Idk why I joined this forum

go to singapore malaysia or indonesia your dick will be huge for them
I'm 6 inches long but I also have 5.75 to 6 inches of girth, depending on erection quality. In other words, length might be meh but it's fat anywhere I go.

Get yoked and do everything you can not to look like the usual Indian nerd that’s your best hope bro
I'm actually Pakistani and I frequently get mistaken for being MENA, including by Arabic people themselves (I don't see it though, I think I look like your average pajeet).

Indians go to Thailand all the time, although it's probably the worst part about going to Thailand
They have Bollywood halo, I have terrorist failo. Idk if it will work for me.
I'm 6 inches long but I also have 5.75 to 6 inches of girth, depending on erection quality. In other words, length might be meh but it's fat anywhere I go.

I'm actually Pakistani and I frequently get mistaken for being MENA, including by Arabic people themselves (I don't see it though, I think I look like your average pajeet).

They have Bollywood halo, I have terrorist failo. Idk if it will work for me.
Trust me, there’s absolutely no Indian halo in Thailand. I asked people which foreigners they didn’t like. Without fail they only said they didn’t like Indians.
Trust me, there’s absolutely no Indian halo in Thailand. I asked people which foreigners they didn’t like. Without fail they only said they didn’t like Indians.
yep back when i was super autistic first getting to thailand i asked 5 thai girls what race they wouldn’t date and they all said indian
are you circumcucked?
Yes I’m a cutfag and I love it. 😊 I’m glad it happened when I was young, because I would have never let anyone do it if I was older (scared of knives near my genitals and stuff).
I'm 6 inches long but I also have 5.75 to 6 inches of girth, depending on erection quality. In other words, length might be meh but it's fat anywhere I go.

I'm actually Pakistani and I frequently get mistaken for being MENA, including by Arabic people themselves (I don't see it though, I think I look like your average pajeet).

They have Bollywood halo, I have terrorist failo. Idk if it will work for me.
if your a pakistani muslim just go to indonesia and fuck girls, these muslim girls will put a hijab on in front of everybody and then tell you to fuck them harder. "secular" society, there's little alcohol and drinking, but they replaced it with sex and smoking. You literally have girls profiles looking for muslims, sometimes pakistani, at least when I went in 2016.
if your a pakistani muslim just go to indonesia and fuck girls, these muslim girls will put a hijab on in front of everybody and then tell you to fuck them harder. "secular" society, there's little alcohol and drinking, but they replaced it with sex and smoking. You literally have girls profiles looking for muslims, sometimes pakistani, at least when I went in 2016.
Can you larp and say you are a mudslime? too bad i am not circumsized tho lol. at least curries can geomaxx somewhere
if your a pakistani muslim just go to indonesia and fuck girls, these muslim girls will put a hijab on in front of everybody and then tell you to fuck them harder. "secular" society, there's little alcohol and drinking, but they replaced it with sex and smoking. You literally have girls profiles looking for muslims, sometimes pakistani, at least when I went in 2016.
I have heard of Indonesian women liking Arabic men in particular, but I didn’t think it would extend to Pakistani men. Yes, I’m Pakistani and Islamic. I often get mistaken for being Arabic, though. Which site/app did you use?
I have heard of Indonesian women liking Arabic men in particular, but I didn’t think it would extend to Pakistani men. Yes, I’m Pakistani and Islamic. I often get mistaken for being Arabic, though. Which site/app did you use?
I'm converting to islam before i join Spencer, Pavel, Charlie, Shane, Chase and Don on their quest to convert to Islam as quickly as possible to have an eternal orgy with 72 virgins in heaven before their mega school shooting. Their plans all end up in jeopardy when the cock mafia, an anti-school-shooter cult filled with SJWs and big muscly sexy men with huge cocks gets in their way and start kidnapping autists all throughout Japan. Everything seems to be fucked, but Charlie shows us that the power of autism never gives in, and they successfully save the day. Charlie then sends her manifesto to Mumkey Jones, who opens in it in one of his Mumkey's Mailbag videos, becoming an important historical figure instead of getting cucked by a 15-year old.

The book gives deep commentary on issues faced in Japanese society, like depression, everyone looking the same, and economic inequality. The book was a bit hard to follow, due to it's difficult and sometimes infuriatingly complex writing, but as a professional anime book connoisseur, I was able to follow it without issue. My only problem would have be that the author took the book down from Lulu "so it no longer wastes your time and pollutes the Triflers brand". I find this to be truly appalling. As a fellow mumktard, I see the book as fitting right in with what's left of our autistic corner of the internet, and it would be a shame for such an ambitious work by the Mumkey fandom to be forgotten.

Favorite quote:
"Our hearts were pounding so hard to the point it was hard not to put our hands against each other's chest to feel it. I started to visualize what was happening inside me the image of a giant moving member inside a tight vagina made me moist." - Charlie Haskett, 14 year old

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