I got severely humbled

the obvious answer is to stop relying on visual attraction via dating app selfies to draw women to you
you probably have the generic 90 IQ NPC Walmart worker look
even looking weird and shaggy is better than that, as it makes women curious, and curiosity is a great opening if you have any social skills
the obvious answer is to stop relying on visual attraction via dating app selfies to draw women to you
you probably have the generic 90 IQ NPC Walmart worker look
even looking weird and shaggy is better than that, as it makes women curious, and curiosity is a great opening if you have any social skills
cope plus social skils aren't real
the obvious answer is to stop relying on visual attraction via dating app selfies to draw women to you
you probably have the generic 90 IQ NPC Walmart worker look
even looking weird and shaggy is better than that, as it makes women curious, and curiosity is a great opening if you have any social skills
wtf is this advice, dating apps is all visual
your first pic by itself will decide if most girls swipe left or take a deep look at your profile

if you look weird in a bad way, your profile will be dumped to the bottom of the dating pool

now if you mean to have your own unique fashion style, that's good
wtf is this advice, dating apps is all visual
your first pic by itself will decide if most girls swipe left or take a deep look at your profile

if you look weird in a bad way, your profile will be dumped to the bottom of the dating pool

now if you mean to have your own unique fashion style, that's good
okay trick is, (this is what those online dating apps suggest) take photos of you doing fun things. Rock climbing, ice skating, that kinda bullshit. If you are fugly, you can take a wide screen shot and not so close up.

if your okay you can move in a little closer but you have to keep whatever your doing in frame so it keeps from you taking photos of your face that are so close women are judging your pore size. gnomewhatimsayin
okay trick is, (this is what those online dating apps suggest) take photos of you doing fun things. Rock climbing, ice skating, that kinda bullshit. If you are fugly, you can take a wide screen shot and not so close up.

if your okay you can move in a little closer but you have to keep whatever your doing in frame so it keeps from you taking photos of your face that are so close women are judging your pore size. gnomewhatimsayin
yes, you dont want a boring profile and there's probably many ways to look much better

profile of girls look much better due to using filters, heavy makeup and perfect angle

everyone tries to fake it online
yes, you dont want a boring profile and there's probably many ways to look much better

profile of girls look much better due to using filters, heavy makeup and perfect angle

everyone tries to fake it online
when i used to use dating apps, i used filters too, make your hair look better, your eyes softer. Fuck em i said. THey are doing this shit, why not me. Now i didn't go overboard so that when i met the girl, she was like "this is not the guy in the picture" kinda filter crazy, just touch ups.

i figured, if they can do it, i will level the playing field, cause lets admit it, they use makeup and filters to make thier faces look perfect. SO if thats 100%. Why can't i do 20%? you know. still completely me, just my face looks a bit less rough, no 5 oclock shadow, or that small freckle that could be a mole gone, but not something in person that would be a deal breaker kinda thing.
wtf is this advice, dating apps is all visual
your first pic by itself will decide if most girls swipe left or take a deep look at your profile

if you look weird in a bad way, your profile will be dumped to the bottom of the dating pool

now if you mean to have your own unique fashion style, that's good
Exactly right. If you are the kind of guy who goes unnoticed in a crowd and never catches a second glance from foids, dating apps in the West simply aren't gonna work for you. You'll have better luck in Asia, as foids there are more likely to go for a white guy who would be considered mid/bland/forgettably handsome in America. She doesn't want a boyfriend who will steal attention from her in public, i.e. a muscled GigaChad or a wild long-haired caveman type.

If you look odd, go all the way to stand out from the pack, don't try to blend in and look conventionally attractive. Important caveat, having a unique look and confidently embracing it will get you a lot of interest from white foids in America, particularly if you meet the 6' rule. But in Asia, looking strange will primarily get you subtle aversion responses from dating-eligible women, curious stares from young and old females. It's why people stereotype Asians as "bug people", because they have much more comformity in appearance than Amerimutts do.
Exactly right. If you are the kind of guy who goes unnoticed in a crowd and never catches a second glance from foids, dating apps in the West simply aren't gonna work for you. You'll have better luck in Asia, as foids there are more likely to go for a white guy who would be considered mid/bland/forgettably handsome in America. She doesn't want a boyfriend who will steal attention from her in public, i.e. a muscled GigaChad or a wild long-haired caveman type.

If you look odd, go all the way to stand out from the pack, don't try to blend in and look conventionally attractive. Important caveat, having a unique look and confidently embracing it will get you a lot of interest from white foids in America, particularly if you meet the 6' rule. But in Asia, looking strange will primarily get you subtle aversion responses from dating-eligible women, curious stares from young and old females. It's why people stereotype Asians as "bug people", because they have much more comformity in appearance than Amerimutts do.
I’m still disappointed that you’re a rich kid larping as working class lol
I’m still disappointed that you’re a rich kid larping as working class lol
My dad is a millionaire because he predicted in the 1980s that computers were the future of civilization. Forty years of continual focused struggle to perfect his understanding of IT innovation got him where he is in life.
My grandpa was a Polish immigrant tinkerer who never held a formal job yet raised eight children with my German grandma after their teenage romance survived all the horrors of World War II.
They rarely talked about the ordeals they went through in their separate countries. One of the few stories my dad shared involved my grandma imprisoned in a Nazi work camp, forced to give blood until she passed out, then her unconscious body was thrown in the pile of dead workers awaiting cremation. She regained consciousness and crawled back to her dorm.
Neither did my dad talk much about the hardships of his childhood as the smallest and weakest child in such an impoverished and hardass family, at a time when forcibly integrated white and black kids were embroiled in a violent race war in the local schools involving ambush beatdowns and gang brawls with blunt-force objects.

Hearing spoiled westoid manbabies complain about how their life is so unbearably tough because they can't figure out how to order a side of easy pussy on a dating app only makes me laugh in derision at their utter unfitness for survival.
My dad is a millionaire because he predicted in the 1980s that computers were the future of civilization. Forty years of continual focused struggle to perfect his understanding of IT innovation got him where he is in life.
My grandpa was a Polish immigrant tinkerer who never held a formal job yet raised eight children with my German grandma after their teenage romance survived all the horrors of World War II.
They rarely talked about the ordeals they went through in their separate countries. One of the few stories my dad shared involved my grandma imprisoned in a Nazi work camp, forced to give blood until she passed out, then her unconscious body was thrown in the pile of dead workers awaiting cremation. She regained consciousness and crawled back to her dorm.
Neither did my dad talk much about the hardships of his childhood as the smallest and weakest child in such an impoverished and hardass family, at a time when forcibly integrated white and black kids were embroiled in a violent race war in the local schools involving ambush beatdowns and gang brawls with blunt-force objects.

Hearing spoiled westoid manbabies complain about how their life is so unbearably tough because they can't figure out how to order a side of easy pussy on a dating app only makes me laugh in derision at their utter unfitness for survival.
Could pull girls off of apps easily if I could comfortably get to Asia already lol

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