I kicked a girl out at 3am with no taxi no money and PSL analyzed her face IRL and told her to kill herself to her face


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Wrote this a couple weeks ago:

I just had a cute girl at mine, went through the usual routine. Going well.

She was like 4ft10 which is a giga turn on for me and makes my dick hard as fuck.

Then she went to the toilet

Came back

Then said she's going home. It's 11.30pm

Like wtf she was meant to stay, she only just got here

I thought wtf did I do wrong. She doesn't like me? I felt like I look good af tonight how does she not like me . I mog her hard

I was starting to question myself like why doesn't she like me . Am I not enough? I was literally walking around my condo tweaking hard af talking to myself. Looking in the mirror thinking what's wrong with me

I went into the bathroom. Opened the toilet lid and there was a condom in there which I forgot to flush before she came

And she peed on it but didn't flush it cos she wanted me to see it a realize my mistake

I fucking put it in the toielt while cleaning my room before she came to clear any evidence and forgot to flush it

Absolutely cooked

Now she went home and I tried to call her cos I'm gonna some bullshit excuse like its from weeks ago. But she won't answer. Over.

This happened with another girl who seemed like she liked me , then she went toilet.

I had condoms in the bin. But before she came I put another bag over the bin to cover the condoms and it wasn't bait at all

Then she went toilet and spent like 1 hour in there I thought wtf is she doing

Then she came back in and started being moody. Started calling the actor in the movie hot and other mean things and it kinda hurt

So I kicked her out cos it pissed me off.

And called her loads of names and told her to kill herself in the elevator cos I thought she was bullying me for no reason . And psl analysed her face telling her she needs high nose surgery and skin whitening cream

She put big headphones on so she could stop listening to my mean words but I literally took them off her and continued insulting her. I wanted to beat the fuck out of her so badly but i knew rhats exactly whar she wanted so id get in trouble. And she looked like she was gonna burst out crying

Also it was like 3am and she refused to leave for 10 mins i had to drag her out of bed. She couldn't believe a man actually stood up to her for once thought she was invincible just cos she's hot

but I called her a taxi on grab to make her leave cos she said she had no money to get home

But then as soon as she left I cancelled the taxi so she had no way to get home at 3am. Stupid bitch

Then after she went home I was tweaking wondering why she started being mean to me for no reason whats wrong with me. Why she doesn't like me? Why she started being mean to me for no reason?

Then I went into the toilet and saw thar she had adjusted the bin and wrapped the first plastic bag with condoms in it around the trash can properly and tied it, unlike what I did. So it clicked in my mind that she saw the used condoms

This happened another time but it was cum tissues and a stinky period pad and the girl cried for like an hour but long story

So moral of the story is to make sure you leave no evidence of other girls before a girl comes round

Even try to pick up all the girl hairs etc.
This is classic, we've all been there to some degree. With hairs and other small clues I usually just tell them that my friends hung out at my place. Condoms are awful though. One time one of my girlfriends came over when I was sick. I had taken the trash out to the bottom of the stairwell a few hours before. Well, turns out the crows were hungry and started picking through my trash so there were used condoms all over the street. My girl took out the current trash and came down to find all kinds of nasty evidence from the previous bag strewn all over the place. She came back with tears in her eyes but I just told her I jerked off into the condom and that it's normal for guys to do that. She probably didn't believe me but she rolled with it.

For hairs, you'll want to get one of this super-size lint rollers:

Just run it over your bed, pillow, and any other fabric surfaces like chair cushions.

Finally, you may want to experiment with using this to your advantage. For some period of time I was in full douchebag mode and made a "jewelry tray" on my nightstand, a dish where girls dropped their jewelry after coming back to my place or before going to sleep. Well, I never emptied it. So there were 5-6 girls' worth of earrings and shit in that tray at any given time. Girls would ask "wtf, whose jewelry is this" and I'd just reply with the "some other girl's, I don't remember, don't worry about it". I was playing with fire by doing this, but I felt that it made girls more attached to me via a twisted kind of insecurity.

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