Geomaxing to Asia is retarded


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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Racism, nepotism, ecconomic restrictions, such as, limited ability to buy land and property. Jobs aren't open to foreigners except for English teaching which pays nothing and you get worked to the bone. Asian women have a same race preference in dating, it's less than other races, but overall, it doesn't matter if you're a sub human white or a Chadlite, basically, the majority of attractive and healthy functioning asian women don't innately desire you and see foreign men as tools. The language barriers, weird cultural differences. Just to name a few major draw backs.

Now, if you're going there for short stays to slay, fair enough. But staying in SEA isn't feasible over the long term. It's a niche place that works for digital nomads or retirees. For everyone else, it's a farce
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Work in west geomax in asia

For normal (non trustfund) people, this mogs:

have a base and travel for 3-6 months every year
Racism, nepotism, ecconomic restrictions, such as, limited ability to buy land and property. Jobs aren't open to foreigners except for English teaching which pays nothing and you get worked to the bone. Asian women have a same race preference in dating, it's less than other races, but overall, it doesn't matter if you're a sub human white or a Chadlite, basically, the majority of attractive and healthy functioning asian women don't innately desire you and see foreign men as tools. The language barriers, weird cultural differences. Just to name a few major draw backs.

Now, if you're going there for short stays to slay, fair enough. But staying in SEA isn't feasible over the long term. It's a niche place that works for digital nomads or retirees. For everyone else, it's a farce
I agree SEA is cope if you are a youngcel
its half true, most hot and high status girls will prefer high status asian guy or asian chang. its why so many tall white guys froth at the mouth in bangkok
they froth bc they get pussy just for existing there, a good looking white guy can easily get hot Asian girls just by putting in a little effort
its half true, most hot and high status girls will prefer high status asian guy or asian chang. its why so many tall white guys froth at the mouth in bangkok
Most hot and high status asians prefer high status. The same is true everywhere in the world, I don't think anyone here has known high status girls if you think an average white guy has any chance. Being hot is not enough for those girls, at the very least you need looks, good education, fashion, charisma and a good job. Extra points if you have social status.

Lets be real, most asian expats turn into partying and chasing pussy, which is the opposite of high status.
Racism, nepotism, ecconomic restrictions, such as, limited ability to buy land and property. Jobs aren't open to foreigners except for English teaching which pays nothing and you get worked to the bone. Asian women have a same race preference in dating, it's less than other races, but overall, it doesn't matter if you're a sub human white or a Chadlite, basically, the majority of attractive and healthy functioning asian women don't innately desire you and see foreign men as tools. The language barriers, weird cultural differences. Just to name a few major draw backs.

Now, if you're going there for short stays to slay, fair enough. But staying in SEA isn't feasible over the long term. It's a niche place that works for digital nomads or retirees. For everyone else, it's a farce
I don't think it's that extreme although i agree with the general critique.
SEA is becoming a lot more viable for longterm remote workers/rich people, there's more longterm expats communities that are there for non pussy or because they are broke, a lot less weirdos and more cool people.

In most cases, it's still a place thats popular because of low hanging fruit, where you can go there relatively easy and cheap, and have a better life.

Now if you want to raise to the top, you want to look at East Asia, USA, or European hubs.
no tyim not spending half a year annualy in chastity
You can have your base in asia, but then you better be working as an entrepreneur or remotely for a western company, unless you want to live like a rat (work-sleep-repeat).

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