News HelloTalk Language Exchange (International Dating App) 2024 Statistics Which They Deleted Because Of The Racepill

@geomaxer roped but no one cares cos hes a bald autistic virgin
@BoomBoom jobless autist who pays for sex in asia
@AlexBrown84 geomaxxing god
@kamster autist
@Pained4ever crab
@fatchadlitecel inactive
@Horizon55 literal virgin
@Aphex idk
@BeardedUnicorn sits there reading doomer content all day causing him to not do anything
@6"8_With_Tall_Girl_fetish idk
@QuantativeAnalyticalBS this is an asian guy who pretends to be white to try throw you guys off and make you feel not desired in asia
@KingWigga idk
@Kevin_Logan idk
@Tai Bwo Wannai unlock me you little nigger colonized slave
@biggunsar idk
@ImFree007 mogger oldcel
@Friar Tuck idk
I've tried it. The asian foid I was texting thought it was weird how I was still up and texting her. I gave up in the end.
brutal for you. i get messaged by like 20 korean girls per day. i cant even keep up with them, i feel overwhelmed and end up speaking to none. i wish only like 1 or 2 would message me so i can focus on them
brutal for you. i get messaged by like 20 korean girls per day. i cant even keep up with them, i feel overwhelmed and end up speaking to none. i wish only like 1 or 2 would message me so i can focus on them
What pics did you use and how do you look like
average. most important thing is paperr white face.
Did you spam hundreds of women? I've tried hellotalk myself, but nobody ever reached out, I had to spam 100 women for 1 of them to respond (and ghost me immediately).
Did you spam hundreds of women? I've tried hellotalk myself, but nobody ever reached out, I had to spam 100 women for 1 of them to respond (and ghost me immediately).
lol. 20 women spam me per day. i dont have to message anyone. send me ur pics in pm and ill help
set your language to spanish and you get a ton of latin american chicas

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