Advice How to travel if you have low income


Dec 1, 2022
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flights will mostly be your main expense. if you are able to find a low-cost or inexpensive price for flights then you'll be good unless you don't like staying at shit hotel. this also depends on which countries you will be visiting. for example, you can mostly travel Europe by train and find cheap places to stay and if you are american you'll only need to worry about the flight pricing.
flights will mostly be your main expense. if you are able to find a low-cost or inexpensive price for flights then you'll be good unless you don't like staying at shit hotel. this also depends on which countries you will be visiting. for example, you can mostly travel Europe by train and find cheap places to stay and if you are american you'll only need to worry about the flight pricing.
wow, i cannot imagine living like that.. best of luck i hope you don't run into any trouble. You should at least have a 10k nest egg just in case. "bail me out of a fucked up situation" money. Dont' plan on traveling alot when your young. I am in my 40's. stay a shut in. Save all of your money. cook at home, buy beer and booze from the liquor store, dont' go to bars. Use my fb trick even where you live. Call the pussy to your house. Save your cash, then buy into realestate or something that makes you money. And then you can travel like i do, with zero worries. (each persons adventure is different i guess)
wow, i cannot imagine living like that.. best of luck i hope you don't run into any trouble. You should at least have a 10k nest egg just in case. "bail me out of a fucked up situation" money. Dont' plan on traveling alot when your young. I am in my 40's. stay a shut in. Save all of your money. cook at home, buy beer and booze from the liquor store, dont' go to bars. Use my fb trick even where you live. Call the pussy to your house. Save your cash, then buy into realestate or something that makes you money. And then you can travel like i do, with zero worries. (each persons adventure is different i guess)
i dont but when i was in EU i did travel by train to other countries. it was faster and cheaper
i dont but when i was in EU i did travel by train to other countries. it was faster and cheaper
I would travel by train as well. When your in your 20's and 30's There is pussy to be had that way. I would hit on everything on that train. Who cares if they say no. You don't fucking know them and will never ever see them again.
I would travel by train as well. When your in your 20's and 30's There is pussy to be had that way. I would hit on everything on that train. Who cares if they say no. You don't fucking know them and will never ever see them again.
wow, i cannot imagine living like that.. best of luck i hope you don't run into any trouble. You should at least have a 10k nest egg just in case. "bail me out of a fucked up situation" money. Dont' plan on traveling alot when your young. I am in my 40's. stay a shut in. Save all of your money. cook at home, buy beer and booze from the liquor store, dont' go to bars. Use my fb trick even where you live. Call the pussy to your house. Save your cash, then buy into realestate or something that makes you money. And then you can travel like i do, with zero worries. (each persons adventure is different i guess)
Experiencing things when you are young is infinetly better than when you are old. Its not even fucking close. I doubt many girls will be genuinally attracted to a 40 year old and "authentic attraction" is really important. Most betabuxxers are deppressed as shit.
Experiencing things when you are young is infinetly better than when you are old. Its not even fucking close. I doubt many girls will be genuinally attracted to a 40 year old and "authentic attraction" is really important. Most betabuxxers are deppressed as shit.
Above 15? Over. Get what you can. What's the alternative
Experiencing things when you are young is infinetly better than when you are old. Its not even fucking close. I doubt many girls will be genuinally attracted to a 40 year old and "authentic attraction" is really important. Most betabuxxers are deppressed as shit.
well, lets see

i have left DR. but when i was there, i was fucking at least a different girl once a day. Sometimes up to 3 a day.

either alone or threesomes.

and WHY the fuck would you want a gf? are you seriously looking for "love" HAHAHAHAH. wow....and you cannot find love back home? shit man. It's hard to get laid in north america. but not that fucking hard. I would get laid and never have to leave my house, simply using facebook. and paying shit for it. that's free pussy. But i would rather give a girl like below 20 bucks and fuck her, and ask to to bring a friend. why work for it. that's what money is for.


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Experiencing things when you are young is infinetly better than when you are old. Its not even fucking close. I doubt many girls will be genuinally attracted to a 40 year old and "authentic attraction" is really important. Most betabuxxers are deppressed as shit.
and here is a deep thought

HOW THE FUCK ...would you know what life is like being older? huh? You ain't old yet.

you THINK this "love" thing is better when your young. I say, fuck that. There is a reason there is an 80% divorce rate

i been there, done that. i will use my money that i get for free, to fuck girls. think about it like i do. I get to fuck some girl, for chump change, and her pussy is the only thing that is worth of value. And she's giving it to me, for NOTJHING (what is a few dollars) yet some simp is probably in love with her, jacking off to her and he will never get that pussy cause he's YOUNG and has no money.

dont' get me wrong, i dont' fuck prostitutes. I fuck girls who need help on the side. Want a relationship. but they want a guy with money. In the west you call them gold diggers or sugar babys.

I say, here is some of the money i get for free (from my rental's free money i don't do anything for it)
and you give me that pussy that is the only thing of value you have.

who wins?

me....every fucking time

i even think about that when i am going balls deep sometimes. on the girls you know do NOT do this regularly. one girl i met, college girl. Mom locked her up until she was 18 (was not allowed to go on dates). shes' 19 now. And the first time i fucked her, she was visibly sore. infact did not want to fuck again, for a month. I asked her why and she said "you made me sore". And i gave her a lousy 50 dollars, she didn't ask for it. I use it as an excuse to come back and fuck again.

the one thing you learn about these 3rd world countries. MONEY is king. And you can make girls do things they normally wouldn't do, for a bit of chump change.

im not trapped in a relationship. Any and i mean ANY drama...your gone.

come on over, bring your friends, i will give you chump change and i get what other guys want for "free" but they take you to the movies, go to dinner dates with you. And spend more than if they had just put it out there. "here is money for sex".

am i evil...yes i am.
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and here is a deep thought

HOW THE FUCK ...would you know what life is like being older? huh? You ain't old yet.

you THINK this "love" thing is better when your young. I say, fuck that. There is a reason there is an 80% divorce rate

i been there, done that. i will use my money that i get for free, to fuck girls. think about it like i do. I get to fuck some girl, for chump change, and her pussy is the only thing that is worth of value. And she's giving it to me, for NOTJHING (what is a few dollars) yet some simp is probably in love with her, jacking off to her and he will never get that pussy cause he's YOUNG and has no money.

dont' get me wrong, i dont' fuck prostitutes. I fuck girls who need help on the side. Want a relationship. but they want a guy with money. In the west you call them gold diggers or sugar babys.

I say, here is some of the money i get for free (from my rental's free money i don't do anything for it)
and you give me that pussy that is the only thing of value you have.

who wins?

me....every fucking time
I'm not really talking about love but if you fuck a prostitute its not the same. If a girl sucks you off because you pay her or a girl sucks you off because SHE FUCKING WANTS to is completely different. If she is genuinally attracted to you and you are not a betabux the experience is completely different. Experiencing things when you are young is a million times better. I can orgasm 10 times in a day. I did it once. Will I be able to do that at 40? FUCK OFF

Love is a genuine thing if you are both attracted to each other.

Thats why betabuxxing doesnt work because although they may get sex its miserable. If a girl is attracted to you they will want to do BDSM and more kinky shit. I genuinely doubt an 18 year old is genuinely attracted to a 40 year old but could be wrong tbf.

You probably have never done bdsm and seen how exited girls get. Its totally different if you hire a girl to do bdsm because there is no authentic attraction.

If you enjoy vanilla sex and dont care about "rizz in the air" and just want to get your dick wet then fair enough, YOU WIN but not everyone is the same
I'm not really talking about love but if you fuck a prostitute its not the same. If a girl sucks you off because you pay her or a girl sucks you off because SHE FUCKING WANTS to is completely different. If she is genuinally attracted to you and you are not a betabux the experience is completely different. Experiencing things when you are young is a million times better. I can orgasm 10 times in a day. I did it once. Will I be able to do that at 40? FUCK OFF

Love is a genuine thing if you are both attracted to each other.

Thats why betabuxxing doesnt work because although they may get sex its miserable. If a girl is attracted to you they will want to do BDSM and more kinky shit. I genuinely doubt an 18 year old is genuinely attracted to a 40 year old but could be wrong tbf.

You probably have never done bdsm and seen how exited girls get. Its totally different if you hire a girl to do bdsm because there is no authentic attraction.

If you enjoy vanilla sex and dont care about "rizz in the air" and just want to get your dick wet then fair enough, YOU WIN but not everyone is the same
maybe you miss the point, i get my girls off facebook THEY ARE NOT prostitutes

you see, you are dumb. You equate paying as prostitution. YOu are also dumb (not being offensive), because you have never experienced life in a 3rd world country (lived there)

different rules. bro

but if we go then by your logic. ALL GIRLS are prostitutes, because you bring them to dinner, movies, buy them shit. to HOPE to get sex

these girls on facebook, if they do not like the way i look, they won't go with me.

as i said, not prostitutes. but in DR prostitution is legal. So normal girls know you want sex, you gotta pay in some form or fashion. nails, hair, salon, take me shopping.

but i get great sex, and you know why. I have the money i make the rules, you fuck me once, shitty. You are not invited back. goodbye. And i can actually tell them that.

good luck finding that love, and then you spend all that money, on dates. Finally get her into the sack and shes a lousy fuck...what then?

i will stop trying to explain it. If you have not lived in another country, you wont' understand
maybe you miss the point, i get my girls off facebook THEY ARE NOT prostitutes

you see, you are dumb. You equate paying as prostitution. YOu are also dumb (not being offensive), because you have never experienced life in a 3rd world country (lived there)

different rules. bro

but if we go then by your logic. ALL GIRLS are prostitutes, because you bring them to dinner, movies, buy them shit. to HOPE to get sex

these girls on facebook, if they do not like the way i look, they won't go with me.

as i said, not prostitutes. but in DR prostitution is legal. So normal girls know you want sex, you gotta pay in some form or fashion. nails, hair, salon, take me shopping.

but i get great sex, and you know why. I have the money i make the rules, you fuck me once, shitty. You are not invited back. goodbye. And i can actually tell them that.

good luck finding that love, and then you spend all that money, on dates. Finally get her into the sack and shes a lousy fuck...what then?

i will stop trying to explain it. If you have not lived in another country, you wont' understand
Listen im talking about if a girl is genuinely attracted to you she will fuck WAY DIFFERENT than a girl who isnt. It doesnt matter if you payed or not. Have you ever done real authentic BDSM before? Has a girl ever given you fuck me eyes? There is certain shit you just cannot fake.
Im not talking about love or dates idk what your on about?
maybe you miss the point, i get my girls off facebook THEY ARE NOT prostitutes

you see, you are dumb. You equate paying as prostitution. YOu are also dumb (not being offensive), because you have never experienced life in a 3rd world country (lived there)

different rules. bro

but if we go then by your logic. ALL GIRLS are prostitutes, because you bring them to dinner, movies, buy them shit. to HOPE to get sex

these girls on facebook, if they do not like the way i look, they won't go with me.

as i said, not prostitutes. but in DR prostitution is legal. So normal girls know you want sex, you gotta pay in some form or fashion. nails, hair, salon, take me shopping.

but i get great sex, and you know why. I have the money i make the rules, you fuck me once, shitty. You are not invited back. goodbye. And i can actually tell them that.

good luck finding that love, and then you spend all that money, on dates. Finally get her into the sack and shes a lousy fuck...what then?

i will stop trying to explain it. If you have not lived in another country, you wont' understand
I understand all you care about is getting your dick wet? Fair enough we all have different desires. Why are you trying to argue this its just preference. I just want a girl to be genuinally attracted to me and WANT ME. I doubt girls will genuinally be attracted to you if your 40 but I COULD BE WRONG.

I never equated paying to prostition. How am i dumb for not having the same preference as you. Not saying I want love but if i did whats wrong with that? Everyone has a preference. If I want to get cucked and pay for dates thats my choice? Its retarded but some people like that.
Listen im talking about if a girl is genuinely attracted to you she will fuck WAY DIFFERENT than a girl who isnt. It doesnt matter if you payed or not. Have you ever done real authentic BDSM before? Has a girl ever given you fuck me eyes? There is certain shit you just cannot fake.
Im not talking about love or dates idk what your on about?
dude, do you REALLY think i have not had girl friends who "loved me". i was married for fuck sakes. I played on a basketball team all the way until university.

i got ALOT of pussy.

im not saying your wrong. But seriously. playing the "i am trying to get it only free game" is FILLED with dry spells.

and it always ends the same way.

if your looking for a wife....greeaaaaat. im not

and that whole break up thing sucks. sucks super hard. And then your stagnant for 3 to 6 months. No thank you.

but yes, if a girl is "into you" she will be more compliant. that's true. obviously we have all had that type of girl. but with that, also comes many shitty things as well. (yinyang/karma bro, you cannot escape it).

you wont' be fucking other girls, and if you do, it's on the down low. eventually you get caught. All that fucking bullshit.

eventually you will get older and get tired of that shit. trust me. women are exhausting.

eventually you realise, it's just sex. i got off, great. Did you, really dont' care. but if you did great and go back to what you were doing. Here is some cash, go get yoruself something, im busy now. you want to stick around for supper great, if not. I am going to call a friend and hang out with him.

go to a bar or hang out place, try to get other girls digits, no worrying about a "gf". and life is easy.

and you get to sleep in your bed alone, and comfortable
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dude, do you REALLY think i have not had girl friends who "loved me". i was married for fuck sakes. I played on a basketball team all the way until university.

i got ALOT of pussy.

im not saying your wrong. But seriously. playing the "i am trying to get it only free game" is FILLED with dry spells.

and it always ends the same way.

if your looking for a wife....greeaaaaat. im not

and that whole break up thing sucks. sucks super hard. And then your stagnant for 3 to 6 months. No thank you.
Fair enough. You just have different desires but i think everyone should experience love. Even though breakups suck i feel its a good learning experience. Imagine living your whole life just doing 1 night stands and getting loads of pussy, never catching feelings. That FOMO would be huge even if you think "love" is BS. Its like rejection everyone needs to experience it because you grow back stronger.
Fair enough. You just have different desires but i think everyone should experience love. Even though breakups suck i feel its a good learning experience. Imagine living your whole life just doing 1 night stands and getting loads of pussy, never catching feelings. That FOMO would be huge even if you think "love" is BS. Its like rejection everyone needs to experience it because you grow back stronger.
I live by this.

and think about it this way. if you are looking for love. And find that "special person" isn't your geomaxing days over?


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I live by this.

and think about it this way. if you are looking for love. And find that "special person" isn't your geomaxing days over?
Like you said 80 percent of marriages end in divorce. If i fall in love again it probably wont last long but i still like the feeling of love but i will likely get sick of it and might end up like you when im 40 JFL . Just because love ends doesnt mean i cant experience it.
Like you said 80 percent of marriages end in divorce. If i fall in love again it probably wont last long but i still like the feeling of love but i will likely get sick of it and might end up like you when im 40 JFL . Just because love ends doesnt mean i cant experience it.
ur 6'8

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