How are there people on .org who still deny jbw in 2024?


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
Boggles my mind man, lurking on there for an hour and my brain feels rotted. These retards are still arguing about face vs height and jerking off to PSL god shorts while disgusting boomers are lifemogging them in SEA JFL.
There’s people here who deny it lmao
i dont deny the impact of kpop game and bbc to an extent but the absolute state of the BP is really something man. youtube shorts, tails, and looksmaxxing channels really exposed this shit to the bottom of the barrel normies...actually its just the zoomeroids now that I think about it.
>t-that data is from 2014 bro
*show recent data
>i-its SFcel propaganda
The white failed normies on .is deny it while its the ethnics who cope about it on .org

mostly ethnic zoomers nowadays
it is unfotunately. tough scenes.
Boggles my mind man, lurking on there for an hour and my brain feels rotted. These retards are still arguing about face vs height and jerking off to PSL god shorts while disgusting boomers are lifemogging them in SEA JFL.
The boomers simply don't give a fuck about anything but having access to pussy. They don't care if the pussy is attracted to them, they don't care if the pussy wants money, they don't care how many dicks have been inside the pussy before theirs, they don't care if the face or tits attached to the pussy are rather mediocre in attractiveness. Unlike younger celibates, they don't have all these bullshit expectations, conditions and worries over how their behavior may be perceived by others. They simply want a woman, and when they have a woman, they are happy.
Boggles my mind man, lurking on there for an hour and my brain feels rotted. These retards are still arguing about face vs height and jerking off to PSL god shorts while disgusting boomers are lifemogging them in SEA JFL.
they pay for ugly jungle prostitutes. that’s not lifemogging at all. i keep my money while they throw it at ugly gooks for condom sex who don’t like them at all and only want their money
The boomers simply don't give a fuck about anything but having access to pussy. They don't care if the pussy is attracted to them, they don't care if the pussy wants money, they don't care how many dicks have been inside the pussy before theirs, they don't care if the face or tits attached to the pussy are rather mediocre in attractiveness. Unlike younger celibates, they don't have all these bullshit expectations, conditions and worries over how their behavior may be perceived by others. They simply want a woman, and when they have a woman, they are happy.
There’s a word for that and it’s called desperation. FTFY.
Boggles my mind man, lurking on there for an hour and my brain feels rotted. These retards are still arguing about face vs height and jerking off to PSL god shorts while disgusting boomers are lifemogging them in SEA JFL.
Every sea monkey ive talked to always points out my pale skin, pointed nose, and nose bridge, and these are supposed to be bluepilled soys, also saying how much they dont like local men

I think east asian are probably less upfront about it, but pale skin to them would be something like being tall, its a positive trait but cant solely depend on it, they arent gonna jump on your dick, there is plenty of tall incels because shit face, you need a combination of above avg traits like height, pale skin, face, blah blah for some shit cunt these days
Every sea monkey ive talked to always points out my pale skin, pointed nose, and nose bridge, and these are supposed to be bluepilled soys, also saying how much they dont like local men

I think east asian are probably less upfront about it, but pale skin to them would be something like being tall, its a positive trait but cant solely depend on it, they arent gonna jump on your dick, there is plenty of tall incels because shit face, you need a combination of above avg traits like height, pale skin, face, blah blah for some shit cunt these days
Everything you just said is insanely wrong. It’s all about environment and fitting in. White guys in SEA are even bigger incels than in their home country because they are a fish out of water. You don’t even speak the language and aren’t accustomed to the culture at all yet people think if they go there they will slay. Makes no sense. Only reason to leave the country is to flee certain oppression for cucked government.
Every sea monkey ive talked to always points out my pale skin, pointed nose, and nose bridge, and these are supposed to be bluepilled soys, also saying how much they dont like local men
Yeah, they love white noses, especially the brown tribal girls with stubby wide noses.
there is plenty of tall incels because shit face, you need a combination of above avg traits like height, pale skin, face, blah blah for some shit cunt these days
I resemble that remark, JFL

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