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Seagull Seancer
Jul 31, 2022
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Ticket Selling: Make money on holiday with no upfront cost.​

Thank you for buying this guide. I will teach you the art of ticket selling whilst providing valuable insights on salesmanship. I will provide a solid framework and practical exercises to learn the art of sales within 3 months or less (if you are really committed). Although to gain mastery in sales you need to spend years perfecting your skills.You don’t need to spend years to make money with ticket selling. I understand you don’t have time to waste and likely do not want a career in sales which is why I have created a solid framework that teaches you all you need to know about sales in one reading.

To put into perspective why you should continue reading this guide, ticket sales allow you to:

Become that guy that has no job but is able to live like a king wherever you travel.

Live life like you don’t pay rent.

The desirability of your resume will increase 100-fold when you mention you have real sales experience.

Ticket selling gives you the opportunity to pick up chicks. The information in this guide teaches you game at the same time.

This is the power ticket selling provides.

What is ticket selling?​

To summarise quickly, ticket sellers are people who approach tourists and sell them nightclub tickets. Ticket sellers are known to make 200 EUR.

The truth about the average seller is that they are completely mediocre. You can make double that if you have a brain. I personally know someone who made 2000 EUR a week ticket selling, however, this guy was a professional salesman.

If you decide ticket selling isn’t for you will still find value in this guide. The information in this book can be used in every aspect in your life. In many companies CEOs are willing to pay salesmen more than they pay themselves for a reason. Sales is the most in demand skill in the world.

How does sales work?​

The image above tells you how to sell. Effective selling is about:
  1. Knowing the unique benefits of the service or product you are representing
  2. Knowing the effective sales techniques to reach through to your customer
  3. Knowing what your customers' needs are
  4. Strategically linking these points together to create an effective pitch.
As illustrated, this formula can be very complex. What differentiates an effective seller from a mediocre is the ability to discern the relationships between these three selling gates.The selling game, as I like to call it, is often a spontaneous and on-the spot process but can be learnt with practice.

Drill this vital lesson into your head; the effort-results snowball. The more you tackle hard, uncomfortable and boring tasks with drive, guile and determination, the sooner you will see results which will motivate you even harder to achieve greater results. This perpetual cycle creates a snowball event. You will need this lesson for the exercises in this guide. If you believe in affirmations you can repeat the following mantra “the harder I try, the more I achieve. The more I achieve, the harder I try”.

When you get good at selling you will realise that:
  • some connections are able to connect straight through to the customer.
  • some connections are able to hit connect multiple selling techniques or customers together
  • Some connections need to combine with other connections to
  • some connections are simply more effective at getting the customer to buy,
  • some connections only appropriate to use in some situations
  • And some customers prefer that you get straight to the point.

A method to increase sales is to create a low budget SMS marketing campaign. Specialised software is able to make the process very convenient however you can create a campaign for free by collecting the phone numbers or instagram handles of people you approach on the street and sending them copy and paste DM messages. I recommend that you create a separate instagram account or use a burner phone for campaigns to make the process easier to track. I also recommend that you post photos on your instagram account, posts related to the holiday location are ideal but if you plan to move to a different country it’s not a deal breaker to use the same account. The use of instagram stories to sell offers are also recommended. To conclude, I recommend that you do not create promo messages longer than 50 words. For example, “20% OFF drinks at Coconut BAR in Ibiza. Come join us before the party ends!” is a great promo message however you can create longer messages if needed.

Selling techniques​

A list of all the selling techniques you need.
  • Emotional Selling
  • Greed
  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Pride
  • Aspiration
  • Hedonism
  • Laziness
  • Priming
  • Gaining trust
  • Building rapport
  • Hooks
  • Scarcity
  • Paradigm shifting
  • Anecdotes and storytelling
  • Brainstorming
  • Objection handling
  • Directed open questions - Open questions that lead to a planned out path.
  • Promo offers (buy one get one free, discounts, gift cards, buy before X time)

Customer needs​

You need to create a customer profile portfolio. The best way to do this is through surveys or memorising important information about customer demographics from previous sales. You likely do not have access to these methods so you need to create a hypothetical interview. Ask yourself how the “x” demographic of customers would answer the following questions.

  • What is their age?
  • What is their gender?
  • What do they want?
  • What logical fallacies are they likely to fall into? (Don’t be unethical and exploit these, shed to light these logical fallacies in your pitches as a selling mechanism instead)
  • What are their political beliefs?
  • What are their income levels?
  • What are their religious beliefs?
  • What is their nationality?
  • Where are they currently living?
  • What do they do for work?
  • What do they do for fun?
  • What do they stress about at night?
  • What is their style of communication?
  • How big is their family?
  • If they won the lottery what would they spend the money on?
  • Are they likely to plan for the future? And how?
  • What political events have they lived through and how did it affect them?
  • What is their educational level?
  • What type of media do they consume the most? And what niche is that media in? (e.g instagram, fashion accounts)
  • What first impressions will they likely have of you?

Remember: if you don’t know the answer to these questions use the internet.

When reviewing your notes it’s important to remember to:

  • Find the averages of these questions, although humans like to think we’re different, we are very much alike in personality.
  • Rank the customer needs in rank of importance and make sure to spend the most time addressing the most important needs in your selling.
  • Research online the demographics of people that travel to the area you want to sell in.


You do not need to practise all of these exercises.

  • Pick a volunteering cause in your local area and hand out posters.
  • Creating a swipe file. To create a swipe file you need to collect examples of good selling that you can rewatch or re-read when you practise selling.
  • Creating a “bag of tricks” of techniques or knowledge that you come up with.
  • Imaginary selling interviews in front of a mirror or camera.

Ticket selling programs​
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