geomaxing in these countries


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2022
what do you think of papua new guinea, north korea, somalia, venezuela, sri lanka, jharkhand or nepal? id imagine in these countries theyve never seen a white person in their life. you can become a king right when you arrive.
I think Nepal would see White people all the time due to Mt. Everest. India in general is a shithole and my understanding - not great to live in even if you could easily fuck the local women.

North Korea you can't sneak away from the guided tour long enough to do anything except get a smile from a 4'9" Korean woman.
do you think they actively go to mt everest though? maybe some of those self hating ones try and find a husband there.
I think Nepal would see White people all the time due to Mt. Everest
Only 500 people summit Mount Everest per year lol. Its not that bad.

And Mount Everest is on the boarder to China, I would assume the rest of the country doesn't have much tourism
Only 500 people summit Mount Everest per year lol. Its not that bad.

And Mount Everest is on the boarder to China, I would assume the rest of the country doesn't have much tourism
Interesting, I didn't know it was that few of a number. I assumed it was much more due to the crowding up there now. It makes sense that you can probably only attempt a climb during a short window of time every year though.
I mean somalia is a Muslim country, I doubt they'd let you fuck unless you larp as you converted to Islam.

Venezuela would be cool but lots of young people are leaving, for other South American Countries.

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