i wanna slay teen foids

I'm more attracted to women in their 20s & 30s however I'm not going to white knight & moralfag over the issue of Agecuckoldry. At least 12+ is ok.
Shows how the well the "Normalization of pedophilia" Is working:ROFLMAO:

They only want faggot & tranny pedophilia normalized. Not grown men being attracted to underage girls.
you should be able to buy and own teen pinas from families selling them
legal ofc. fuck agecucks and also certain ethnic groups
why not? I do it. Infact. i still pick up some of my girl friends from highschool. At first it felt wierd. But fuck it. they are 18. so, legal, so fuck off society. For example, i met this girl 3 months before she was 18. Remained her friend, invited her over to my place. Never fucked her. Kissed and stuff. And then on her 18th birthday. She invited me over to her birthday party. you can guess the rest. And she has a BANGING body and pretty as hell. Let me get another photo with clothes on. here she is in her school uniform. but she's is lifting up the shirt to be sexy LOL


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