I loved uk but hate at the same time


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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There's nowhere else in the world that has the level of development as UK

Everyone here lives in perfect little house communities

Even in other 1st world places like Spain its literally apartments which look like slums everywhere.

No community neighbourhoods of houses

Everyone is so kind and polite and nice to eachother

Only problem is all the main cities have like no nature. No beaches. The only beaches that exist are pebble bullshit

And non existent dating market for young men

Shame man. This place would be so good if we had nice nature and good dating
Everyone is so kind and polite and nice to eachother

Only problem is all the main cities have like no nature. No beaches. The only beaches that exist are pebble bullshit
Well then i suppose you just have to enjoy a cup of tea in your garden and behold the flowers, sir.


this movie proves japanese think uk is the best country on earth

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