:

  1. Being too "clowny" AKA jestermaxxing. Many foreigners come in with high energy and try to be entertaining, but this can make them seem like a novelty rather than a "real person" capable of being a romantic interest. What they should be doing instead is adopting a more relaxed approach and focusing on genuine conversation. Don't fall into the trap of using “foreigner novelty” to get attention because it doesn't create real attraction.

  2. Being too touchy. Physical contact is very downplayed in Japanese culture, especially outside clubs. Touching too much or too soon can kill the energy or paradoxically even be a turnoff. Fuck her with your eyes and your words. (this is one reason why non-NT can struggle in Japan)

  3. Not relating to girls as individuals. Too many foreigners treat Japanese women as a monolith even if they don't realize it. You need to cut deep and shed the image of "talking to a Japanese girl". You're just "talking to a girl". IMO a lot of foreigners don't even WANT to do this because they fetishize the Japaneseness of everything. Self-crippling.

  4. Not taking the lead. This is probably the biggest one. Japanese women prefer men who confidently lead interactions. She does not want to decide what to do or where to go. Just take her hand and bring her there. Make quick, confident decisions. Instead of asking "What do you want to eat?" say "Let's go eat sushi". Guide the interaction forward. If she hesitates on plans, take the initiative and suggest something specific. Understand your logistics as well. If you want to bring her home you need to make that a natural progression through your own planning.

  5. Giving up too soon. Japanese girls take longer to warm up. They are standoffish and cold. Do not treat a lack of responsiveness as failure. Assume it is shyness or passivity and push forward (this is another reason why non-NT can struggle in Japan... requires a very sharp eye to tell what is rejection and what is passivity)
One of the more underrated aspects of dating in Japan is that cold approach/nanpa is extremely normal

In the U.S. it is easy to feel weird about doing it because it's abnormal. Can often wonder if people are judging you or whatever, which makes your game even worse, which makes you even more self-conscious, into a terrible downward spiral.

In Japan it's so normal that pretty much everyone has done it.

Fun fact, in language school we had units for our textbook chapters. Going shopping, meeting with friends, trains and planes, etc. Well one of the chapters was literally just "nanpa" lol. It's so baked into the culture.
It's interesting that you say this, because there's actually something similar in Korea called 번따, which is basically just going up to girls on the street and going "Hey I think you're pretty, can you give me your insta/kakao/number?" Most of the time you can actually be pretty direct and it's fine, but it's basically all dependent on your looks at that point, being smooth doesn't seem to matter that much.
It is looked upon as a tiny bit sleazy, but if you frame it more as "Oh, I saw her walking on the road and she was so beautiful I just had to get to know her" instead of just staying a spot for 2 hours and going for any girl that looks easy enough, people will generally not judge you.
There's also Hunting Bars which is also pretty similar but as a foreigner you either need to have chadlite looks or above or native level korean rizz skills (not realistic to get), generally not a good place.
In japan how important would you say game is compared to looks?
It's interesting that you say this, because there's actually something similar in Korea called 번따, which is basically just going up to girls on the street and going "Hey I think you're pretty, can you give me your insta/kakao/number?" Most of the time you can actually be pretty direct and it's fine, but it's basically all dependent on your looks at that point, being smooth doesn't seem to matter that much.
It is looked upon as a tiny bit sleazy, but if you frame it more as "Oh, I saw her walking on the road and she was so beautiful I just had to get to know her" instead of just staying a spot for 2 hours and going for any girl that looks easy enough, people will generally not judge you.
There's also Hunting Bars which is also pretty similar but as a foreigner you either need to have chadlite looks or above or native level korean rizz skills (not realistic to get), generally not a good place.
In japan how important would you say game is compared to looks?
I honestly think looks are more important than game in Japan, relative to the West. Women are very judgemental about how handsome their partners are. There is a "pretty boy" culture. Women will often approach men. The shy/nerdy (read: social inept but good looking) archetype is valued pretty highly.

This is all nice if your SMV gets a boost by virtue of being in Japan. Otherwise, it seems tough.

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