Looks how foids view height


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Dec 31, 2022
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predeterminism on suicide watch
Thank god other countries are still pretty short for now - need to hurry though the younger people everywhere are starting to be 6ft tall.

“But inside…doesn’t matter” - Patrick Bateman
height doesnt matter as much once you pass a certain height. height matters a lot more than face.
It's all face my friend. A good looking faced, 5'2" guy can femboy max and get prime white girls. I as a tall guy get NOTHING. So, height will get you nothing without face. But face can always get you something. It's just that other men see manlets as targets is the issue.
It's all face my friend. A good looking faced, 5'2" guy can femboy max and get prime white girls. I as a tall guy get NOTHING. So, height will get you nothing without face. But face can always get you something. It's just that other men see manlets as targets is the issue.
a 5'2 perfect face guy would get nothing a 5'9 perfect face gymmaxed guy would get stuff but an average face 6'6 guy would get even more
a 5'2 perfect face guy would get nothing a 5'9 perfect face gymmaxed guy would get stuff but an average face 6'6 guy would get even more
Disagree. I have personally spoken with a 5'3" glasses wearing hapa who put on a dress and wig because he got so tired of being an incel and he managed to bag a virgin, prime 18 yo white girl, blonde slim, etc. He brought her onto the webcam live feed. For instance, i'm 6'4" and was very suicidal at the time because I couldn't get a date no matter how hard I tried.
a 5'2 perfect face guy would get nothing a 5'9 perfect face gymmaxed guy would get stuff but an average face 6'6 guy would get even more
My face is a 4 to 4.5/10. Women really don't see height as a requirement. It's an necessity. I'm proof of this.
Height is cope for ethnics and average looking lankoids, I knew blonde blue eyed 5'7 manlets in my college that would have women giggling all over him when he would walk in the room. Can't believe its still debated in the year 2023, go onto any PSL forum and its a bunch of 6'1 tallfags complaining how they get no pussy. If you think FaceandLMS, Adam Driver are mogging Zac Efron, Justin Beiber, Sergei, etc. you are not blackpilled. The issue is that alot of ugly to average tall dudes end up in oofy doofy relationships and then everyone extrapolates from that, chad face manlets are always slayers. When you see videos of Beckys saying they would rather get with an average looking tall dude than short guy its because they are picturing a tall chadlite, not an actual average looking dude. Of course it matters but face is so much more an indicator of your attractiveness than height alone. You think jeremy meeks would even have a fraction of his smv if he didn't have blue eyes and wasn't lightskin? I think blue eyes is way more of a halo than height, when foids demand height at this point I feel like its when they demand a dude that makes 6 figures, if a Kurt Cobain looking guy came up to a chick and hes at least taller than her that shit goes out the fucking window.
Height is cope for ethnics and average looking lankoids, I knew blonde blue eyed 5'7 manlets in my college that would have women giggling all over him when he would walk in the room. Can't believe its still debated in the year 2023, go onto any PSL forum and its a bunch of 6'1 tallfags complaining how they get no pussy. If you think FaceandLMS, Adam Driver are mogging Zac Efron, Justin Beiber, Sergei, etc. you are not blackpilled. The issue is that alot of ugly to average tall dudes end up in oofy doofy relationships and then everyone extrapolates from that, chad face manlets are always slayers. When you see videos of Beckys saying they would rather get with an average looking tall dude than short guy its because they are picturing a tall chadlite, not an actual average looking dude. Of course it matters but face is so much more an indicator of your attractiveness than height alone. You think jeremy meeks would even have a fraction of his smv if he didn't have blue eyes and wasn't lightskin? I think blue eyes is way more of a halo than height, when foids demand height at this point I feel like its when they demand a dude that makes 6 figures, if a Kurt Cobain looking guy came up to a chick and hes at least taller than her that shit goes out the fucking window.
what do you rate this currys psl
Once you pass the minimums for both face matters more
Disagree having a chad face is having a chad face. A 5'7 Zac Efron 5'9 Kurt Cobain, Tom Cruise, 5'7 Tom Holland etc will have more female attention than every PSL fags put together. And dont cope with the muh famous celeb examples, the fact that they are famous is proof enough of face halo.You think young Leo would be considered attractive if he was just tall? Height is just a bonus on top of face. I can agree if you are say > around 5'5 but even then I have seen chadlet slayers at that height and be fine, lifts always help. Its easier to fraud height with lifts or location maxing than frauding your face without invasive surgeries.
Disagree. I have personally spoken with a 5'3" glasses wearing hapa who put on a dress and wig because he got so tired of being an incel and he managed to bag a virgin, prime 18 yo white girl, blonde slim, etc. He brought her onto the webcam live feed. For instance, i'm 6'4" and was very suicidal at the time because I couldn't get a date no matter how hard I tried.
Avg tipps from tallfags just become a troon

@predeterminism i am so fucking done with tallfags

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