Back after a hiatus. Heres a Thailand report

yes and no, i saw all varieties while in cambodia, but ya alot of pensioners, and english guys. for some reason.

But i cannot compare cambodia to indonesia. There just arent' alot of tourists here in indonesia (bali is the hot spot for tourists, not jakarta)

In the area i was in (north and red light district) in one month i could literally count the amount of white people i saw, on one hand.

maybe 1 to 3. MAX. and usually backpackers. The poors who have dirty hair and you can tell they dont' have any money.
and some months would go by and no foreigners.

where i am now, there is absolutely no foreigners. I am the novelty "foreigner" here. im on the north east of jakarta now. and it's been 2 weeks now.

Now south of jakarta is suppsoed to have alot of foreigners. But i don't go south much (you have to understand, jakarta is fucking huge, 32 million plus people in one city) so to drive from one end to the other is like an hour and a half with a taxi and about 10 dollars)

So unless you have a reason to do it, you basically just stick to your area.
jakarta is 2 times more populated than Cambodia, and has less tourists
one of the biggest JBW cities in the world that are left

very weird that any young normie white guy would go to cambodia unless for scrupulous purposes. the country is more of a shithole than flip from videos I have watched
yeah, i don't know of any young guy that has chosen cambodia or laos as a base, it's kinda popular for traveling and visiting a few days, but not for living or remote working
even old guys don't base themselves there for the most part
jakarta is 2 times more populated than Cambodia, and has less tourists
one of the biggest JBW cities in the world that are left

yeah, i don't know of any young guy that has chosen cambodia or laos as a base, it's kinda popular for traveling and visiting a few days, but not for living or remote working
even old guys don't base themselves there for the most part
indonesia has a majority muslim population is probably why.
jakarta is 2 times more populated than Cambodia, and has less tourists
one of the biggest JBW cities in the world that are left

yeah, i don't know of any young guy that has chosen cambodia or laos as a base, it's kinda popular for traveling and visiting a few days, but not for living or remote working
even old guys don't base themselves there for the most part
Idk how easy is it date due to religion
indonesia has a majority muslim population is probably why.
Idk how easy is it date due to religion
from what some people have told me it's kinda easy
there's 10-15% non muslim + young muslim people are a lot more liberal nowadays in Jakarta
so you can find girls that are tired of having to be muslim, that just want a foreigner to have fun with
+ no competition
well it's this easy

tonight, im on the hunt for cunt, crude but it rhymed LOL
after i got two big fucking needles stuck in my ass for gonorrhea, ya finally raw dogging for almost 6 moths, at least VERY LEAST 4 different girls a week. i got an STD.

it wasnt' bad either, like mild, bit of discharge, the only shitty thing is i cannot fuck or drink (antibiotics dont' like booze) for a week.

so that fucking sucks casue i gotta date on the weekend with the girl below. cannot even jake it to take the edge off.

anyways, girl is eye fucking me hard. and smiling. she was sitting on the back of a moped with some guy
i dont' give a fuck, im a foot taller than EVERYONE.
so, i walk up and say "aku mau kamu whatsapp" and just like that
she gives me her whatsapp

i waited a bit messaged her, we are going out this weekend.

its really that fucking simple Now remember. im 44, not some youngling. Which the younger you are the easier it "should" be.

im really trying to think hard and i think i have only been rejected once. In the entire 5 going on 6 months here.

went to club H two weeks ago, cold approached 3 girls, 3 numbers. just like that. (i made sure to use all the space in the bar so i wasnt' seen by each girl)

kinda crazy when you think about it, it's just that easy to pick up. fuck they INVITE YOU into their groups without you having to do anything. Just sit there and be white. it's really that fucking simple, they all want their token white person "look at our group, we are so cool we even got a white guy!"

it truly is like that
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personal experience cambodia and indo

indo is fucking awesome for girls. in indonesia you do not have to worry about "chad" competition. there are not alot of white people here. but it' a head warp to wrap around the concept of modesty. These girls are super modest. Not the hijab ones either. If you see an indo girl, wearing tight clothing, she's a whore in their eyes. Like complete and utter whore. No good guy will wifey that. \

When i went to cambodia the girls were instantly "hotter" but after a week i realised, they aren't necessarily hotter. it's just they dressed slutty. But there was a FUCK TON of white people. so many i didn't like it. As far as chads "i don't really notice that stuff" never have. I just do my own thing. usually solo. i like solo. solo means i can go off the rails and no one is alive to repeat the tales LOL.

So with indonesian girls it's like opening up a box of chocolate with them. In indo, you will find alot of girls have "sleeper tits".

what are sleeper tits? you wonder. It's a term i use when you see a girl, and she looks plain, normal. but you see her with her shirt off and she reveals the most amazing tits you have ever seen. But because of the clothes she wears you would never have guessed.

"sleeper tits" and that goes for their entire bodies. I don't know if thats a good thing or bad thing.

but anyways. cambodia is less about dating and all about fuck for money.

indo is a bit of both. Depends on where you go. But the JBW is extreme in indo. I got none of that in cambodia.
How's living in Indonesia due to such difference in culture? Quality of life?
How's living in Indonesia due to such difference in culture? Quality of life?
that is the most amazing thing here, it all depends on WHERE you live.

and i mean, the city of jakarta is so diverse. with 32 million plus people in this city, the south is completely different than the north. it takes an hour to an hour and a half to go from one end to the other.
west and east are newer, as there is room to grow. and you get a more quiet vibe. im living on the north east side now, and it's completely different from the north. But my dark sided self LOVES the north. the drit the grime, the easy and bad girls. (north is considered the red light district of jakarta) now i just have those girls travel 30 minutes to come see me.

you can find an area that is your jam, you just have to look. Me i want easy sex for the least amount of money, while still doing the dating thing when i want (2/3rd rule) 2 hookers, 1 normal girl.

like tonight i have a date with a normal girl, i know im going to pay more, but it's a normal time.

But ya, it all depends on where you live. Now the religion thing, this isn't the middle east. not even close.

so dont' worry about the muslim thing. HUGE differences between indo and middle east

first, women can walk around with pants, and they do
even skirts
they don't have to wear a jilbob.
alcohol is sold openly
the only reason you KNOW your in a different culture is if you are white, you are treated completely different in a good way.
people want you to be in their group, you don't even have to ask.

the only thing that is different than the rest of the world. the party places are hidden.

and what i mean by hidden is. They dont have big bright neon signs saying IN HERE IS THE PARTY kinda thing

you need to know where to go. a site like jakarta 100 bars helps biggly. or if you have someone that lives here.

otherwise, the quality of life is good. Lets put it this way. i can live ANYWHERE in the world i want. i make almost the same amount of money i did working full time.

and i chose here. right now. why?
No like legit chads, PSL score and all that. Not like the redpill/normie definition of chad (le big muscles and tall), I am talking like 6'2, blond/blue hunter eyes, etc.

I mean sure but theres plenty of white normies here looking for the same thing. In terms of maximizing lays to effort again not the best place. I am speaking for the crowds here as I dont care to get my ego validated by sea monkeys like the rest of the young khhvs here, but if you just want free sex better places. You are going to be putting more effort than neccessary for girls that are 4s and 5s (thai standards too, these girls would be 2s in latin america or east asia), and truthfully even the chads aren't really punching above their weight. You see this with the rare ones with girls that are not that hot. Theres more boomers I see walking around with hotter thai girls than the handful of chads I saw with girls, again probably transactional but the very few chads I saw had some straight uggos to mids that even I would be embarrased to be seen with. I do know some guy I was talking to on reddit (6'2 jbw but ltn face) who managed to snag a 7 by thai standards but he got extremely lucky and found her when she was first on the apps. One that stuck out to me was in Golden Horde temple, I saw a straight giga chad (not exaggerating, this dude would be in a youtube shorts mogger brain rot video with cringe zoomer music in the background and psl faggots wanting to suck his dick) with a brown girl was definietly above average by thai brown standards. she also spoke very westernized tho through her vocal tones, so maybe they met on some foreign exchange or something. the fact that I remember this encounter just shows the very few I saw with local women lol. This is just an observation though, the apps I am sure are filled to brim with chads that inflate the womens egos here. I didnt go to any normie clubs or bars that were outside coomer zones either so that could make a difference.

Oh and an edit, ABSOLUTELY AVOID KHAO SAN ROAD AT ALL COSTS. I have never seen as a high of a concentration of chads and stacies before in my life. There are more good looking men there than in a european or american city. Theres not alot of local women and men there either and full of scams, pure normie scum zone.

even the p4p isn't the best in bangkok, although raw sex is abundent. Again, not saying its completely over and impossible, far from it, its just more from a cost analysis standpoint and quality not just in terms of looks but even attitude as well. Also the thaicels who cope with the muh you cant get hiso girls are half truth, the reality is those girls are upper class and only pine for thai chads, kchangs, etc but are so low in quantity. A chinese becky mogs them too, they are just plastic maxxed, the average girls here are only slighly above pinays due to access to makeup and the like. Honestly even pattaya is better for free sex/hookups then bangkok lol.

Don't get it twisted guys, definitely visit Thailand. The experiences I made here were amazing and I will remember them for the rest of my life. Just be aware of the things I mentioned. If you are a mid white, black, or east asian guy you should be fine overall. Good babys first trip and long term spot if girls are not your number 1 priority. Flip copers wont admit it but youre quality of life here is true geomaxxing. That alone makes up for the somewhat shitty foid situation imo
lmfao I was on Khaosan my first night in thailand and I was legit jumping in the middle of a huge crowd getting the whole place lit that was my first coom in thailand within 15 minutes no shit a girl pulled me into a back alley and sucked my dick until I came then half chub(fully drunk) stuck it in her poosay and proceeded to work my way back to rock solid before nutting in her and getting her number

if you get mogged on Khaosan it's over for you son

also pathetic use of the word "gook" and obviously westard thinking their race/culture are superior, white women cuture wise are the absolute bottom of the barrel worldwide and asian men regard western women as loose sluts, which is why I fucked 3 while I was in Thailand lmfao

the forum posters here are pathetic

shit story kill yourself, the majority of asian women in all asian countries would reject whites even rich ones and could give a fuck about you and your western degeneracy
cambodia is better simply because it’s on the mainland and has more access to foreign investment

don’t delude yourself just because you live there now. it’s a shithole

having a fulltime maid as a basic standard of living is a shithole

having affordable housing meanwhile the median income in the USA is 40k and the average rent payment is $1,500 or about half of what you make, this makes the phillipines a shithole

brb going outside and seeing kids playing with each other in the street, what a shithole unlike the west where children are on their phones from age 10 on average on social media

what a shithole country with most people working small businesses, too bad they can't go work for dogshit salaries at huge conglomerates who have paid off politicians, unable to ever buy a home, thinking they can do good work for 20+ years and the company will take care of them like their parents and not fuck them over right before they retire

yeah what a shithole country, unlike most of the CIVILIZED world it doesn't have obesity rates near fucking 50%, the girls there are all moderate bodyweight and walk every single day of the week, where the average western women is literally a BBW, what a shithole

what a shithole where most of the food doesn't have preservatives, or super high levels of salt, sugar, and fat to keep you addicted to one of the half dozen parent companies of the handful of companies in stores all owned by the same corporate leaders'

what a shithole they don't have effectively privatized beaches surrounded by the most expensive cities in the fucking planet

what a shithole where you have free medical treatment for Phillipines unlike the USA where a ride in an ambulance, without your consent, cost's $1,500+ and 1 day in a hospital costs $3,000, where cancer, which will affect 50% of the population will effectively bankrupt you with out health insurance and the cost of health insurance for 1 month is about what a Filipino makes in a month

Phillipines, where women are taught to respect men and be mothers, what a shithole where women cook, clean, and respect their husbands unlike the west where women are taught men aren't shit, suck and fuck as much as you can while your young and hardworking men making slightly above average salaries doing the work that keeps cities running are trash and your feet pics make 10x as much as they do so you should shit all over them.

yeah brother we have different ideas of shithole, I am fucking rich too but I would say the entire west especially the USA is a shithole and I wouldn't quite say the Phillipines are a shithole since you can raise children there without your daughter becoming a whore and future unmarried 30 year old delusional social media obsessed attention whore and raise your son to be a man and watch him as a young man have success with women and build a family.

but you do you boo boo, after all the streets don't look aesthetic and cars are older, and stuff isn't all brand new since all the slightly worn stuff is being burned in a fucking garbage dump so the entire population can stay living check to check and in debt chasing the next shiny new materialistic bullshit that makes the west MUH FIRST WORLD
lmfao I was on Khaosan my first night in thailand and I was legit jumping in the middle of a huge crowd getting the whole place lit that was my first coom in thailand within 15 minutes no shit a girl pulled me into a back alley and sucked my dick until I came then half chub(fully drunk) stuck it in her poosay and proceeded to work my way back to rock solid before nutting in her and getting her number

if you get mogged on Khaosan it's over for you son

also pathetic use of the word "gook" and obviously westard thinking their race/culture are superior, white women cuture wise are the absolute bottom of the barrel worldwide and asian men regard western women as loose sluts, which is why I fucked 3 while I was in Thailand lmfao

the forum posters here are pathetic

shit story kill yourself, the majority of asian women in all asian countries would reject whites even rich ones and could give a fuck about you and your western degeneracy
when did you go to KR, 2005? there are like zero locals besides the touts, kys nigcel. They only tolerate blacks because of money, if you were from africa theyd completely ignore you. Useless waste of space poster
when did you go to KR, 2005? there are like zero locals besides the touts, kys nigcel. They only tolerate blacks because of money, if you were from africa theyd completely ignore you. Useless waste of space poster
lol all you JBW whites all you yap about is race race race, your race did nothing for you back home despite giving you an advantage an outside your country it's honestly doing fuck all for you as well

no wonder you think your lame rcial insults hit, it just outlines how much of a coddled in-group individual you are

your going to end up going back home and staying angry at women and getting fucking ignored even more and continue the cycle because newsflash you are low SMV everywhere, and you will never attribute your own race to it, or your racial traits like low-t, small penis, average facial looks lmfao

you can keep throwing insults all you want mayomonkey but life thru you the biggest racial insult, and you think it's your advantage, it, and myself are still fucking laughing at your small dick energy, just like the girls you fuck
lol all you JBW whites all you yap about is race race race, your race did nothing for you back home despite giving you an advantage an outside your country it's honestly doing fuck all for you as well

no wonder you think your lame rcial insults hit, it just outlines how much of a coddled in-group individual you are

your going to end up going back home and staying angry at women and getting fucking ignored even more and continue the cycle because newsflash you are low SMV everywhere, and you will never attribute your own race to it, or your racial traits like low-t, small penis, average facial looks lmfao

you can keep throwing insults all you want mayomonkey but life thru you the biggest racial insult, and you think it's your advantage, it, and myself are still fucking laughing at your small dick energy, just like the girls you fuck
I didn't bring up race until you did, I clearly struck a nerve in your afrocentric coping. I don't engage with energy vampires and coping ethnics, keep seething and coping from the bottom of the well that you and quantcuck fester in
I didn't bring up race until you did, I clearly struck a nerve in your afrocentric coping. I don't engage with energy vampires and coping ethnics, keep seething and coping from the bottom of the well that you and quantcuck fester in
you started by taking the first girls who ever gave you a chance and calling them gooks

your on western standards and every asian person would goto the west and look at the girls you like and think they are fucking ugly and the truth is they are

unless you really have something against asians factually all women are attractive on a bell curve with western women not only factually rated by all races as less attractive than asians but also fatter adding a real accross the board negative, unless you like girls with a little meat on them

but it's super pathetic for you to go online and abuse the women who see you a person where in your home country you are a literal dog and probably care for you and your happiness more than the last 100 western women you interacted with combined

not interested in conversing with weak men like you, you're infectious in the way that makes people turn their own lives into dogshit and you will reap the fruits of this yourself in how it affects your life going forward fam legit I feel sorry for you most of all to enter a foreign situation and think you understand everything so clearly and having the confidence to come on here and post it...

everything you don't agree with is fake and gay but the irony is you are actually the one who is fake and gay fam, an angry little manlet and if girls could see the real you they would know how low your SMV actually is. You know how fucking worthless of a human being you are, so low and cheap you have to make up a fairy tale which your ego won't allow anyone to question that your white skin makes you better than others so you don't have deal with the fact that you know is true, you are a worthless individual, scum of the earth, lowest of the low, piece of shit.

you started by taking the first girls who ever gave you a chance and calling them gooks

your on western standards and every asian person would goto the west and look at the girls you like and think they are fucking ugly and the truth is they are

unless you really have something against asians factually all women are attractive on a bell curve with western women not only factually rated by all races as less attractive than asians but also fatter adding a real accross the board negative, unless you like girls with a little meat on them

but it's super pathetic for you to go online and abuse the women who see you a person where in your home country you are a literal dog and probably care for you and your happiness more than the last 100 western women you interacted with combined

not interested in conversing with weak men like you, you're infectious in the way that makes people turn their own lives into dogshit and you will reap the fruits of this yourself in how it affects your life going forward fam legit I feel sorry for you most of all to enter a foreign situation and think you understand everything so clearly and having the confidence to come on here and post it...

everything you don't agree with is fake and gay but the irony is you are actually the one who is fake and gay fam, an angry little manlet and if girls could see the real you they would know how low your SMV actually is. You know how fucking worthless of a human being you are, so low and cheap you have to make up a fairy tale which your ego won't allow anyone to question that your white skin makes you better than others so you don't have deal with the fact that you know is true, you are a worthless individual, scum of the earth, lowest of the low, piece of shit.

dnr, rot and cope
that is the most amazing thing here, it all depends on WHERE you live.

and i mean, the city of jakarta is so diverse. with 32 million plus people in this city, the south is completely different than the north. it takes an hour to an hour and a half to go from one end to the other.
west and east are newer, as there is room to grow. and you get a more quiet vibe. im living on the north east side now, and it's completely different from the north. But my dark sided self LOVES the north. the drit the grime, the easy and bad girls. (north is considered the red light district of jakarta) now i just have those girls travel 30 minutes to come see me.

you can find an area that is your jam, you just have to look. Me i want easy sex for the least amount of money, while still doing the dating thing when i want (2/3rd rule) 2 hookers, 1 normal girl.

like tonight i have a date with a normal girl, i know im going to pay more, but it's a normal time.

But ya, it all depends on where you live. Now the religion thing, this isn't the middle east. not even close.

so dont' worry about the muslim thing. HUGE differences between indo and middle east

first, women can walk around with pants, and they do
even skirts
they don't have to wear a jilbob.
alcohol is sold openly
the only reason you KNOW your in a different culture is if you are white, you are treated completely different in a good way.
people want you to be in their group, you don't even have to ask.

the only thing that is different than the rest of the world. the party places are hidden.

and what i mean by hidden is. They dont have big bright neon signs saying IN HERE IS THE PARTY kinda thing

you need to know where to go. a site like jakarta 100 bars helps biggly. or if you have someone that lives here.

otherwise, the quality of life is good. Lets put it this way. i can live ANYWHERE in the world i want. i make almost the same amount of money i did working full time.

and i chose here. right now. why?
I will give Jakarta a try for sure, along with Vietnam
I will give Jakarta a try for sure, along with Vietnam
Vietnam may have an even better/higher easiness-to-quality ratio than China from what I’ve personally experienced on dating apps; can’t wait to go soon lol
Vietnam may have an even better/higher easiness-to-quality ratio than China from what I’ve personally experienced on dating apps; can’t wait to go soon lol
china is less work than vietnam
In theory it should be due to the larger population; maybe I’m using the wrong dating apps and my assessment is incorrect…
he is talking about how easy it is to ONS
vietnam girls are well known for requiring multiple dates
chinese probably happy to do ONS with foreigner
he is talking about how easy it is to ONS
vietnam girls are well known for requiring multiple dates
chinese probably happy to do ONS with foreigner
OK, good point there.
That makes sense.

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