if this black guy can ascend in philippines so can you

Even curries ascend there, the true test is to not make half pinoy half white/nigger/indian ERs. And keep that cursed bloodline out of the west forever.
Only if the kid was top tier genes and wealth so he can cope with a materialistic hedonistic life with hypergamy whore sex for whatever little time is left. At this point your just a slave breeder to sadists and artificial intelligence. Especially some manlet mixed mutt who will go ER
she even tried to michael jackson her skin. jbw can get you even hotter pinas than this.
spics ruined pinas for me. she sounds exactly like one and her last name is garcia.
he ascended with a hot pina
Fuck these jewtube videos of SEA girls its basically just them cryptic begging for some cuck to find them and move them to the west. Then the boomer gets cucked and ropes. I can’t live much longer
Fuck these jewtube videos of SEA girls its basically just them cryptic begging for some cuck to find them and move them to the west. Then the boomer gets cucked and ropes. I can’t live much longer
Me either I want htb white women at minimum
Fuck these jewtube videos of SEA girls its basically just them cryptic begging for some cuck to find them and move them to the west. Then the boomer gets cucked and ropes. I can’t live much longer
never bring them out of SEA. it's that simple

then you will continue to be treated good, because they will always have to compete with other girls who want to take the ATM away.
never bring them out of SEA. it's that simple

then you will continue to be treated good, because they will always have to compete with other girls who want to take the ATM away.
I'm gonna get my dick sucked in a Japanese gamer cafe then after that I'm gonna slay in Philippines and create and abandon many autistic children

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