Napoleon de Geso
kemono friend from hopeless shithole
How often psychotherapy is helpfull for incels, working towards acvhieving our goals, not towards changing them and implementing new ones, compatinle with current feminist norms? I went to pshychologict, and while feared it might be just one more dose of talking shit, what I get enough from peoples, even freinds (and becaue of that they friends no more) but it went all ok, no tries to change my plans of searching for cute chronologically twice younger (18-22yo) girls in China. In lithuania (separatist part of Russia), where I to right swipe on 0,25% of females (world average 0,11%), and during 5 years of daily swiping got none matches, only some likes from females below my standards, while in China I swipe right on 091% (highest in world), and matches happen, but with social anxiety, OCD, and lame sedentary upbringing travel of thousands kilometers is hard piligrimage to do