Experiencing things when you are young is infinetly better than when you are old. Its not even fucking close. I doubt many girls will be genuinally attracted to a 40 year old and "authentic attraction" is really important. Most betabuxxers are deppressed as shit.
and here is a deep thought
HOW THE FUCK ...would you know what life is like being older? huh? You ain't old yet.
you THINK this "love" thing is better when your young. I say, fuck that. There is a reason there is an 80% divorce rate
i been there, done that. i will use my money that i get for free, to fuck girls. think about it like i do. I get to fuck some girl, for chump change, and her pussy is the only thing that is worth of value. And she's giving it to me, for NOTJHING (what is a few dollars) yet some simp is probably in love with her, jacking off to her and he will never get that pussy cause he's YOUNG and has no money.
dont' get me wrong, i dont' fuck prostitutes. I fuck girls who need help on the side. Want a relationship. but they want a guy with money. In the west you call them gold diggers or sugar babys.
I say, here is some of the money i get for free (from my rental properties...it's free money i don't do anything for it)
and you give me that pussy that is the only thing of value you have.
who wins?
me....every fucking time
i even think about that when i am going balls deep sometimes. on the girls you know do NOT do this regularly. one girl i met, college girl. Mom locked her up until she was 18 (was not allowed to go on dates). shes' 19 now. And the first time i fucked her, she was visibly sore. infact did not want to fuck again, for a month. I asked her why and she said "you made me sore". And i gave her a lousy 50 dollars, she didn't ask for it. I use it as an excuse to come back and fuck again.
the one thing you learn about these 3rd world countries. MONEY is king. And you can make girls do things they normally wouldn't do, for a bit of chump change.
im not trapped in a relationship. Any and i mean ANY drama...your gone.
come on over, bring your friends, i will give you chump change and i get what other guys want for "free" but they take you to the movies, go to dinner dates with you. And spend more than if they had just put it out there. "here is money for sex".
am i evil...yes i am.