I need to quit geomax.me


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
I quit looksmax and .is cos of this too.

If I browse, I just end up in race debates which stress me out.

I can't just let people believe stuff which isn't true I always have to reply

But this is a waste of my time, I've got more important shit to do
I quit looksmax and .is cos of this too.

If I browse, I just end up in race debates which stress me out.

I can't just let people believe stuff which isn't true I always have to reply

But this is a waste of my time, I've got more important shit to do
Autism trait. I have it too, but mostly irl
i quit other blackpill communities because its toxic for brain even if you dont believe this shit anymore it affects the way you think subconsciously
just gentrify this site with normies so this place washes away the black pill
You realize the world is 95% ethnic? And lots of ethnic populations are undocumented births because their countries are shit, basically 5% people are jbw and boomers are the last white majority, so when they die out in 10-15 years, it will probably be like 3% jbw and declining, ENJOY a world of shitskins and ai, sounds great bro
Blackpill still exists retard, dont think after a few decades of isolation and getting some sea monkey slobby seconds changes the world state and reality
truly i say, the man that lives his entire life in western inceldom and then heads to asia to lose his virginity, and abandons all his previous thoughts, is worse than scum
truly i say, the man that lives his entire life in western inceldom and then heads to asia to lose his virginity, and abandons all his previous thoughts, is worse than scum
I think it makes sense for people who are utterly unable to cope with the blackpill, just as a survival mechanism.
But the amount of cope and delusion that it takes to completely disregard 20+ years of lived experience, including literal cellular damage as a result of mistreatment for things completely out of one's control is mind boggling.
Passport bros need to die.
Trad cope must be banned at all costs forever, worldwide. Jail for all tradcoper scum
You realize the world is 95% ethnic? And lots of ethnic populations are undocumented births because their countries are shit, basically 5% people are jbw and boomers are the last white majority, so when they die out in 10-15 years, it will probably be like 3% jbw and declining, ENJOY a world of shitskins and ai, sounds great bro
good, the rarer the whites the strongest JBW is

who cares what's gonna happen after we die.
mutt world, indian world? who cares. I'm not gonna be here.
Blackpill still exists retard, dont think after a few decades of isolation and getting some sea monkey slobby seconds changes the world state and reality
it changed my world and reality so suck me nigger
i dont care anymore about underage incels bitching how hard it is to get girl in the west, we all agree on that and im moving on
you stay in basement cuck
I quit looksmax and .is cos of this too.

If I browse, I just end up in race debates which stress me out.

I can't just let people believe stuff which isn't true I always have to reply

But this is a waste of my time, I've got more important shit to do
Dude. I've already shown my face.

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