If you listen to rap music you’re a fakecel.

And you are 100% bluepilled
it’s in my dna
By that logic it would be in mine too. It’s all about environment. I guess I’m just an unconventional ethnic because I think for myself and don’t give a fuck about rap music or spic music or whatever slop other ethnics tell me I gotta listen to and enjoy.
Fucking bluepilled faggot,

JFL at normies. I think rap music are shit. r&b moggs every music category
>calls me a normie
>listens to rap
Fuckin pick one mayte. If you live in USA everyone here literally listens to rap and hip hop. Even 11 year old white girls listen to it. Normies, NTfags, it’s everywhere and it’s a fucking cancer. I see 13-17 year old white NTfags riding their bikes and motorbikes around listening to zogslop coon music.

And that’s what it is. All rappers are fucking house nigger coons who make music for the white teens. Literally definition of uncle toms.
>calls me a normie
>listens to rap
Fuckin pick one mayte. If you live in USA everyone here literally listens to rap and hip hop. Even 11 year old white girls listen to it. Normies, NTfags, it’s everywhere and it’s a fucking cancer. I see 13-17 year old white NTfags riding their bikes and motorbikes around listening to zogslop coon music.

And that’s what it is. All rappers are fucking house nigger coons who make music for the white teens. Literally definition of uncle toms.
BoomBoom said:
And you are 100% bluepilled

not that jfl
I see 13-17 year old white NTfags riding their bikes and motorbikes around listening to zogslop coon music.
Fuck yeah. i seen alot of NTfags, normiefag, blasting DJ cringe ass music.(which it's annoying) despite being Non NT.( Glad to stay home, without being socialize with strangers)

for me in my countries, all young foid wanting to be fucking whore instead of real foids with purity. Many degenerating foid.

All i see is, single mother or shit now.

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