if you want to moneymogg and betabuxx you gotta get out of the capital cities, even in SEA


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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if you want to moneymogg and betabuxx you gotta get out of the capital cities, even in SEA

East Asia:​

  1. China - National GDP per Capita: ~$23,000, Beijing: ~$26,000
  2. Japan - National GDP per Capita: ~$51,809, Tokyo: ~$70,000
  3. South Korea - National GDP per Capita: ~$56,706, Seoul: ~$64,000
  4. Taiwan - National GDP per Capita: ~$73,344, Taipei: ~$60,000
  5. Mongolia - National GDP per Capita: ~$14,939, Ulaanbaatar: ~$12,000

Southeast Asia:​

  • Singapore
    • National GDP per Capita: $88,450
    • Capital GDP per Capita: $88,450 (same as national)(
      Visual Capitalist
  • Indonesia
    • National GDP per Capita: $5,270
    • Jakarta GDP per Capita: $15,855(
  • Thailand
    • National GDP per Capita: $7,810
    • Bangkok GDP per Capita: $22,675(
  • Philippines
    • National GDP per Capita: $4,130
    • Manila GDP per Capita: $11,420(
  • Malaysia
    • National GDP per Capita: $13,310
    • Kuala Lumpur GDP per Capita: $36,847(

bangkok people probably earns more than ur average brokie eastern european digital nomad

you gotta get away from the capital cities

because the capital cities earn WAY more than the rest of the country

So in capital ciites in asia, it's good modern lifestyle BUT they're short and brown and asian still.

So it's purely about SMV mogging + good quality of life. which is ideal

But if you struggle with SMV mogging, you gotta min ur quality of life a bit and go to high population non-capital cities in asia

Where you'll be valued a lot for betabuxx
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i remember talking to some eastern european digital nomad who was like 6f4 and he said he would get bullied and mogged by vietnamese for eearning less than them

but ofc he SMV mogged cos tall and white
i doubt it matters that much in SEA, you mog most of them with just 2-3k/month
you will be paying more for western style luxeries in places that aren't capital cities. Its why Thailand is cheaper than Flip even tho people earn less on average in flip. Honestly if you need to move to the jungle of SEA just to feel like jbw conquistador its fine but at that point you are being an ego coomer rather than being there for increased opportunities. Its why zoomers start freaking out when they see another PSL maxxed htn with a meme haircut in their spot meanwhile you will see boomers with hot girls who they dont even care that they seem them as a meal ticket.
you will be paying more for western style luxeries in places that aren't capital cities. Its why Thailand is cheaper than Flip even tho people earn less on average in flip. Honestly if you need to move to the jungle of SEA just to feel like jbw conquistador its fine but at that point you are being an ego coomer rather than being there for increased opportunities. Its why zoomers start freaking out when they see another PSL maxxed htn with a meme haircut in their spot meanwhile you will see boomers with hot girls who they dont even care that they seem them as a meal ticket.
it's not always the case, chiang mai is for example big enough and even cheaper than Bangkok for close to same quality
China has a shit ton of non capital cities with good quality
Japan has many high quality cities
it's not always the case, chiang mai is for example big enough and even cheaper than Bangkok for close to same quality
China has a shit ton of non capital cities with good quality
Japan has many high quality cities
yeah fair enough, I think better comparison would be between countries.
you will be paying more for western style luxeries in places that aren't capital cities. Its why Thailand is cheaper than Flip even tho people earn less on average in flip. Honestly if you need to move to the jungle of SEA just to feel like jbw conquistador its fine but at that point you are being an ego coomer rather than being there for increased opportunities. Its why zoomers start freaking out when they see another PSL maxxed htn with a meme haircut in their spot meanwhile you will see boomers with hot girls who they dont even care that they seem them as a meal ticket.
Because Boomers have 6-7+ figure net worths on average and most younger guys don’t, plus the senility factor so they just don’t care?
Vietnamese love to mock foreigners; there are countless anecdotal accounts of it happening.
Damn, cause that’s my top destination right now, or second minimum lol
Sounds unpleasant…
if you want to moneymogg and betabuxx you gotta get out of the capital cities, even in SEA

East Asia:​

  1. China - National GDP per Capita: ~$23,000, Beijing: ~$26,000
  2. Japan - National GDP per Capita: ~$51,809, Tokyo: ~$70,000
  3. South Korea - National GDP per Capita: ~$56,706, Seoul: ~$64,000
  4. Taiwan - National GDP per Capita: ~$73,344, Taipei: ~$60,000
  5. Mongolia - National GDP per Capita: ~$14,939, Ulaanbaatar: ~$12,000

Southeast Asia:​

  • Singapore
    • National GDP per Capita: $88,450
    • Capital GDP per Capita: $88,450 (same as national)(
      Visual Capitalist
  • Indonesia
    • National GDP per Capita: $5,270
    • Jakarta GDP per Capita: $15,855(
  • Thailand
    • National GDP per Capita: $7,810
    • Bangkok GDP per Capita: $22,675(
  • Philippines
    • National GDP per Capita: $4,130
    • Manila GDP per Capita: $11,420(
  • Malaysia
    • National GDP per Capita: $13,310
    • Kuala Lumpur GDP per Capita: $36,847(

bangkok people probably earns more than ur average brokie eastern european digital nomad

you gotta get away from the capital cities

because the capital cities earn WAY more than the rest of the country

So in capital ciites in asia, it's good modern lifestyle BUT they're short and brown and asian still.

So it's purely about SMV mogging + good quality of life. which is ideal

But if you struggle with SMV mogging, you gotta min ur quality of life a bit and go to high population non-capital cities in asia

Where you'll be valued a lot for betabuxx
well ya, thats always been very obvious. Go to the "village". of COURSE your a big boss in the village getting your choice of pussy, almost ANY Pussy you want. When locals are struggling to pay their 75-100 dollar shanties, your paying 300 dollars a month for the best shanty with aircon (electricity)!!!, you always have food (cause in their world, you are fat). You will see alot of HOT asians with fat dudes. And believe it or not, it's because the girls know, this dude is fat he has money to always eat. You in the west take eating for granted. When you see real poor, they DO NOT take eating for granted. They pray they can eat at least once a day. sometimes going without food for days. It's why they are so fucking skinny.
Because Boomers have 6-7+ figure net worths on average and most younger guys don’t, plus the senility factor so they just don’t care?
cope, most of those boomers are living off meager pensions and are paying out the ass in alimony payments. even when they were in 40s and 50s in the early 2000s they didnt care either
cope, most of those boomers are living off meager pensions and are paying out the ass in alimony payments. even when they were in 40s and 50s in the early 2000s they didnt care either
Which is the only valid mindset tbh. If you found this forum, but you're hung up on being wanted for who you are/ your looks there's an overwhelming likelihood that ship sailed at the moment of conception. i thought this was a blackpill forum.

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