Geomax Getting ready to begin my next circumnavigation of the globe


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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getting ready to begin my circumnavigation of the globe (i believe my second or third time, but this one being done via mainly land.)

i’ll be starting in vietnam

heading up along the coast of china and into xianjiang

crossing into central asia thru kyrgyzstan

crossing the caspian sea into the caucuses

going from istanbul to athens, visiting all the shit euro countries in that region and then upwards into eastern europe. probably going into ukraine

then to belarus poland and down to prague. if the timing aligns i’ll go watch the euros in germany. then heading to london

then flying to brazil and going to all the surrounding countries

then flying to new zealand and heading to the southern island and do some hiking

then australia

then east timor

then flying to taiwan where my journey ends

plans are subject to change. i have been fancying going down to uganda and climbing a mountain so maybe i’ll incorporate that

or i could die on this odyssey

such is the life of a geomaxxer

just picked up a freshly minted pair of oxfords at the cobbler. i’m sure they’ll be absolutely destroyed in a few months time

@KingOfAsia if i manage to come back from this expedition, i will have completed a doctorates in geomax management

anyone here been to the central asian countries? this is where i’m looking forward to the most

i’m going on this trip with only a 26 liter backpack. not none of that fag giant ass bag shit

pic of the bag i’ll be taking

i’ll write a travel log in a notebook in order to help me turn it into a book when i finish. anyone have experience doing this stuff? @KingOfAsia

godspeed fellas

speaking of fellow, i will establish the geomax fellowship

@dimorphism you speak ethiopian right? i tell you what, start saving up your pennies and in a few months time we fly to addis ababa and go on an adventure. maybe go see where supposedly the ark of the covenant is

@Napoleon de Geso care to show me around lithuania? not that there’s much to see in that dump haha

i think the book i’ll take to read with me is don quixote. or should i go for something more eastern like journey to the west

either way i’ll read many books on this expedition

i doubt the landscapes of central asia will eclipse the mongolian steppes but even if they manage to come a tenth of reaching it, i’ll be happy
my travel log will be like a diamond. all the editor will have to do is polish it and put it in a display case

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