Advice HIV is a meme (in Thailand)


Gymcel coper
Aug 16, 2022
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1. Most coomer destinations have low rates of HIV. In fact Thailand has a lower incidence of HIV than Russia. HIV/AIDS is only a thing amongst the general population in some parts of Africa, most of which are not even coomer destinations.

2. A person having sex with someone on HIV treatment has no risk of catching HIV and coomer destination countries like Thailand give this treatment out for free.

3. 98% of people with HIV in Thailand are aware they have it and are almost certainly being treated for it if it's free

By 2017, awareness of HIV status had risen to 98 percent.[12]

4. The risk of HIV transmission per sex act is extremely low for the penetrating partner


5. Even among prostitutes, HIV rates are relatively low (Case study: Thailand)

I looked around for recent estimates and few which estimate that 2-2.5% of female sex workers in Thailand have HIV and 4.7-5% of transgender sex workers have HIV. Any higher estimate you can find are several years out of date. One study I found compared ladyboy sex workers with non-sex workers in Pattaya and found they had almost identical rates to the local "non-sex workers". Large amounts of sex workers take HIV prep medication as well. I also found a number for 0.3% for the general female population.

6. Condom usage reduces transmission risk by 10 to 20 times

Take all that together from riskiest to least risky using the least charitable assumptions

Getting fucked by a ladyboy raw
0.0138 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
= 0.0000138
1 in 72,464 times

Getting fucked by a ladyboy with condom
0.0138 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
x 0.1 (condom effectiveness)
= 0.0000138
1 in 724,638 times

Fucking a ladyboy raw
0.0011 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
= 0.0000011
1 in 909,091 times

Fucking a ladyboy with a condom
0.0011 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
x 0.1 (condom effectiveness)
1 in 9,090,909 times

Fucking a female sex worker raw
0.0004 (risk per act)
x 0.025 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
= 0.0000002
1 in 5,000,000 times

Fucking a female sex worker with a condom
0.0004 (risk per act)
x 0.025 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
x 0.1 (condom effectiveness)
= 0.00000002
1 in 50,000,000 times

Having sex with a female non-sex worker raw
0.0004 (risk per act)
x 0.003 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
= 0.000000024
1 in 41,666,666 times

Having sex with a female non-sex worker with a condom
0.0004 (risk per act)
x 0.003 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
x 0.1 (condom effectiveness)
= 0.000000024
1 in 416,666,666 times

Thailand has effectively eradicated HIV/AIDS transmission even if you are a degenerate coomer. All you need to do is use common sense and avoid having sex with disgusting/sick looking prostitutes.

@predeterminism @Kahn @The 13th Warrior @Kevin_Logan @Krisp @GallowGlass @Bestimmung @AlexBrown84 @Aphex
Getting fucked by a ladyboy raw
0.0138 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
= 0.0000138
1 in 72,464 times

Getting fucked by a ladyboy with condom
0.0138 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
x 0.1 (condom effectiveness)
= 0.0000138
1 in 724,638 times

Fucking a ladyboy raw
0.0011 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
= 0.0000011
1 in 909,091 times

Fucking a ladyboy with a condom
0.0011 (risk per act)
x 0.05 (% with HIV)
x 0.02 (% assumed not being treated)
x 0.1 (condom effectiveness)
1 in 9,090,909 times
i always have unprotected sex with prostitutes. id never get cucked by a condom and im already circumcucked so theres really hardly any point in sex. all i have left is a cracked up dull thick dried out penis head.

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