has looksmax reached the end of its rope?


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2024
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dont have enough time to monitor whats going on anymore. one guy made a face scanning app to tell you which ratios you needed to alter if you could. aside from that it seems like the movement has more or less reached the end of its discoveries in terms of useful information.

the PUAs were the result of the first stage of hypergamy. looksmax was the result of normal people being backed into a corner.

what's next? koreans know about mewing now, for fucks sake. is the next step just useless drivel?
It'll be to start trying to be an actually interesting person with a unique purpose rather than merely attempting to signal it, or rather than being r-selected and relying on looks and PUA rather than leading a life of meaning + having a more broad and niche definition of 'status'.
I read this thread and it seems pretty legit ngl or is at least pointing to something very real
I am not so sure the average person is capable of being interesting. I dont think their minds can grasp the concepts behind it. I mean, if being interesting was possible for them, then in an evolutionary sense it should have already been more strongly selected for. the selection is there, but weak, so it is not a common trait.

thread is good. I am surprised they are speculating about the future in the same way. it's a cut above most .org threads.
I am not so sure the average person is capable of being interesting. I dont think their minds can grasp the concepts behind it. I mean, if being interesting was possible for them, then in an evolutionary sense it should have already been more strongly selected for. the selection is there, but weak, so it is not a common trait.

thread is good. I am surprised they are speculating about the future in the same way. it's a cut above most .org threads.
what makes someone interesting

i didn’t bother reading that thread

maybe one day i will
what makes someone interesting

i didn’t bother reading that thread

maybe one day i will
the thread didnt delve into that. that was orientalist's take. the takes in the thread range from increased hypergamy to the point that people off themselves, to violent revolution to reversion to sugardaddy game after women get bored with chad lites and know they cannot get commitment from chad lites, so they chase purely money, because even a chad is unfulfilling to their increased expectations. among the takes in the thread, the idea that low tier women will get bored even of chad strikes the most true, so they'll just go after money, this seems the truest. no one seemed to consider that being interesting is possible. it kind of betrays .org's weakness. they are hyperfocused on biology with (mostly) correct takes on the details of the biology, and basically ignore most other aspects. the thread is good if you approach it with that in mind
the thread didnt delve into that. that was orientalist's take. the takes in the thread range from increased hypergamy to the point that people off themselves, to violent revolution to reversion to sugardaddy game after women get bored with chad lites and know they cannot get commitment from chad lites, so they chase purely money, because even a chad is unfulfilling to their increased expectations. among the takes in the thread, the idea that low tier women will get bored even of chad strikes the most true, so they'll just go after money, this seems the truest. no one seemed to consider that being interesting is possible. it kind of betrays .org's weakness. they are hyperfocused on biology with (mostly) correct takes on the details of the biology, and basically ignore most other aspects. the thread is good if you approach it with that in mind
but what makes someone interesting in your opinion
dont have enough time to monitor whats going on anymore. one guy made a face scanning app to tell you which ratios you needed to alter if you could. aside from that it seems like the movement has more or less reached the end of its discoveries in terms of useful information.

the PUAs were the result of the first stage of hypergamy. looksmax was the result of normal people being backed into a corner.

what's next? koreans know about mewing now, for fucks sake. is the next step just useless drivel?
i would say most of the new discoveries have been retarded mode a long time ago
but yeah there's not a lot more you can keep discovering and implementing
meta will always change and new products will improve but it's gonna be small % of improvement every year

its now well understood and documented what girls like and how to get there
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It'll be to start trying to be an actually interesting person with a unique purpose rather than merely attempting to signal it, or rather than being r-selected and relying on looks and PUA rather than leading a life of meaning + having a more broad and niche definition of 'status'.
I read this thread and it seems pretty legit ngl or is at least pointing to something very real
dnr. But anyway looksmaxxing was always the final cope. Imagine thinking our current societial paradigm is leading to healthy outcomes
dont have enough time to monitor whats going on anymore. one guy made a face scanning app to tell you which ratios you needed to alter if you could. aside from that it seems like the movement has more or less reached the end of its discoveries in terms of useful information.

the PUAs were the result of the first stage of hypergamy. looksmax was the result of normal people being backed into a corner.

what's next? koreans know about mewing now, for fucks sake. is the next step just useless drivel?
mainstream died and most normies gave up which i predicted (it was super obvious). pretty much they understood that it's all genetics and the trend died out
looksmaxxing has simplified to "you need to get lean, then consider implants, genio, rhino, and bimax" consultations. because that's really all that mattered. the more autistic shit is just cope for users capped at mtn or broke zoomers. so i think it will be a mix of both useless drivel and chad lookalike surgery packages.

furthermore, dating apps are dying and it'll be more about using social media leverage to build a rotation of women. so perfectionist psl lookism will not be of importance, but familiarity and social media status. the time to start growing a social media following is right now, if you already haven't done it yet. i'd personally rather just keep in touch with a bunch of girls then ask to meet up with them rather than solely relying on hookups with random strangers, i think women would rather have that too.

normies are not in an ideal spot right now but some are still adamant on doing whatever it is they think they will need to do and put up with that. there are a lot of normies doing different things. rotting, simping, jestermaxxing, looksmaxxing, gymmaxxing, hagmaxxing, hogmaxxing, geomaxxing short-term, careermaxxing, relationship with feminist becky that doesn't want to do any chores and gives sex once a week and cheats on him, being perpetually single. so it's hard to say that the majority of normies ever put in any effort to looksmax at all besides naive gymmaxxing.

and this "women can do no wrong, it's always men's fault" is the mentality that a lot of normies still have, "i can't get dates ever, and i get rejected all the time, been single for over a decade, but garsh gollee, i would NEVER take it upon myself to blame womyn!!" and still defend and worship women. many are not ready nor brave enough to overcome that.
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but what makes someone interesting in your opinion
I think if you understand what a person wants and how they think it's easy enough to key in on that and joke around and relate to them, in addition with an element of power. girls will always think chad is funny. thats why a best friend is 'interesting' because they key in on and play off of what you like and aim for. the difference is that most people only ever begin to understand their best friends because they're incapable of actually understanding or relating to anyone even slightly different. imo its not that hard. but it requires a dimension of social intelligence that can see what a person is going to say before they say it themselves. most people are not interested in others, only themselves. the archetypal example of someone failing to do this would be some ethnic dressing up in gold chains running around yelling "I am cool I am cool look at me." 100% inability to understand others. the only dimension to their identity is what they want, and whatthey want other people to understand about them, which is attention, and power, and ability to project violence. effective in some cultures purely by virtue of the power they may or may not wield, but not 'interesting' per say.
looksmaxxing has simplified to "you need to get lean, then consider implants, genio, rhino, and bimax" consultations. because that's really all that mattered. the more autistic shit is just cope for users capped at mtn or broke zoomers. so i think it will be a mix of both useless drivel and chad lookalike surgery packages.

furthermore, dating apps are dying and it'll be more about using social media leverage to build a rotation of women. so perfectionist psl lookism will not be of importance, but familiarity and social media status. the time to start growing a social media following is right now, if you already haven't done it yet. i'd personally rather just keep in touch with a bunch of girls then ask to meet up with them rather than solely relying on hookups with random strangers, i think women would rather have that too.

normies are not in an ideal spot right now but some are still adamant on doing whatever it is they think they will need to do and put up with that. there are a lot of normies doing different things. rotting, simping, jestermaxxing, looksmaxxing, gymmaxxing, hagmaxxing, hogmaxxing, geomaxxing short-term, careermaxxing, relationship with feminist becky that doesn't want to do any chores and gives sex once a week and cheats on him, being perpetually single. so it's hard to say that the majority of normies ever put in any effort to looksmax at all besides naive gymmaxxing.

and this "women can do no wrong, it's always men's fault" is the mentality that a lot of normies still have, "i can't get dates ever, and i get rejected all the time, been single for over a decade, but garsh gollee, i would NEVER take it upon myself to blame womyn!!" and still defend and worship women. many are not ready nor brave enough to overcome that.
PSL was a always a kike psyop. Paying for it will always be the most efficient way of getting laid as a sub8 male without sacriicing your dignity jestermaxxing imo, it just depends on how much you can tolerate it. And geomaxxing obviously. Once you reach a certain point and have interacted with enough women you realize it is fruitless and most bring zero value to your life other than pussy and validation, which the latter kind of becomes more and more fading the more experiences you have and the older you get. Depends on how much you really value it, I know guys with luxury condos in brazil calling over 9/10 sugarbabies to creampie every night vs guys paying like 3k a month in Manilla to bang 5/10 75 iq sea monkeys , it really depends on where your priorities lie I guess. Me personally I would much rather pay than have to do any of those things you mentioned in your post, other than looksmaxxing and staying in shape. I think more and more guys are realizing this too.
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Me personally I would much rather pay than have to do any of those things you mentioned in your post
i just see p4p as like taking a piss, no need to larp with emotions or connection

i'd do p4p too when it's cheap and i'm lazy, and i have a type of girl in mind
I love how 99% of looksmax community members do a bunch of shit like mewing, hairstyles, skin care, weight loss, plastic surgery, and almost all of them end up looking subhuman. Massive cope. There is no way for you to change your genetics. Maybe you had good genetics but just obese, then that would work
I love how 99% of looksmax community members do a bunch of shit like mewing, hairstyles, skin care, weight loss, plastic surgery, and almost all of them end up looking subhuman. Massive cope. There is no way for you to change your genetics. Maybe you had good genetics but just obese, then that would work
surgery worked for me

My deranged scibblings.

I think looksmaxxing is really good for those guys between 5.5 and 7.5 or so who just need that extra 1.0-1.5 points of SMV to boost them into the sexual abundance zone.

If you're below a 5 you are not going to get very far from looksmaxxing unless you delve into the dark arts of more serious, high-risk high-reward surgeries. Sure you might go from a 4 to a 5.5 but that's not going to make too big of a splash in your dating prospects.

If you're above an 8 you are also not going to change very much. I have seen guys who are 8+ who have some kind of fucked up fixation on their looks despite being beautiful already. Way better to focus on money and logistics.

It doesn't take very long to understand what good looksmaxxing is and do it. You maximize, and then you move on to learning game and fixing your logistics (like geomaxxing). That's all you can do.
furthermore, dating apps are dying and it'll be more about using social media leverage to build a rotation of women. so perfectionist psl lookism will not be of importance, but familiarity and social media status. the time to start growing a social media following is right now, if you already haven't done it yet. i'd personally rather just keep in touch with a bunch of girls then ask to meet up with them rather than solely relying on hookups with random strangers, i think women would rather have that too.

This 100%. I've felt this way for years. For 99% of people this is going to be Instagram. Have at least ~300 followers, have more followers than following, have at least 5-6 cool photos on your profile, post stories. There is something powerful about giving a girl your Instagram and knowing it's fairly high status. Doing the rounds in the DMs is probably the highest ratio of reward to effort you can ask for.
This 100%. I've felt this way for years. For 99% of people this is going to be Instagram. Have at least ~300 followers, have more followers than following, have at least 5-6 cool photos on your profile, post stories. There is something powerful about giving a girl your Instagram and knowing it's fairly high status. Doing the rounds in the DMs is probably the highest ratio of reward to effort you can ask for.
one of the inevitable conclusions of a social media rotation being the modern standard rather than dating apps is that people get exponential returns on increasingly good looks. a 10 will get ten times the lays of a 9, and a 9 ten times the lays of an 8. which is how girls get bodycounts of 50 by the end of college but the average dude has has 1 maybe, and chads get several hundred.

looksmaxing probably helps a 9 the most
I have been around these communities since late-2020; I would have never thought I could comfortably talk about looks-maxxing and the blackpill in public and have no one views me as a retarded autist, the amount of misinformation about looks-maxxing I see on Tiktok is insane; and these retarded normies do nothing but spew out creator commissioned bullshit, even worse, the popularization of looks-maxxing somehow makes attractiveness standards amongst men SO much fucking worse than it already was; therefore, I have distanced myself from this bullshit and switched from .org to this website I guess
normies have always been dumb. I dont think its specifically related to some sort of change in the .org sphere.

I guess it depends on where you're from a bit but I am a little surprised you even ended up in .org with the way you look
normies have always been dumb. I dont think its specifically related to some sort of change in the .org sphere.

I guess it depends on where you're from a bit but I am a little surprised you even ended up in .org with the way you look

Eh, I meant .org tard knowledge being transferred to TikTok and creators being able to profit off of it

I was never horrifically ugly growing up, but I was a bloated, average-height (5'7 at 15), and skinny teenager with acne. Normally, I wouldn't be bullied for looking like this much, but at the time, I had horrible social skills, a speech impediment, and I am autistic; therefore, my average to below average looks plus my extremely neurodivergent personality led me to be bullied and socially ostracized, which eventually led me to .org

all these pictures are from 2020 to 2022


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I dont think the majority of the knowledge will ever actually be diffused properly. sure its slightly annoying, but you have to bank on the fact that you can continue to gain access to better knowledge from thousands of people as it develops and that the vast majority will take away, at most, a single useful concept from what has been developed, and will still leave you ahead of the pack. I dont think I have ever actually seen the knowledge applied consistently by more than like .01% of people. normies still believe in feminism for gods sake
I dont think the majority of the knowledge will ever actually be diffused properly. sure its slightly annoying, but you have to bank on the fact that you can continue to gain access to better knowledge from thousands of people as it develops and that the vast majority will take away, at most, a single useful concept from what has been developed, and will still leave you ahead of the pack. I dont think I have ever actually seen the knowledge applied consistently by more than like .01% of people. normies still believe in feminism for gods sake
anything that involves multi year effort, no matter how good, will never be popular

example: the gym
everyone knows you can ascend going to the gym, yet no more than 10% have a good gym body
anything that involves multi year effort, no matter how good, will never be popular

example: the gym
everyone knows you can ascend going to the gym, yet no more than 10% have a good gym body
gym is cope

skinny is life

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